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Brian Blessed is a treasure.



G O R I L L A !!!!!!!!

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Wasn't this like proven false?

Was he racist?

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top Yas Forums scientists say otherwise

Ah so it still false then

>White person looks like a pinheaded statue. That black caricature is too deformed to be classified as human.

Also, that is the most poorly drawn chimp I've ever seen.

I was half expecting the last one to say "irishman"

>greekoid supposed to be better than the chimp

How long til someone shops "Around blacks..."?

>Also, that is the most poorly drawn chimp I've ever seen.
Man I can't even draw that good

could you provide some evidence for me, i'd rather not just take someones word without at least hearing a counter argument

Your comics suck

Nope, black people genuinely dont have occiputal bones or parietal bones in their skulls but wh*tes and chimps do. Just proof they're more evolved, look it up if you dont believe me

I don't know where the gorillas are, Clayton.


Strangely though, I have "negro" skin but I have the head structure of a Caucasianiod.

>Black people look like monkeys and they should be treated as such.
Man, I have a ton of respect for European culture, but this is one of the saddest things to originate from their world. I met this old black lady and she told me the story of when she was a teenage housemaid and how she was fired when she wouldn't let her employer's children see her "tail" that she never had obviously. But people where truly THAT retarded back then.

>But people where truly THAT retarded back then.
People can be pretty stupid when nobody challenges their beliefs.

You're a stupid bitch. I've used that excuse to get a girl in the right position to ram her in the ass. It's a Colonizer thing, you wouldn't get it.

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I need more of this shit, I kinda like the autistic concept of Chloe.

They you are a mulato, the best kind of mestizo and I'm not even joking here.

damn that sucks, the parents should've just explained that chimps don't have tails.

I've have never met someone whose parents are asians and whites, is this meme real? I just don't get it.

Happas are really hot though

Your flattery could use some work user, these all sound like gibberish words. Their like made up tumblr genders only dumber because they are rooted in racist beliefs.

Why is it up to white people to determine the value of other races? Though you people have a history of being racist towards yourselves just for the smallest of differences so it shouldn't be surprising.

You can determine someones race, age and gender from their bones. How the fuck you think Archeologists and Paenthologists do it?

user no is wrote you cant. I ment that it wasn't as exaggerated as those propoganda posters. Which I believe were proven false

And neither would you.

>Why is it up to white people to determine the value of other races?
Ya we should decolonize science
>Though you people have a history of being racist towards yourselves just for the smallest of differences so it shouldn't be surprising.
Weird how you call all whites racist, kind of like the pot calling the kettle black

>comments turned off

Thats like a big indicator of some shadyshit

Yes, that's true. But the argument is you can't determine someone INTELLIGENCE from their fucking bone structure.

>whites racist
You guys kinda did invent racism. Which led to everyone hateing everyone

>Skull structure = more evolved
Sure thing

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>invent racism
you really are brainwashed

Bruh that protohuman skeleton lucy changed genders like twice. Osteology is not an exact science

Not really. Everyone's hated people for extremely petty reasons since the dawn of civilization

Ok prove me wrong instead of spouting buzzwords like brainwashed

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I love how you call me out for saying more evolved but not for saying that black people's entire skulls form differently and have three less bones in them. I DID tell you to google it...

look up history of any civilization. Go as far back as you want and you'll find people fighting over retarded shit.

also fuck off nigger

I will kinda defend the racist here, white people didn't create racism since racism is a universal human thing, just look at asian cultures. However they are responsible for forcing the belief on other cultures that "whiteness" was literally a higher entity's blessing to the world.

>"I don't have to educate you!"
What's the difference between Tumblrits and Poltards anymore?

>There a difference between black and white people!
Yeah no shit

>hatred of another tribe
>invested by white people
do you even know how far back you would have to go to find the first racists, we're talking literal cavemen.
Please tell me more about white people creating fundamental parts of the human psyche

When my great grandpa fought in WWII Italy the rural villagers thought they had tails. They just laughed it off as white folks being stupid again.

>also fuck off nigger

>american sailor confrots local afrcan overr lack of black people to enslave

for starters noses dont have a bone

>lose the argument so resort to slur
Awww, so cute

well, i treat everyone irl with respect, evem assholes but the point of this website is to act like this because you are not free to do so anywere else
and if you comme here and come across anything that offends you its your own fault because at that point you are searching for it

"Well, if the bibble says we can't own slaves then those thing ain't people".

Senpai i claimed black people are more evolved. how did you get Yas Forums from that?

Jesus fine ill teach you skulls. The occipital bone is the flat plate just above your neck. The parietal bones are the two top plates that connect to the occipital bone on the back, temporal bones on the sides and frontal bone at the front. The JOKE is that these very large structures are missing in the black guy's skull in that diagram, which i used as "evidence" to claim the diagram proves the opposite of what it was originally intended for. Im not sure you should be making judgement calls about who is and isnt the superior race if you havent even taken introductory anatomy

>Everyone else is stupid but me.
Then by all means became a teacher an enlighten the masses. I give this thread another 5mins before it gets deleted. These low effort bait threads are getting annoying.

>the point of this website is to act like this because you are not free to do so anywere else
On a board called Comics and Cartoons? This should be a Tarzan thread, not talking about botch race theories.

>you comme here and come across anything that offends you its your own fault because at that point you are searching for it
I thought that was what pol was for. This should be a thread talking about the movie.

Why are they more evolved to whites? Shouldn't they be equally the same?

Ka. This thread is shit and your shit. Happy?

Yes, but you must understand that nowadays it's enough to find something "offensive" to "disprove" it. Same as it's proven false that there are only two genders. You know what I mean?

Durr it was a joke.
I'm not making judgement calls on who is
superior.If you have to explain the joke it was never funny. Don't quit your day job.