What is your honest non-meme opinion of Family Guy?

What is your honest non-meme opinion of Family Guy?

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It's just bad

That before Season 12 it was really one of the funniest shows aside from a few episodes like Seahorse Seashell Party

Good for a chuckle now and then but gets tedious really fast.

Awful but quotable. It kinda grows on you, against your will. Everyone else watching it doesnt help.

It was good but then it started to exagerate the traits of all the characters by making them cynical and stupid to the point it became unbearable to watch
Like all long running adult shows


It's kind of the perfect show for late night syndication because you can just randomly stumble across it sometime, watch an episode or two and then switch to something else.

I still look fondly back on a few earlier episodes but at this point I'd be happier if it never existed at all.

ok Enter

It's OK. Haven't seen anything recent.

Horrible sitcom

It insists upon itself.

Eh, it alright

Doesn't that apply to any episodic show?

Whaddoya mean: "it alright"?!

Should have ended a long time ago. It's just hateful, spiteful, self-loathing and uninterested in entertaining anyone.

Yeah but the humor and structure of Family Guy I think really lends itself to the kinds of people that are going to be up at 12:30 AM, sitting on the couch, drinking a beer and looking for something to watch. That's why Adult Swim went after the syndication license when it was canceled the first time.

First few seasons are great. Afterwards it's a mixed bag. A lot of episodes are bad overall but have a few memorable gags mixed in.

It alright. It not subtle or nuanced. It tasteless and lukewarm, but it alright. It reminds me of me beer which I like better, but same beer more or less

I hate almost all about it, but I can't keep myself from going back and watch a few episodes every now and then, only to be disappointed.

said it best

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Same beer?!

It was okay at first but now it's just awful, but I can't look away when it's on.

Accurate. It works well for background noise before bed.

Same beer, same....show?


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Or to put it another way.
>Can I have a Coke?
>Is Pepsi okay?
>Yeah I guess so.

You know how Seth MacFarlane did not die on September 11 2011 because he had a hangover?
the real tragedy of that day was that he missed the plane.

I think, the only episode I liked was that scene with Brian and the drugs where he goes to hell.


Early on it was funny and had heart, but now it's just cruel and unfunny shit.

I know people on here use "shit" as a descriptor a lot, even I do. It's lost all effect, but I want to make clear that the show is actual, original usage of the word "Shit". It is unappealing, unattractive, and unrewarding in either storytelling or humor.


Was good, but has become complete shit. Should've ended before the 2010s started.

Both of these comments say it best. It's like really bad pop music (and I like pop music). It's ankle deep humor but it sticks with you obnoxiously, and eventually you're annoyed at the jokes. It also has this weird influence on idiots in the same way South Park does, where if they make a joke making fun of something, all of a sudden people make fun of or hate that thing, which is incredibly stupid.

It's okay when considering it as background noise or boredom killer. Sometimes it's funny but most the value is in the fact that it's just "something too watch" - it's on the same level as let's players or online reviewers. Sometimes you just want something you can set up on the second monitor and look to ever few minutes or huddle up to in bed on your phone
It's absolutely dogshit though when considering it on an edifying level or when you look at the budget - but who the fuck cares? Production companies are jews who will NEVER use that money better despite what the mr. enter tier autists on here would like to believe. Things are only gonna change once everything burns down - which they'll never let happen.

So yeah 5/7

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first few early seasons were genuinely good
I agree, the felt like a real family then that actually loved each other. Losing that hurt the show imo, family comedy works better with it.
Oh and it sucks how stale the animation/art style it is. Watch a new episode alongside an old one and you'll see the characters from angles you'll never see in the new stuff.

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>most of the posts acknowledging they watch it and find it funny while trying to imply they're too good to actually like Family Guy
How fucking embarassing. You're not tasteful patricians you wannabe film critics, Yas Forums doesn't have social credit, let it go.

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>trying to imply they're too good to actually like Family Guy

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I watched it a little with my dad wayyyy back when we didn't have Futuramas or Silver Surfers to watch. It was decent, but I was also 11 or 12, so both my standards were lower and the show was undoubtedly in one of its better, earlier season. It's been a decade since I watched, I might have to give it another look.

I don't let the youtube outragefags or two self-hating homosexuals from Colorado shape my opinions on things so I have no ill will against it. In fact occasionally I do come across a funny clip from it in my YT recommendations, but otherwise I cannot remember the last time I watched a full episode start to finish.

>Yas Forums talking about family guy
It's a show you hate and love at the exact same time, kinda impressive that way

Honestly a somewhat interesting show for it's time, I feel it was made primarily as a counterculture show to many of the mass produced dime a dozen sitcoms from the late 90s and early 2000s. Now it's just a recognizable brand that people can easily identify, I defiantly feel that it "died" sometime around 2009 to 2011 around the same time shows like South Park and the Simpsons started to lose momentum. It's still here and they still get revenue, so what's stoppng them from sticking around I guess?
Also peter griffin is a meme, and the shows random cutaways aren't really that funny.

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How do people keep making this mistake. I understand dumbass shit like then/than or effect/affect but this doesn't even work at all phonetically.

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First few seasons were actually pretty good. But overall, The Flintstones is better in almost every way

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Pure kinography

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It's kept alive for the same reason Maury and those daytime small claims court shows are still around: white trash is its biggest audience.

It's funny sometimes but American Dad is better in every way.

MacFarlane and the writing crew ran out of any real passion after a few seasons and it shows.

its the perfect brainlet test, just like dark souls 2 most people that hate it just parrot their favorite e-celeb.
the big brain reaction to family guy is either none or liking it. American dad is much better either way.

The Flintstones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> swimming in a pool of broken glass >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Family Gore

The first few seasons were fantastic, but it went steadily downhill from there. It is no longer worth watching, and hasn't been for a long time.

Quality televised shitposting. The irrationally loud hatebase has me subconsciously thinking more fondly of it.

Stopped watching after the Frank Grimes episode. Show got a little too dark for me.

I enjoy rewatching it when I'm alone and drunk.


Used to be funny, now it's just really horrible

I still find post-return to be watchable up to S7

>Suffers from tonal whiplash
>Clearly holds its audience in giggling contempt
>Annoying, extraneous, and disjointed cut-away gags
On the other hand...
>Makes for excellent background noise to play when crashing on the couch after coming home from work

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Alright (I can understand why people rage about it)

Much better than what The Simpsons is now.

We said no memes. And Enter is unironically right

Jesus, you fags are assblasted by Enter. He really does live in your head rent free