
Poor Duane's getting PLAAAAAAAAAAAAYED.

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And a second page for today.

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Based Claggart. Duane is a dummy who needs to remember he's a married man and that this chick has a harem of castrated child molesters, murderers, and general mad scientists.

'Til death do us part. Tiddybird is fair game.

Honestly, I was looking forward to seeing him teach her how to skate. It's cute.

"Cute" doesn't seem like it would fit them as a couple. Tiddybird/Duane is all about mindfuckery and manipulation and dirty, dirty magic memory sex.

>The meaning of hers
she didn't just go there did she?

You know, she's obviously manipulating him and wants something from him. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't think Ilganyag actually DOES like Duane. I think she genuinely admires him, even as she's bending him to her will.

We know that Ssael is real and that Ilganyag had very big dealings with him in the past. Maybe the fact that Duane is such a staunch Ssaelit warms her heart.

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Nobody says no to tittybird!

Look at panel 3, Duane isn't getting played, Duane is just now understanding the game.
The red pain is still present in him, but now he's concealing it and playing along.

I don't think he's concealing it at all. I think he's totally down to go right along with all this anger and denial and then go fuck up that shrine. It probably feels good to let go of his self-control after so long. Why fight it? Just be the man-eating corpse monster and let go.

Man, she really, really wanted to learn to skate

Those talons were made for skating

>There's no ic-

You realize we're going to see it, right? We'll probably see them skating across his memory in Monday's page. Or Wednesday's, since today was a two-page update.

Sette already called him out on this hundreds of pages ago.
He will always be "that grinnin' wanker in green knockin' down bullies", the ugly is a lie he shows everyone else and a lie to himself.
Duane is naive to a fault, but he's not an idiot. Him seeing that red goop coming off of him and turning with that expression? He's putting things together.

The second to last panel here looks painful. And Duane, come on, you're not being nearly suspicious enough of her.
I agree. She likes Bastion, she likes Rahm, she likes Duane. She likes men that in some capacity she admires, and by her own standards seem to do the right thing. But she wants to bend their purposes to suit her. As long as they're doing something bad because she wants it, forces them to, or lies and manipulates them into it, she wouldn't respect them any less.

I for one welcome Duane becoming Tiddybird's newest loyal servant.

Imagine when he finally meets up with Bastion. Will he brag that the Lady likes him most now?

So the lady DOES have the red eyes in her wings, like the agib are described to have.

But the other agib in the story is described to be much smaller.

I don't think you want to be there for when Duane comes to his senses about being played by tittybird.

The ground is well tilled and ripe to sow a crop of righteous vengeance.

And she uses the same ability as the agib did here:

>Overhead, the black birds circled like vultures. Perched on the spire of a mausoleum not far from the workshops was the monstrous raven Quigley had seen at Ballanstern’s side a month ago. He caught sight of it and turned in the opposite direction, but with a rustling like a shaking shroud it leapt into the sky and landed on a pillar in front of him. He thought he saw red eyes nestled in its wings before they folded again; a hundred red eyes all watching him, all telling him he was no longer welcome.

>“I know,” he answered.

>And then Juste’s dawn was done.

>At last the flushed empyrean emptied. All its unspoken promise dribbled down its convexity and vanished beyond the horizon. Its blush deepened to crimson. Quigley cried out as the intricate paving stones buckled beneath his boots, hinging vertical like tombstones and throwing him to his knees in a darkening world. Had it never been dawn, then? Had it been a mistaken dusk all along? Aye, for the blood was on fire now as the sun died, and the east was as black as the raven’s wings glistening with red-eyed stars.

>Quigley stood, shaking. He rounded the perimeter of the workshops, thinking to see Vienne’s blackened legs around each new corner.

>“Leave me be,” he begged.

>“All we want is to love you,” she had scolded him more than once, “If that is so distasteful I do not altogether understand why you ever come home at all.”

>“Because I love you!” he’d answered, hurt that she could doubt it.

>“Your son’s the inconvenience then, is he? You’re sick, Mathis; you’re sick and I’m sick for thinking I could mend you. If you can’t be a proper father to him then stay away. Better no father at all than you!”

>The raven nodded from its perch. Why squander the resources on a mayfly?

Fuck, I remember reading something somewhere about a connection between the agib and tittybird. I don't think it was on Ashley's tumblr, maybe one of these threads.


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Roger mentions to the Crescian scientist girl that it's mid thaw so I wonder just how long ago this is meant to be and where they are
Avelpit seems relatively warm even in winter or early spring. Are they marching on their way down south to join the mop up operations?

