I wish I had an Indonesian sister

>I wish I had an Indonesian sister

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>I wish I had a South African sister

I already have one of those she's a total cunt

Episode 2 never fucking ever.

Actually the second half of that video was episode 2
It's episode 3 that'll never happen

i wish i had a perverted sister that offered me to help her cum while she looked at loods

I belive you are wrong user,
She is obviosly NOT an inmigrant also she will be the next class president

Maya isn't an immigrant but I tho k the redhead there is Japanese

Shhhh, shut up user...Do you want some schoolcaust?

Never go full orangeboo, Never.

I want to fuck Maya's feet desu. Armpits fine too

Come to think about it I never caught the name of the series, should I watch it?

mymy > coco > maya
prove me wrong

Attached: mym.png (1060x595, 449.48K)

Its only one short on Youtube for now, Ongezellig. I liked it a lot personally, good humor, Mymy best girl.


>Yas Forumslonized

Maya's body is prime for rubbing my cock all over

hah Got(h)urk in the back

is all Mymy's hair dyed? if you know what I mean

Maya is een barbaar belg

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I wish their server was more active desu

most definitely

hot, I wanna see that

this came out in 2019?
i enjoyed it but it looks like something from 2008 newgrounds

I have one
She just got engaged to some middle aged guy though

that's half the charm of it, user

I want that hand to jerk me off

>dat pumped up kids theme
top lel

what server?

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No joke, this short was one of the reasons i consider moving to the netherlands as one of my choices in EU.

The characters are hot, but too hot. Like they’re so perfect that it distracts me from enjoying the series in any way whatsoever. Happened to me several times, like with Shantae and Into the Spiderverse. It’s like I want it so bad, but I’ll never have it, so I just ignore the series to soothe the pain.

>I wish I had a United Kingdom of the Netherlands sister

Attached: 791px-1815-VerenigdKoninkrijkNederlanden-en.svg.png (791x1112, 332.44K)

I want a big huggable blobfish...

Attached: Colossal blobfish.png (1024x1024, 1.3M)

>wanting indonesians
why would you do that to yourself?

I can't

It depends, Maya seems pretty open to doing stuff, Coco seems too naive for a relationship. Mymy would probably be the most fun girlfriend though...

you'll find it if you try hard enough. all I can say

low partner expectations

Was she raped in a farm invasion like Coco was?


Mymymy Delilah

No you don't. The fish is fucking dead. It comes from such low depths of the ocean that every blood vessel in its body bursts and makes it swell up to a pink dead deformity. What the fuck, why would someone be stupid enough to try and turn that concept into a cute pet.

Fetishizing a corpse. Jesus Christ.
Does she have a dead-gazelle-with-its-innards-torn-out-and-partly-devoured-by-hyenas plushy, as well?

Attached: Ewok.jpg (252x200, 13.08K)

No but she was assaulted a couple times.

So what country is this supposed to take place in and what are they nationalities?

All of them are Dutch citizens, ironically the only one of them to actually be an immigrant is the white one who's South African.

>Fetishizing a corpse. Jesus Christ.
Does she have a dead-gazelle-with-its-innards-torn-out-and-partly-devoured-by-hyenas plushy, as well?

I'd probably get one of those, sounds comfy


He or she probably want good meals together, I guess.

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>Indonesian sister
why would you do that to yourself?

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Tell us some stories.

For some good fucking

Why wouldn't I?

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this looks really familiar source?

I think it's called A Muslim Hentai (don't worry it's still Yas Forums the guy is Indonesian)

It's about a girl who grows a dick, loses faith in god, and angrily rapes her friend

For some reason i find it weird that North Brabant and South Brabant isn't next to each other

Honestly you boers are crazy ass crackers

>could have had your own boer state in the 1990s
>didn't feel like it because you were high on muh rainbow nation
>muhdiba dies, bantus almost immediately calling for landgrabs at the behest of their chinese masters
>white population of south africa is actually increasing quite quickly because white people keep moving there for stupid reasons

I mean detroit exists, atlanta exists. Why go to south africa for the jungle adventure with unruly cops terrified of their local population with black leaders who are more interested in collecting their paycheck than solving problems?

Mymy, if she had a fetish, would probably be into unironic femdom with cock and ball torture

I'm not boer I'm Asian

I mean asking for an "Indonasian sister" is like asking "an American friend" you would never know what type of person you would get.

She did leave Maya all tied up...