Who here is a fan of srgrafo?

who here is a fan of srgrafo?

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Oh no

post your favourite srgrafos

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I'm sorry I don't speak garbage taco language

>seeing ads in the first place

kek this was a good one

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epic srgrafo

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funny mouth good
no funny mouth bad

if you want to be a racist then kindly fuck off back to r/thedonald where you belong ya dingleberry

The sheer reddit of it all

hey bud
want to join my stable?
namechads like us...
together we could rule this board
what do you say?

>grafo trying his act on Yas Forums
Oh no no no no...

Learn how to draw

I've never UNDERSTOOD why he constantly HIGHLIGHTS random words in DIFFERENT colors OF TEXT. There doesn't APPEAR to be much RHYME OR REASON for this, and it AWKWARDLY emphasizes and DISTRACTS from the already TEPID jokes he is trying to TELL.

you're about to "draw" a 3 day vacation if you keep pushing me, ya dingleberry

Man... spiders have it easy.

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>English-speaking website
>posts something that's not in English
>"What? How dare you don't understand it, biggot!"

>haha, stupid corporations. your conditioning will not work on me, as i am an extremely relatable man and sick of your ads
>lol yeah i watched it, but only because i heard good things about it. i didn't like it or anything, though.
What kind of person does it take to willingly expose himself to internet shilling that transforms his brain into shit and then pretend he's one of the good guys?

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To often it feels like its just making meme templates

you must be fun at parties

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convince me why I should care about your redditor comics. so far I'm barely bemused by all of this.


This one always amuses me in retrospect because he gets posted there all the time

>admitting to being a redditor
you ain't gonna make it here with the wolves, kid

Maybe for you it would, but not for the majority of people. People go to see what's trending, even if it's universally hated, just to watch it "ironically" or even for no reason at all, just to go out with friends somewhere. A couple of months ago I was actually considering going to the Sonic movie until I realized I was probably playing into the PR department's hands. And remember how Emoji Movie was supposed to be the cartoon Holocaust of the 2010s, yet still made enough to warrant a sequel?

>Maybe for you it would, but not for the majority of people. People go to see what's trending, even if it's universally hated, just to watch it "ironically" or even for no reason at all, just to go out with friends somewhere. A couple of months ago I was actually considering going to the Sonic movie until I realized I was probably playing into the PR department's hands. And remember how Emoji Movie was supposed to be the cartoon Holocaust of the 2010s, yet still made enough to warrant a sequel?

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I don't even know what that image is supposed to imply.

im glad diarrea exists, its a great way to loose a few pounds


SrGrafo are you related in any way to SrPelo?

the fat still remains...

no i am truly unique

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god you sound like a fucking robot with all these automated replies. based based based beep boop. tell me, why are you here Grafobot?

what a sad little garden you choose to grow your seeds in
let people enjoy things

did you know that a thing critical thinking exists?
and if we supported teaching it in schools none of this ad bullshit matters? most garbage is filtered by agents with full awareness of the tricks used.
don't make us seem like we are oblivious sponges of garbage

ok comic by the way

Mmmm SrGrafo? Now that's truly baddass.

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liking SrGrafo at all is admitting to being a redditor

Fuck off dumb spic.

At least he gets invited to parties.

Holy fucking shit fuck no. Get that fucking shit out of here you motherfucking fuck bitch.

i hope all of you leave this site or stick to only this board
for all the shit people say about Yas Forums, Yas Forums or Yas Forums at last they arent fucking reddit and tumblr posts

So why dontcha head back?

How are you gonna find out about it otherwise? Dumb comic.

reall strong stench of reddit off this post

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lol this one got me good

I'm more of a Chloe kind of guy myself.

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yea, we are the real deal, really scary stuff

You realize all the original channers have jumped ship and all that's left is underraged newfags, right? You lot could not hack your way out of a paper back, let alone pull out any of the stunts that put the OGs on the map.
Just to humour you, though, do explain how he's not gonna make it here. Are you gonna lay down some more of your passive-aggresive bitching for as to scoff at? You probably don't even know how the report system works, if, of course, you're even aware of it's existence at all. Get a life kid. Your bullshit in not threatening in the slightest and it is certainly not funny. So where does that leave you? Work it out. It's not hard to guess.
Go fuck yourself.

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Enough with you uncultured swine


Wow, what an insight. Truly exceptional thinking. Oh, those arguments. The more I ponder them, the wetter I get, and that's only by caching a glimpse of the true depth of your intellect, desu-senpai.
Did you,also, know that a thing called peace exists?
And if we supported teaching it in schools none of this war thing matters? Most violence is filtered by agents fully aware of the trickery used.
user, you ARE a willingly ignorant piece of internet shit and that comic was the epitome of everything successful with every marketing scheme ever to exist.

I'm more of a Mario kind of guy myself

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happy birthday u/degroob

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What exactly is supposed to be appealing about this comic? Every strip is just "here is thing" "yes it is" "random"

hes kinda bad at drawing boobs