Who's watching the Aqua Teen marathon rn?

Who's watching the Aqua Teen marathon rn?

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Only you

I am because I am raging loser who has been watching adult swim for like 22 or so years and forgot to go back to school or have kids and shit so i might as well just stick to what i know

unless like south park is on comedy central
or syfy is airing harry potter

so wait
the hell guy is that guy
and morty is voicing the hotdog?

Nah I assume there's probably like 1 million NPCs out there who still watch peak hour adult swim and pay for cable

Just came from the Yas Forums thread. Is no one really interested in Aqua Teen?

I am. I got nothin better to do. I still hold out hope for a revival.

Yas Forums is too busy off topic posting about Yas Forums shit or random memes
Yas Forums is too busy circlejerking tumblr-tier shit

I'm stuck in my home town isolated with my dad and his cats with basic cable and netflix
So no.
I'm reading Crossed and Lobo and watching some stuff on kimcartoon in between during breaks from comics.

Being a lonely neet truly is suffering

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>this transformation sequence

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Why would I watch it on tv when the entire series is on their website to stream with no ads?

Fuck harry potter

there's an online stream illegally broadcasting the adult swim feed for free

Commraderry? Watching commercials is part of the fun too.

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Because it's more comfy to watch and post about it with other people as it happens?

Ads suck but I just use them as breaks to go piss, get more snacks, or a beer out of the fridge

its bob burgers now

you're watching with 3 hour delay, either switch your feed
or stream

Oh neat I thought you guys were talking about some shit on actual adult swim. Thanks.

That vaping chick looks like Daisy Taylor

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Oh It is on actual adult swim, we just aren't paying for it because who has cable these days?

>amazon retail heroes

They at least get played well right?

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Well damn, I came in late and I was planning on watching Bob's burgers on netflix tomorrow anyway. My dad needs to be exposed to some quality TV. Hes sleeping now, that's why I'm putting it off.

>they cancelled this and gave tim and eric two new shows
there is no god

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Found the west coast

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No. But apparently this is the first time Season 11 has ever been rerun on television which is interesting.

>Bob's burgers on netflix

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somehow tim and eric is probably cheaper to make.

idk, at least we got 15 years out of aqua teen, all things gotta end eventually. plus carl's lock continues even today...

I watched that beef house thing. Turns out it's a series and not a one-off special. This is not ok.

>The dude fucking dies from getting suffocated by the constant armor upgrades.
It always sends my sides into orbit.

Don't you just hate it when birds steal your reading glasses?

It was last time I checked
Fucking archer is. Made my dad sit through first two episodes last night. He actually laughed.

I hope Frykock's VA is ok.

Why wouldn't he be OK?

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This marathon is a sign the Aqua teens are coming back, right?

Well shit I just checked.
Strange, considering we have all the seasons of archer in canada, they're both the same company.

He was homeless for part of ATHF's run and a couple years ago was working as a dishwasher and needed a gofundme because he was having medical issues he couldn't afford treatment for

He's homeless and receives no royalties from the show because he is not part of a union.

holy shit I had no idea. Fucking christ that sucks.

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That is supremely fucked

Any porn of the anime chicks in the ED?

Fuckkkk i want some cheap ass nasty little caesars...

I had little caesars tonight for dindin

I've been afraid to eat anything but disinfected store bought food for like 3 weeks.

Reminder that Mike Lazzo cancelled this show because he thought [as] "moved on" from it after getting drunk off of Rick and Morty.

I can't believe it's been almost 4 years, bros.

As somebody just coming out of a homeless crisis, I fucking feel for the dude.
Shits even scarier right now with fucking bat syphilis going around, especially if you have to use homeless shelters. That's why I'm out in the sticks at my dad's, better than sleeping on a mat in a room full of nutfucks who put the crazies at /x/ to shame. Social distancing is fucking impossible at the salvation army.
It was bad before and since everything went tits up it's gotten a million times worse.

This first aired in 2015, so yeah, it has been 4 years, we're closer to 5 now.

Yeah, VA work is not really lucrative unless you're already a celeb doing big budget work or like on The Simpsons or something.

The woman who voices Lisa on The Simpsons has a net worth 22x greater than Steve Blum, who did/does the Toonami voiceovers, Spike in Cowboy Bebop, Roger in the Big O, voices in Samurai Champloo, Naruto, Ben 10, Legend of Korea, among others, as well as over 250 video games (so much so that he hold a Guinness World Record).

Is that Doug Stanhope??

Restaurants are fucking ace at cleaning stuff dude, they gotta worry about random drop in inspections by the food nazis. Just sanitize your hands before paying the skip dude and you'll be fine.

I know all of that, I just didn't know Frylocks VA was that bad off.


>Legend of Korea
Ah, hello fellow mobilefag.
I feel your pain I made the exact same autocorrect typo earlier today.

OK, look I don't really like Lazzo, but the circle jerk against him is ridiculous. In some senses, AS had moved on from what it was in 2001. And the show ran for 15 years, it's not like it was cut short before it hit it's prime. On the contrary, many of the later seasons really dragged.

People like to hate Lazzo, but there were also a lot of other people higher up at AS who made these decisions, not just him. Plus influence coming down from Turner/Warner higher ups. Adult Swim in 2015 was very different from Adult Swim in 2001. It was a cash cow, a business first and foremost, and one that stressed itself on being on the cutting edge of programming in certain regards.

It bummed me out too, but it does make sense that AS would finally want to move on.

I forgot that it was 2020 holy fuck.

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If only they moved on from Tim and Eric as well.

Lol that poor bus

Lazzo has done a lot of good (I mean he's the reason Space Ghost, Williams Street, Adult Swim, and much of the programming we love/loved ever existed in the first place) but also has made baffling decisions as well. However I think if we were on the inside running the network, we would see thing differently. Instead we're on the outside as fans who don't praise him or AS whenever something good happens but love to bitch and moan whenever they make a move we disagree with...

Yeah, for every show Lazzo has cancelled he's given life to a bunch more new stuff. He's a way better guy then people on Yas Forums say.

3 Busy Debras is unironically funny.

Why is 3 busy debras a thing?

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It's completely inoffensive which makes it better than I thought it would be.

I thought it was gonna be woke feminist garbage like Jena Friedman's show but it's actually pretty funny and well directed. The first minute is cringe but it gets better as it goes along.

Tim and Eric haven't been involved in AS as long. And "technically speaking", each new series they do is a new concept (even though it's always the same shit).

I know people bitch about them getting more and more new series, but you could say the same thing about Aqua Teen. It's not like those guys just stopped working for AS, they just do different stuff now (Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell, Squidbillies, intermittent episodes of Perfect Hair and 12 Oz Mouse, VO work on Ballmastrz: 9009)

T&E are just more visible obviously because it's live action.

Isn't it just ATHF Forever? Not the best season.

I want to eat but I'm on the road to being a fat cunt, these commercials are killing me

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Daily reminder that the last 3 seasons of ATHF never got a DVD release.

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based coomer