Gotta respect Waterson for his integrity and leaving the comic strip before being asked to leave

Gotta respect Waterson for his integrity and leaving the comic strip before being asked to leave

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Other urls found in this thread:;_2010-2011)

Seriously no one’s replying to this? No love for Calvin and Hobbes?

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I think Disney's trying a Calvin-Lite movie with "Timmy Failure," Which is by the pearls before swine guy and starring an imaginary polar bear

This is the negative side of leaving on your own terms. No promotion and no hype past that. People are slowly forgetting Calvin & Hobbes ever existed.

i mean, i could take a picture of all my calvin and hobbes books, but i'm too lazy to do that. love calvin and hobbes. honestly the only comic i enjoy. but that might just be a product of my peanut brain.

Calvin and Hobbes was published on the newspapers of my country along Condorito and Pepe Antartico when I was a kid, I always thought Calving and Hobbes suck and I just wnated to see the other comics for Titties.

don't think watterson ever cared about that shit. man worked for the sake of it, and was probably just grateful that he was able to make money doing what he loved. anybody with dreams of being a working artist could learn something from him. it's not about the fame.

While I respect what he did, I've heard that Waterson himself is kind of a cunt.

reminder that watterson briefly took over another popular syndicated comic just to style on everyone else, then cast it aside because newspaper comics are a dying art form

And, just as I said, saying "no" to merchandise and advertising clearly has a result. In case you did not read all my my post, I will lovingly present it to you again, in the form of an image.

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But those who do remember it and find it later will see it as a high quality comic, and that's all it'll ever be remembered as. I'm sure Watterson wouldn't want to be remembered like the slavering abomination Garfield has become.

How many people remember the comics exists?

Pearls for swine where he was guest artist for like a week?

That's not important, though. Frank Zappa's dying desire was to be forgotten, and Waterson always impressed me as a similarly hard working creative genius who happened to be an asshole. If you're dead, why the fuck would you care if people still enjoyed your work? Is fellating your ego that important?

way ahead of his time

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and i don't think he cares. time moves, people forget. this is the nature of things. you'll be forgotten too.

On the flip side, I love Peanuts comics and I don't think the integrity of the strip is hurt by kids wearing Snoopy T-shirts or whatever. If it made Schulz rich, made kids happy, and the strip was still great, where's the problem?

All the old Peanuts cartoons were good too. I never saw the CGI one though and even if it's good they may make a shitty one some day, but the strips will still exist.

>Implying you can't have artistic integrity while still making an unbelievable fuckload of cash from merchandise and animations

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Very nihilistic, I approve.

I believe OP was frustrated no one remembers. If you are OP, you are a grade A hypocrite.

>not posting Jim Davis

Honest to God that was my original idea but I felt he fits more then Jim did, though I do have more respect for both of them then I do Waterson, as great as his comic was

Don't worry, the leeches will pry the property off his corpse when he dies anyways

i'm not.
wish i was tho. then i might not be a retard.

also, i would hesitate to call it 'nihilist,' it's more realist. are you gonna tell me i'm wrong? the public memory is bound to forget everything with enough time.

You certainly want people to remember that we should forget Calvin & Hobbes.

When I was a kid, Calvin and Hobbes was printed alongside stuff like Mutt & Jeff and even a TMNT strip.

>People are slowly forgetting Calvin & Hobbes ever existed.
Sad but true. Without merch and adaptations that keep it relevant, C&H will end up like pic related.

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People who goto the library and used book stores.

Holy shit, dude.

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This is what I don't understand. How are people okay with Schulz making millions of dollars in merch with Peanuts but no one is okay with Jim Davis doing it? Sure you can make the argument that Davis set out to make millions with Garfield in the first place, but the fact he succeeded should be worth admiring since he accomplished a goal that in hindsight is practically unrealistic.

This, but unironically.

For the love of whatever gods you may believe in, post a higher res copy.

