Why isn't Hawkman more popular?

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because people and dc treat and think of him poorly

Tell me his origin story.

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he doesnt have that one good story

He should theoretically be one of the most dangerous people in the DC sphere, to the point that he makes Batman and Deathstroke look like rookie children, but all writers have him do is fly up and bonk people with his mace.

Hawkman got one-two combo'd by editorial decisions. First by Hawkworld shifting everything around. And before they could recover from that, got hit by the period where editorial decided they could only have one of everything, one Kryptonian (which resulted in Supergirl becoming an alien angel and Powergirl becoming a magical Atlantean), one Green Lantern (Warrior Guy, retired John, Sentinel Alan) one Hawkman, etc. Which killed any momentum for the Hawks for a decade or so, and leaving a scab on the character that writers keep picking.

DC decided to really fuck up his continuity to the point of burying the character for a decade. and they only kind of sparringly want to use him for the same reason.

Hawkworld was great

Because DC won't stick with a version long enough to build up a fan base.

So it's like how Wolverine is supposedly the master of multiple fighting styles but he always just ends up going Berserker rage with his claws?

I like his current book at least.

Bunch of characters from the big 2
should be bigger. The problem is they are part of a company that already has other 753 superheroes. Guys like Hawkman, Ghost Rider, Moon Knight and Booster Gold could be huge if they were indies with one dedicated creator.

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Yeah, pretty much. He's just not as popular as Wolverine. Might have something to do with the Thanksgiving centerpiece he wears on his head.

I’ve never found his origin to be that difficult, Thanagarians come to Ancient Egypt and pretty much take over. Katar and Shiara become the rulers and in that time the high priest becomes jealous of their romance and kills them setting off a curse that leads them to get reincarnated over and over

Honestly I think a lot of characters just couldn't keep a solo book going month in and month out, Hawkman included, which is why it's shame anthologies aren't really a thing anymore.

A return of Anthologies would be great, would definitely be nice to cut down on bloated storytelling

They've kept piling shit on to it, though. Like now he's actually some kind of warrior herald of an ancient hawk god (because hawks have apparently existed since the beginning of time) who betrayed his master and was cursed to be reincarnated all over the universe for billions of years so he should be a completely unstoppable badass but still just flies up and bonks people with a mace.

Part of Boosters charm is that he's part of that though. Take away his interactions with the universe and he's just another time traveler like Rip Hunter before being turned into Boosters son.

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Easy now
>OG was a warlord that killed tons
>got cursed to save as many people as he killed or he will just keep reincarnating

>lame design
>lame powers
>lame and overly complicated history
>is a literal cuck to most people
It's really quite simple. You can make someone as OP as you want but it won't make them a good character or make them likable. There's a reason almost all Hawkcucks only bitch about how strong or OP he is like

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Clearly you’ve never actually read Hawkman

>y-y-you just didn't read the right stories!
>h-h-he's actually super cool and OP
>waaaah why don't people like hiM!!!

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If you don’t like him that’s fine, but if you plan on making points to why please don’t list just generic bullshit if you actually read the stuff you could find stuff to actually complain about

Thats dope. Too bad hes a birdman

birdmen are cool

wtf is that tiny guy on his shoulder

>a bunch of subjective taste bullshit a+ can't understand the simple ass concept of reincarnation
Ok casual, also nice weeb pic from reddit favorite animuh

Because no one really gives a shit about Hawkman outside of a small group of people.

Explain why he should be dangerous.

As casual, all I see is a guy who (with aid) can fly and bonk shit. Not that impressive in a world with Superman, Wonder Woman, etc and even normal guys like Batman seem to out gadget you.


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Imagine getting mogged by Richard & Mortimer.

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He retains knowledge from all of his previous incarnations so he has thousands (or I guess millions now) if years worth of fighting experience and is combat proficient with pretty much any weapon he can get his hands on. He should have one of the greatest tactical minds in existence but you'd never know it the way he's written.

His power is he can fly with wings, when almost every other hero in DC can fly without wings...

