Disney Movies new release dates!

Disney Movies new release dates!


>>•Artemis Fowl will move to Disney+

>>•Mulan hits theaters July 24

>>•Black Widow moves to Eternals Nov 6

>>•Eternals moves to Feb 12

>>•Shang-Chi moves to May 7, 2021

>>•Doctor Strange 2 Nov 5, 2021

>>•Jungle Cruise moves a full year to July 30, 2021

>>CAPTAIN MARVEL 2 (7/8/22)


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I can't believe we have to wait an entire year for Black Widow, the least interesting film on the lineup, to come out.

releasing the MCU shows during the pandemic would up subscriptions

also how about letting me sub from my corner of the world. fucking assholes.

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I wish she would do more scat porn, stuff's great.

>Artemis Fowl will move to Disney+
Haha fuck the Irish

>Artemis Fowl will move to Disney+
About what that movie looks like it deserves.

hopefully this will mean it gets completely overlooked and someone makes a better adaptation in a few years

With Disney sitting on the rights? VERY unlikely.

I will never understand the sweat/saliva fetish, or any bodily fluid fetish for that matter

>sitting on the rights
Disney has always owned the publishing house that released the series in the first place. It never had a chance of going anywhere else

Also, Bob’s Burgers Movie is now April 9 2021

This is hardly that fetish. Just shows her intense arousal. If anything OP pic is the ear-rubbing fetish which extends to hair, horns, antennae, etc...

OP Here. I was trying to find a picture that would get attention related to the MCU. Should have gone with this picture.

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Well, at least maybe they'll now have time to get around to advertising it

How fucking gay of you.

>Disney has always owned the publishing house that released the series in the first place
My copies are Miramax.

We'll most likely get a Disney+ tv show alongside a Percy Jackson one

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>every marvel film delayed
kek, rip marvelfags

Miramax was owned by Disney.

Reminder that New Mutants never existed. They just filmed a few promos and blew the rest of the budget on hookers and blow. The delays were all smoke and mirrors to hide this and when they ran out of excuses they released COVID-19 from the secret Epcot virology lab for just one more delay.

Disney could've just hired Roger Corman to make the movie for a million bucks and dumped it on Hulu
It didn't have to end like this

Bob's Burgers got a date change but Soul and Raya and the Last Dragon didn't?

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>CAPTAIN MARVEL 2 (7/8/22)
>got bumped up

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I honestly don't understand how you can fuck up Artemis Fowl THAT badly. Fuck that movie incredibly hard. Yes, the warning signs were there when we first heard they were gonna mash books one and two together, but holy shit.

>Artemis and Holly team up immediately
>Artemis is a good guy
Fuck you.

I want Brie Larson to mommy Dom me

>mfw Doctor Strange is now set to release on my birthday

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Mantis is not for bully.

What's the story of Artemis Fowl? What changes did Disney make to it that garnered such backlash?

>New Mutants not going straight to Disney Plus
Well now I'm curious as to if they really do wanna try and use it as the first Mutant MCU film, only reason I can see them not just putting it straight to D+

Artemis Fowl is a preteen criminal mastermind who finds out faeries exist, kidnaps an elf cop named Holly and holds her for ransom cause he wans that sweet fair folk gold.

The movie make Artemis a good guy, Holly is not kidnapped(and therefore her entire subplot is gone, fuck you Disney), and the plot is just the second book grafted on to the first where they have to rescue Artemis' kidnapped father.

It's this weird mishmash of the first and second books, but with the character dynamics that made the story interesting completely removed. Textbook case of missing the point. Thanks, I hate it.

happy birthday user.

It's very odd to me the only early summer film that hasn't moved is Soul.

It's two books crammed into one so it's not actually clear they team up immediately. The team up lines may be from the transition between the book 1 plot and the book 2 plot. You have to keep in mind the impetus for the Holly kidnapping in the film is that Opal has his dad.

As for Artemis being a good guy, the trailer implies he finds out about fairies in response to his father's disappearance, but that's either not actually the case or his father's disappearance isn't connected to his kidnapping, because they're making Opal the drunk fairy.

I think/hope the play they're going for is Opal is out for revenge against Artemis for dicking her over which would imply he's at the least an asshole.

It’s the one card they’re saving in case the theaters manage to re-open by then, they’re hoping that if there’s very limited options currently screening they’ll make a killing on it. If it’s a month out from release and the prospects of that happening aren’t looking good then it’s easy enough to push it back later

>know it will fail without Endgame push
>release it early so can claim COVID was the reason it fails
Smart move by Disney.

>claim COVID failure
>for a movie releasing in 2022

Your logic is astounding.

>>•Artemis Fowl will move to Disney+
it'll do better that way

give me my faithful percy jackson adaption, NOW

its never gonna happen user, just treasure the books we have not the adaptions that are not to be

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They describe Artemis in the press release as a good-hearted lad.

>black widow now comes out in fucking november

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Jungle Cruise was the one movie I was looking forward to this summer. Should have at least gotten the Christmas slot instead of the fucking Ryan Reynolds video game movie.

dumb pearlposter

I can dream but it'll never happen. The movie is like 15 years too late anyways. Disney was probably just rifling through its licenses for something to fill release space in between live action remakes of their golden era animated films but is right. The whole reason that no one else has made a movie in between that huge gap is because of Disney sitting on the license. I doubt they'll let anyone else have it.

Don't forget making Commander Root a woman, completely negating Holly's own position as the first female member of LEP. Holly really just got completely fucked in the ass by this movie.

>pearlposter says that it will cease in May

Dumb pearlposter, you now extended it

What else should i post then
Aw schucks

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post more pearl so i can laugh then feel bad

Okay then

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Sounds like it's 2020's "The Last Airbender".

i mean it's competing with the Discworld TV series for that.

how does the discworld show suck

They're removing all fantasy elements and turning it into a non-comedic show.

>tfw winter soldier tried warning us.
china was hail hydra

isn't it a fantasy series where one of the most beloved characters is the grim reaper
isn't it a series well known for its sense of humor?
how the fuck did ou miss the point that fucking hard, at least the shamalan TLA movie had the basic elements right, just extremely fucked beyond belief

It's a fantasy series that is entirely about humor.
Also they're making all these weird progressive changes to it, when the series itself was extremely progressive to begin with.

>SU spam in unrelated thread
every time

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