It’s cute because of the way Duane treats her. Mindraping is for her cultists. The cutie pie who treats her like a normal girl despite being a nipple-pronged bird gut residing beyond space and time is for ice-skating and picknicks. This is like monster-girl waifu 101

I doubt this ever happened at all.

Tittybird is using her special eye abilities.

Case in point the mage whom Shaensigin bit in half is ostensibly still alive in this scene.

So is Jon.

fucks sake, user.

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That goes without saying.

Is falsification like that possible inside the Khert? It's a pretty decent bet that any vision is suspect in some way with missing context or omissions, but can something be completely made up?

How did Claggart won our hearts so hard?

In the bestiary the agib are described as having a similar ability to show people visions with the numerous eyes in their wing. An agib uses this in the short story "orphans" (posted above).

Now the lady appears to also have the wing eyes.....and that ability.

Cope said she based his face off Mike

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Claggart's great, he's a racist, an ass, delightedly uneducated, and dismissive of alternate points of view.
Underneath all that though is a care for his people that extends beyond anything. Whether its true compassion, a want to prove jets are ideal commanders, or so much experience that he can care the right amount purely by practice, he acts like the best officers should.
Besides underneath it all he's a family man who always took the time to reply to Duane's letters, even when the other soldiers Duane served besides tried to pretend it never happened. There's a certain knowledge that comes with that level of kindness hidden as condescension that is heartwarming.

>Besides underneath it all he's a family man who always took the time to reply to Duane's letters
No, he replied once. To tell Duane to stop writing because it was inappropriate for him to be contacting people from different castes and social standings in different ghers. That's why Duane was appreciative of it- because he was being ignorant about a major faux pas in the effort of keeping up friendships and bonds he'd made while he was there.

My mistake, I thought Duane kept sending letters and he kept telling him to stop.

He did, however, react strongly to news of his passing. I forget the details but he definitely cared about him
Claggart is ultimately harsh and strict, but it’s awesome when he’s reprimanding/coaching Duane. He’s dynamic in that he’s prejudiced and stern but also friendly and down to earth. He’s friendly enough to foster conraderie but knows how to command respect at the same time.
In sum, Claggart is the apotheosis of the word based

I think he's a good example of what Duane would be like if he more of a "proper Aldishman" but not all the way. He's racist and a bigot, but he cares about his men. He'll talk shit but he's a good commander who doesn't let his soldiers Caste get in the way of getting the mission done.

I don't really see it.

It's more obvious in the concept art.

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Keep in mind, it's her own artistic interpretation of their faces. But she said on record, before the Duanes Happy Warstory Funtime Flashback that she based 2 of the uglier characters off Mike and Jay.

>He did, however, react strongly to news of his passing. I forget the details but he definitely cared about him
Cope said he went out and got roaring drunk and I think ranted at people in the bar.

Oh also, I think it's important to keep in mind that Duane died a particularly gruesome and tragic death. I'm sure it never got out he had a whole fight with a noble jet politician and got roughed up for it, so as far as anyone knew he was still a big up and comer. And even if he wasn't, where he was was still a tremendous PR piece, existing to justify how Alderode worked. Beloved teacher and pastor, adorable family, a true son of Alderode.

He died ambused in the street by foreign hitmen and his cute daughter run through with a sword found next to him. Even if Claggart didn't care too much about Duane as a friend or old compatriot, he was probably still fond enough of him for that sort of nightmare scenario to affect him.

God bless.

So uh...duane is turning into a smoke eel. Is she trying to get the silver to absorb him?

That's right jay

The natural order of the Khert is to melt down souls into memories, and sort those memories by emotion. It's not super scientific, but kinda geological in how things seem to separate into different densities, and then start to further break down into raw emotion

Apparently Claggart's reaction was one of the more mild ones - I believe Ashley said that after Duane's death there was a big outcry, general unrest, riots, and increased animosity between Ssaelit and geffie

That's more a public outrage of what his death symbolized, whereas Claggart's reaction seems more like a personal one. I don't think you can really compare them and call one mild.

She's fucking with his head like one of those whatchamacallits. Those bird things Cope's been hush hush about. This guy on Ballanstern's shoulder here.

Or maybe I'm completely off-track I dunno whatever

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No, must be that thing.


I just meant it's nice to hear people were upset about Duane getting killed

She's gonna make herself Leysa, isn't she.

so who is the chink between Mike and Jay? is that supposed to be Dick, the birthday boi?

That's just asking for Duane to murder her

>looks like Mike
>follows the old "big pompous asshole but secretly is a total bro" archetype
It's a match made in heaven.

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He's Claggart's mage, who got bitten in half by the salt lizard. "I'm not useless, I'm specialized!" or something like that was his line.