Get woke, go broke

Get woke, go broke.

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I didn't know SJW's were the ones who engineered this world ending super virus.

most businesses and organizations that have "gone woke" have not, in fact, gone broke

where are all those non-woke right wing comics people keep saying are going to be the new normal?

do you think that comics are dying because the industry is "getting woke" or because the quality of comics in the west just cannot match eastern comics and online comics?--it's probably that first thing and not the manga thing at all

Fuck off casual.

If they made comics that appealed to right audience they would have enough money to survive this.

Motherfucker, it rhymes. That means it gotta be true.

>Casual is casual.

Covid is affecting everyone, faggot.

You think EVS won't see some trickle down money woes because all this followers can't go to work?

Sometimes I like to close my eyes and imagine a Yas Forums where gamergate and r/the_donald had never happened.
Then I open them and see shit like this.

>If Marvel was allowed to draw women like this, Coronavirus would never have happened.

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Nuke the Whales

Because Yas Forums NEETs have so much disposable income
Why don't you buy some of Van Scriver and YaBoyZak's comics so they don't have to prostitute himself on social media anymore?

>Covid is affecting everyone
Then why popular video games that have been released now print money? Why people keep buying good indie comics?

The Chinese scientists wouldn't have made the virus if they were too busy looking at them thighs

Love complaining about the exact same shit for 6 years straight.

So many angry roasties ITT, come see me when Corona is over, I'll let you suck my dick for a Costco giftcard.

Jesus alot of reddit here this morning, why do you faggots hurt yourselfs, you know this isnt your safespace

I unironically find woke comics to be pretty interesting and engaging. That Female Furies by Cecil Castellucci where they had to deal with systematic sexism or that eternity girl where it was just a sad girl dealing with suicidal depression is more interesting than seeing someone trying to imitate a Morrison comic.

>casualgaters are so starved of attention (and good comics) that some of them are trying to resurrect the milkshake non-drama again and tie it into their newest outrage

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Pencils down everyone, it's over

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Talk to me in three months when EVS is down on his hands and knees.

This, fuck SJWs

This is art style is shit. And character design too.

He's probably already is.

>All of OP's points got logically refuted
>OP has no leg left to stand on
>OP still wins


I can't tell if these posts are bait or seething ex writers, oh well PENCILS DOWN LADS

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Found the retard

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Start buying them then so the people wirtting them quit going into poverty

Dumb whore can't actually argue so she just declares herself winner with green text, typical.

you shut the fuck up

It's time to put it down son

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>all of OPS points got logically refuted
>OPS points got logically refuted
>points got logically refuted
>got logically refuted
>logically refuted

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You can buy a game without leaving your home and it's right there.

Comic shops and book stores are closed. If I want to use Amazon ( and frankly I don't, not in this crisis) it's going to take a week or more to get there.

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Isn't this shtick played out?

How much has Battletoads sold?

I can find better porn artists anywhere who will go hardcore, why would anyone waste money on this sophomoric softcore?


It's an election year so expect more of this.

More like "Get cough, fuck off"
But seriously Coronachan gon kill all y'all niggas

Υοu can order comics and books online and deliver them at your home. Also digital comics/books exist.

Enough to make a profit to the creators, unlike "woken" comics.

Yeah, but most CG's are kind of autistic so they don't know that the people they're arguing with really don't give a fuck about them anymore.

It's not a debate if only one side is arguing.

digital comics are a thing, oh wait no one wants to buy then because they suck.

>Something sexy
have sex

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Thank fuck for coronavirus hogging all the attention then. The Democrat shit was insufferable enough.

>Casualfags are still spamming their retarded hashtag
I'm tempted to storytime this abomination.

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I can't picture a human being who still gets anything out of 'le rekt sjw pwnd by facts and logic!!11" in the year 2020. How are people still bitching about this exact same garbage.

thats the fucking point. whole work at marvel or DC is done by freelancers and hire and fire departments. they are gone into vacation mode when trying to cash massive from goverment substitutes..

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>so she just declares
Nope, user actually described the sequence of events.

oh shit i'm now too embarrassed and ashamed to disagree with you, you've utterly demolished those casuals. It's good to know I have the same opinion as the larger majority, including hard core comicbook fans such as yourself.
You have made me seethe and feel foolish, great god

Indeed, user, indeed.

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>Nope she just made up a sequence of events
Fixed that for you, Gail.

It's, objectively, at the very least, erotic material.


if it looks hotter than me, it's porn

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>made up

OP is effectively mistaken for implying that getting woke caused pencildown whereas it is caused by the Covid-19 Virus, combined for the abysmal incompetency of Diamond publishing, which has been known for years.

A rare pic of Batman putting his pencil down

Yeah it's definitely because they went woke and not because of the global pandemic destroying the economy that caused them to go broke

mhhhhhh ohh jesus im so into homeless girls, meth addicts snd street wwalkers
just the idea of a girl desperate enough to let me do wathever i want because she cant say no

Feminists are so fucking stupid

fuck forgot the pic

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Man I just can't get enough of The Quartering.

It's not rape if you throw them $20 after.

you cant possibly know that

>How are people still bitching about this exact same garbage.
Because they are still prevalent

More like

Too big to fail > Get woke, go broke

Yes if we astroturf enough, people will forget about the industry on an already steady decline.
What does the pussy that got beaten up by a tranny have to do with anything

When will the casualgaters realize that not everything is for them?

Jesus fuck Reddit and Tumblr took over this board. Go back to your safe spaces retards! SJW comics aren't welcome here. You got what you deserve.

But it is, sweetie.

>We said no it’s not woke so that’s not why they failed with not a single source given to back up what we said at all! Of course we won!

>Jesus fuck Reddit and Tumblr took over this board
It is not called Yas Forumsmblr for no reason

Okay well it has been years and nothing has happened. The public at large doesn't give a shit about le sjw trannys. Are you people just going to bitch to your graves?

>Everyone, literally everyone survive epidemic without loss
>Only the comics industry dies
>Reeee, it's not because the comics was sick before epidemic
A daily reminder that the coronavirus kills only old ones with weak health.

Snowflakes ownd!!!! Triggered!!! Lmao

I want you to have sex with my wife.

There is a video of a Russian that if it's fake they are amazing actors
He picks up a girl from the street, takes her to a restaurant and makes her eat something, then takes her to a hotel room, makes her shower, fucks her, drops some money and tells her you now live here, I fuck you whenever I want
The whole time she tries to hide her face because she is getting recorded either with her scarf of her hands and she looks terrified
The comments section was full of people seething, it was like a second orgasm

>anons from other boards bring up how easy it is to bait Yas Forums
they don't understand that we've become Yas Forumsmblr, their bait just looks like normal posts now

I don't fuck trannies.

Go back to Plebbit, motherfucker.