Imagine a giant orgy with all the hawkmen and the hawkwomen.

I’m actually wondering if there was ever a gender swapped Hawkman and Hawkwoman

I look at Hawkman and think: "Okay". That pretty much sums up my feelings. It's not to say that Hawkman is lame or doesn't have worth, I just personally feel he's better suited as a supporting character than a lead act. There's nothing really wrong with that either. Maybe its my own fault, not being wowed by Carter. It's just that if I want to read about an alien, space cop, or even violence, I have other options.

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>Le anime reaction pic
Wow, you sure showed him

No, you're not wrong. He's always been strongest in team books and has suffered as a solo act. Most of his best stuff is connected to the JSA but they've been shelved for a while now.

Earth 11 maybe? There they're either genderswapped or Hawkwoman is simply the more important one.

I think what that says about Carter is that he's a great character to bounce off of, but when singled out he suffers. Maybe that's the problem with his solo books, his supporting cast. Granted I haven't kept up with the current Hawkman run so I might be proven wrong here. Though I do find it REALLY weird DC was doing that whole "J'onn/Hawkgirl" thing on Justice League but I suppose when you're an immortal couple destined to be in love for eternity, you'll have a few years worth of rough patches

unironically just give him a sick costume and I'd read more Hawkman comics.

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Well yeah I’m the Gender swapped Universe but I mean considering they reincarnate throughout the universe there has to have been at least once where Carter was a woman and Shiara was a Guy

Timm is a weird shipper fan at heart but unlike his Bruce/Barbara obsession the GL/Hawkgirl thing worked out well because it gave her betrayal in the season finale more weight and it churned out a decent arc for both characters in JLU. I think on the comics side of things they had something interesting going with Kendra but they didn't really do anything new or different with Carter so she eventually just got pulled back into his status quo.
I'm curious to see what his status will be if the Black Adam movie ever takes off since he'll supposedly be leading the JSA in that and it will lean heavily on the Egyptian aspects of the character whereas the comics have been leaning on the Thanagarian stuff more.

No J'onn not Jon, you dumbass. Scott Snyder wrote Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter as a thing. They even met their future kid.

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Oh, I never read Snyder's Justice League stuff. Ever since DC went into perpetual reboot mode I only pop my head in once in a while.

user, Snyder’s run uses a lot of plot beats from the Timmverse so it’s eat To get them mixed up

>their future kid.
To be fair, that future wasn't real.

Carter should get killed off (maybe retroactively) and then there's a race between hero and villain groups to find his next reincarnation. Like R'as wants to raise him as his new heir and the heroes have to find him first.

He looks like a big dork

>Hawkman's origins
If only it was that easy

>They've kept piling shit on to it, though.
That's true for everything.

That could be interesting.

You could get all kinds of people in on it. Checkmate, The Council, the DEO, Black Adam, League of Assassins, the Church of Blood, etc.

is he the character that was the most screwed by the reboots ?

Him or Power Girl.

Donna is in the podium too

Oh yeah. I think I'd put Donna 1, Carter 2 and Kara 3.

itvis strange how a simple character concept (winged duo) ended up so fucked

Because he is not black. Pull a Miles Morale and create a black Hawkboy. His father is a small business owner and his mother is nurse. His uncle is a drug dealer that sells crack but loves his family. The uncle died overdosing on his own crack. Black Hawkboy acquire his "powers" when a nth metal mace fell from the sky and cracked his head. The trauma awaken a portion of the memories of his past life where he was an enslaved champion gladiator.

Even with his whole thousands of years of training thing, he still seems less dangerous when hanging out on a world with 3 Kryptonians, 7 Lanterns, 5 Speedsters, and a few million wizards.

I thought DC fucked up when his whole gimmick stopped being about a guy that can fly and is hawk themed, and became a guy that is all ab out reincarnation and past life training/skills themed. It seems like he does not even need the Hawk stuff anymore. He is basically hard mode Vandal Savage now.