Was it accurate metacommentary on PTSD?

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Why would it be a metacommentary instead of just a regular commentary?

Spinel would have dependent or borderline personality disorder, not necessarily ptsd


Spinel did nothing wrong!

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That or abandonment issues or dealing with the toxic behavior that can follow ghosting.


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>Spinel would have dependent or borderline personality disorder, not necessarily ptsd
Considering it was recent trauma and she was able to stand very still for a good thousand years without issue until she found out she was betrayed I doubt it. Not to mention she got over it quickly when she had new people to care about, Steven has more signs of dependent behaviour than her.

>it was recent drama
>a few thousand years

Don't gems live forever? If so then thousands of years means nothing to Infinity

She was a better take on mental health than all of Future

>thousands of years
Only mean nothing to old gems. Thousands of years to a pretty fresh gem like Spinel is a fucking long time.

CN said trans rights

Still kinda bummed how she wasn't used that much in Future

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Why would a gem not have the equivalent of a sleep mode for long term waiting. Surely Spinel could've "hibernated" in place until Pink woke her up.

The problem with shit like SU is that it portrays everyone who has PTSD and BPD as pussies who's problems can be solved by being loved.
In reality no amount of love can change someone with a mental illness. If they want help, they have to actually think about why they act the way they do and find a way to change it. Whether this be meds or a therapist depends on the individual.

Because if she was in sleep mode she wouldn't be playing the game.

Except "being" loved didn't fix Spinel, it made it worse. She wanted to make others happy but also get attention while doing it. The ending is literally just enabling, not fixing the problem.

Recent trauma meaning the movie covers Steven gave a message to the galaxy and Spinel heard it, changed form and came charging. Those few thousand years she wasn't doing anything.

Spinel didn't really get over it. She still has issues she was just putting them to the side for Steven's sake.

Those few thousand years she was waiting, and then found out by chance that the one she was waiting on was dead


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You guys are right, but Spinel didn't have BPD, maybe PTSD just for the recent abandonment. But in reality the takes from the movie comes from what happens and not the characters. When Becca talks about toxicity and Spinel, its not because she's toxic but because of the situation they (Spinel and Steven) were in was similar to a toxic one.
So you can talk about BPD, PTSD, toxicity but the characters don't really have them, you just draw some parallels/analogies between their situations and reality. At the end of the day every SU problem gets solved immediately, and that's not realistic, but that's because we don't take the characters but the context.

My wife Spinel is so cute

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She an cute

A very interesting take on a Toy Story type villain. I'll say.

OP know its a cartoon not realy life right ?

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>if you have ptsd you should just find a new abusive relationship to replace the old one
it was very accurate

No, it was an accurate metacommentary on BPD. Spinel is textbook bipolar.

It wasn't PTSD.
It was trauma

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Double dubs, eh? You know what that means.

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Angry reset Spinel is the best Spinel

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>ywn eat donuts with your gf while riding a lion
Why even live?

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I get this. I think the take away from this was people come and go from your life and depending on who that person was it could be a good thing.
Don't be. Given the track record that this show has for ruining reappearing characters she's better off staying in her prime in the movie.

It seems it's not really a problem with the va considering she came back for two episodes where she hardly had much to say. She has a lot of character potential but it's obvious that the writers don't want to open that can of worms. That would mean balancing the goofy and serious sides to her personality which is difficult to do.

>She's better off staying in her prime in the movie
She's already in her prime in the show, I don't see why people want more of her, she's living a great life with the best moms in the universe.

Mein Neger.

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The drugs are doing most of the work. Kind of strange as well that she's seen not doing anything (like entertaining gems) when Steven shows up. Makes it seem like she's wandering around aimlessly. It ultimately seems to be a temporary fix like Steven's shit.


Blue's power doesn't seem to last that long, it's safe to say that she's happy on her own, and who wouldn't? Everyone is happy there, seriously.
About the wandering around aimlessly, who knows.

I guess it's destiny

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was her nice form supposed to look fake and unappealing on purpose

yes, they wanted to make her annoying as possible but it ended up cute

Both forms were supposed to be perfection and they succeded.

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What is this? MS Paint Spinel? If they can look this good, then it seems I have no excuses, have to start drawing my own.

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You can do it user!
We believe in you

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these drawings are so bad it's funny

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the show talks about feeling all the time, but has no clue exactly what would lead to them/what would they mean because they have no basis from which their feelings would realistically develop

in spinel's case, she's a gem, to her, time means barely anything and pink diamond exists all the same, just encased in a human body, yet she acts as if she was shattered or completely lost without any attempts of reconciliation

remember, this is the show that leaves it's impressionable [yes, including the insecure adults watching this] with the advice that 'relationships are hard, but i mean, garnet is just perfect so..you suck apparently'

also, you spinelfags are cancer

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