Birds of Prey is nowguaranteed to be the number 3 box office hit of 2020 and the number 1 comic book movie of 2020

>Birds of Prey is nowguaranteed to be the number 3 box office hit of 2020 and the number 1 comic book movie of 2020

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It was really good. I still found the women pretty and attractive to look at. No idea why all the hate happened

A thread died for this.


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It was a mediocre but fun movie, the problem is how Harley was the only character that was anything like the comics. Loved Black Mask tho

Blocks your path

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Incels preemptively seethed

You are half of the problem.

>still lost to Sonic the Hedgehog
>lost even harder to a Will Smith movie, proving that he was the one who carried Suicide Squad's box office, not Robbie

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You say that like there's going to be superhero movies in 2021.
You say that like there's going to be a 2021.

yup considering that sonic jumped mediums to have a successful comic book run it should count as a comic book movie just as much as harly quinn

The movie is not based on a comic book.

>it stomped Onward
holy shit, holy fuck

I actually really liked Winstead as Huntress, she just didn't get enough screentime. Black Mask was cool and I liked that we saw some shout-outs to his original 3 part origin, but they wasted the PERFECT opportunity to disfigure him and keep him around for future DC movies. The big fight scene in jail was also great, and I love the irony of them inventing a water-proof makeup for a movie that has Black Mask as a villain. The soundtrack was fun too.

Harley is both the best and worst part of the movie. Robbie obviously has a passion for the character, but she dominates so much of the film that it becomes a detriment to everything else's development. Honestly, a pure solo movie would have worked; I liked the cues they took from the 2013 run like the roller derby, shitty apartment and the stuffed beaver, so it's not like they couldn't have adapted that instead (and it would be funny to see Danzig cameo).

The worst thing about the movie though, is how desperately hard it wants to be a quirky cult movie that's going to get midnight screenings and inspire punk band names 30 years from now. I hate that "ready-made-cult classic" attitude in movies, and it drags down what could have been some great scenes. Still, just as an origin movie for the BOP that sets up sequels (hopefully without or with less emphasis on Harley), it's perfectly serviceable.

Because almost no films were released in 2020.

The loudest part of it was idiot backlash against "feminism". At least that's what most youtube outrage culture videos seem to focus on.

Which unfortunately drowned out legitimate complaints from comics Birds of Prey fans like myself over inaccuracies in regard to casting, costuming, characterization, character inclusion/focus.

This is such a forced rivalry.
Sonic is a video game character. That's some next level reach.

it was started by birds of prey "stans" on twitter as bait

harley quinn started out as only a cartoon character before appearing in a comic book in 93, sonic was a video game character before getting his own comic in 91. just saying

>the only character that was anything like the comics

besides Cass I really don't get this. maybe Huntress, but I loved this take on her so biased. I thought Black Canary and Renee were on point.

also Black Canary/Smollett-Bell was super hot in this

It's a birds of prey movie with harley quinn not a Harley Quinn solo movie, your logic once again falls apart

huh when I went to see sonic the one empty theater with the movie labeled it as Harley quinns movie

Oh fuck off with that reasoning. That makes literally nothing off topic for this board, everything has gotten a comic at some point.

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All it was needed was for the cinema industry to die but wait...there weren't any other comic book movies this year right?

Welp, i'd call that cheating.

Still lost money

yeah but not everything has gotten a comic to last almost 300 issues, most of them get maybe 6 before cancelation. What's the longest harley or BOP have gone? If you take all of their runs and add them together how close do either of them get to 293?

So manga would be considered on-topic? You're a moron.

sonic is still getting an ongoing and BOP just has an out of character one shot, yes sonic is arguably more on topic at the moment then them.

Fuck at least when sonic changed its titular characters personality they did something good with it and in the spirit of the character. They didn't just change the character for the sake of the story and thats it

No, since manga is Eastern. If it were Western, it would. Dumbass.

Bird of prey flopped.
Coundnt even top bloodshot.
Cope dumbass

Worst DC movie ever made, and I'm counting Catwoman and Steel

BOF haters are esl you all

Beaten by the world's cutest Hedgehog, Jim Carrey and the dude who played Cyclops

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Best DC movie ever made, and I'm counting Batman vs Superman and Shazam

Doesn't make it good.

complete crap

What if I didn't like it because I thought it was boring, immature, shallow trash cinema? It's like they missed what made Deadpool so entertaining (which even got obnoxious after the same joke was recycled for the 20th time in the sequel).

I could care less about the female aspect of the movie - I just found it to be objectively lackluster in general. I still don't know what made Ewan McGregor's character the bad person other than pretty generic comic gangster stuff. He wore a mask? O..K...

It's a shame Black Widow has been pushed back to November.

and BOP supporters are women, I'd rather had out with a beaner than a tranny

Besides this thread just proves my theory than women don't find power in what they stand for, they just find it in who they stand over


BoP box office $201,858,461
Chudshot box office $29,971,189
Seethe, cope, and die early, shitlord.

>I still don't know what made Ewan McGregor's character the bad person other than pretty generic comic gangster stuff
Cutting faces off, etc.?


>are women
What did he mean by this?

t. Yas Forumsmblr

Attached: Cope and Harley Quinn.png (1151x2589, 3M)

>July 28
You know
You could have at least tried to hide the dates.
Because you know...
We aren't in July...
And she was revealed some months ago...
Maybe 2 months ago?
And those designs are from a month ago.
And if they were BOF supporters they would dress up as not-male-gazed Harley
try harder

So I take it you don't get the joke.

Enlight me about the joke, wise guy

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I'm amazed at how Yas Forums is still obsessing at BoP when I know no one saw it.

its not like where in a middle of a pandemic and every movie was delayed.

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One shill is Yas Forums now?

All the shills are Yas Forums since ever

It is one of the only comic book movies released this year! Everything else was delayed!

>number 3 box office hit of 2020 and the number 1 comic book movie of 2020
on a technicality lol.

I mean it's based around a character who despite her name was never represented thematically as a harlequin until these movies started coming out so

they're mad she isn't a fake titty porn star in a fart suit for one thing

It beat Bloodshot and?

Yeah but like, weren't there only three movies released so far this year?

Did Paradise Island make it to theaters?

I hope it was a Steven Universe thread

onward and bloodshot were mediocre, fantasy island was a bomb, BOP was just mediocre. Kind of a no brainer in my opinion.
Also, Margot, you failed, cuz i'd still beat my meat to Harley, sexualized or not

can't stop the coom baby