Because Peanuts is funny, and Garfield is not.

anyone else think it's weird that waterson gets treated like some paragon of artistic integrity for merely declining to milk the strip he created? it's not like he's some starving artist with nothing but indie cred to his name, he's worth over $100 mil.


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>Tears in the rain.png

As soon as he dies, Calvin and Hobbes funko figures will be on store shelves before his body is cold

What I don't get is why that's necessarily a bad thing. Especially considering that many modern adaptations strip out everything that made the original good in the first place.

Is to good for this zoom zoom world

I wouldn't have known this exists if it weren't for those Pissing decals

>Without merch and adaptations that keep it relevant, C&H will end up like pic related.

Nothing is ever going to be as relevant as when it was new. If you pump out cheap and soulless merch and adaptations, it could just as easily wreck the reputation of the original and turn it into a cultural zombie. I mean, does all the Betty Boop merch out there really keep that relevant?

The C&H books will still be there to buy for someone to find, there will be anniversaries to publicize it. It's just the way of the life for artists that, at some point, your time is going to pass and your work waits for someone to discover it once more.

Jim Davis was always honest in his reasoning which might have rubbed people the wrong way

Pearls Before Swine is one of the only newspaper comics I still find funny so it might be good.

it's not about being funny or not, Peanuts is more about actual story telling. Garfield went through the same kind of motions that The Simpsons did on the other hand.

why would anyone respond to a Wojak OP

Because some people can actually handle seeing an image they don't like and won't have an autistic breakdown over a meme

Schulz ended up letting the the public's vision of Peanuts flanderize the strips themselves so I don't know how much artistic integrity the dude had

one would hope he appoints someone as executor of his will who actually follows through on his desire for no merch

one would also hope Funko dies before Bill

OP had to bump his own thread three times over the course of an hour just to get people to respond, it's pretty clear a Wojak OP turns people off

never knew about this strip until I was in my 20's, it's not very funny.

instead, I was reading Mafalda and Condorito in elementary and high school so I grew up a perverted lib, what a time to be alive.

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I feel like it really took a nose dive over the last year or so.

I bumped my own threads all the time. If you pretend to not do the same, I guess you never masturbated either.

Calvin and Hobbes is not that good, tried to hard to make Calvin into a brat.

>I feel like it really took a nose dive over the last year or so.
For me I think Pig went from being a naive optimist to the route of #relatable comics and became insufferable for it

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Why mexicans make this kind of comic?
Spics hate women or something?

>Gotta respect Waterson for his integrity and leaving the comic strip before being asked to leave

Not really. He made a good comic, but there's nothing respectable about not monetizing it

he made plenty of money from it, it's respectable to not want to cheapen it with kitsch

People just ignore all normalfag rageface threads and they won't bother reading whatever you said in the OP

Never forget

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>tfw in your country we still get annual Bringing Up Father collections that sell great, and critics constantly laud it as one of the best comic strips ever

Take heart - we were fortunate enough to avoid an all 3D remake of Yellow Submarine, so maybe our luck will hold. Maybe.;_2010-2011)

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shit, that probably used up all the luck on the planet and that's why things keep going wrong

>Schulz ended up letting the the public's vision of Peanuts flanderize the strips themselves so
What does that mean?

>the joke is that the loli grows up to be a hamplanet

Charlie Brown was a snarky little shitbird who occasionally got the better of the other kids, but he steadily became more and more of the morose sadsack loser he's known as now. Plus Schultz started making the kids more and more like their pop culture caricatures, or just straight up mouthpieces for some shmaltzy moralizing. The comic was also considerably more biting originally, but became a lot safer and formulaic over time.

And that's on top of turning Snoopy from a kind of silly dog into modern Snoopy

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Bill Waterson will eventually die. Despite what instructions he may leave in a will the family will sell-out or media companies will obtain copyright-in-absentia.
The characters will be modernized, stripped of any unique quirkiness, and some terrifyingly dull movie will be made. Studio will force-market as hard as they can, greedy people will scalp the books hard for a couple months, and then Calvin & Hobbes franchise will be buried without honors.