Are wedgies something bullies actually do in real life or is it just a weird cartoon trope?

Are wedgies something bullies actually do in real life or is it just a weird cartoon trope?

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Maybe it was and just isn’t a thing now?

Yeah but now if they try it they get shot so they don't do it anymore.

Are anvils something that actually exist in real life or are they just a weird cartoon trope?

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it's the American equivalent of that japanese thing were they put their finger in your anus and then lick it.

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I always thought it looked impractical and not very painful. Just give them a noogy.

dick sucking coyote lol

no, but because of S&P and age ratings, you can't just show kids punching the shit out of each other and need to make up an alternative.

I don't remember the licking part...

what show is this? art style rings a bell

>Kanchō to lick the finger
Nigga what? I lived in Hokkaido for 3 years and never seen Kanchō with licking.

No. But I'm sure you already knew that and just wanted to make a wedgie thread.

My older siblings have wedgied me, usually it's just really uncomfortable but it can hurt your balls.

that's like the mexico of japan, no wonder they do it wrong

>I don't know what I'm talking about but I'm gonna say it anyway

You're talking about Mie, gaijin.

I think they used to be

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I can think of maybe twice that I got a wedgie, and that was from actual friends.

Well, before the new age of Boxers that came in the millenium, the usual underpants style for men and women were the hip hugger. For men, these were the White Briefs (Tighty Whiteys) and for women, Panties. It was a common school bully/prank to give one another wedgies using the backs of briefs/panties; however its not really a common thing nowadays (at least with men) because Briefs have been phased out with boxers. Women still wear panties, however the populization of thongs and g strings have essentially done the job for would be pranksters/bullies.

That, and the whole "Pls no bully thing" that become rapid fire come late 2000's.

I remember when I used to get wedgies, bullies thought it funny. So I turned the tables on the bullies and started moaning in joy saying "mmm...harder." This made them grossed out because "eww homo" So then it then the bullying came down to "zipping my backpack open when I was walking." However, jokes on them because I used to piss on their gym clothes so fairs fair I suppose.

Ahh, the 90's. The Wild West of Bullying.

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A wedgie with the intensity of jail rape.

Anvils are a smithing tool. The flat top is for hammering metal flat on and the point is rounded for hammering helmets and other bowl-shaped things into shape.

Huh, never mind then I’ve never heard of that one before

I always thought it was spelled nooggie.

But I'm 30?

>Fuck, this nigger is right.
>Majority of boys wear boxers now
>Majority of girls wear some form of thongs
I remember being laughed at for not wearing briefs when I was in school during the late 90's because I hated having my balls pressed right against me. Did the boxers life to let them bounce.

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Wedgies were more something your annoying manchild uncle or big brother would do to you, like a wet willy or a raspberry or a red belly or an indian burn

It was annoying, mildly painful at worst. Actual bullies would just try to physically injure you which is brutal for cartoons

Reverse wet willy is worse... so much worse.

they stopped when too many people started getting off on it.

fuck wet willies, wet willies cause fucking ear infections.

Then why are farts and other such fetishes still depicted?

If someone touched me in my bootyhole they finna die.

>Are anvils something that actually exist in real life or are they just a weird cartoon trop
it was in Steven Universe

>be me at 12
>hanging out with my best bro
>We see this one kid who is just a gross motherfucker
>always wears the same dirty power rangers shirt
>has teeth in all the colors Yas Forums hates
>"check this out" my friend says
>my friend sneaks up behind him
>gives him a legit atomic wedgie
>Kid turns around
>he just straight up admits to molesting special needs kids
>me and friend have no idea how to respond to that
>with underwear still on his head he just walks away

Kid's fucking weird

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Like many cartoon tropes, it was likely something common way back in the day, and the people who grew up then made cartoons about it, and then the people who grew up watching those cartoons put those tropes in their cartoons and so on and so forth.
Wedgies are real though, bullies can do it, but no one has ever been hung from a flag pole. That’s just a cartoon being an exaggeration, as it should be

There was a dad that got killed by one

Wait what?

>underwear still on his head
normal underwear doesnt work like that and the tightness of having it stretched that far would break their neck

in the Gilded Age, wedgies were a luxurious form of personal transport.

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Knew a girl who got a reverse wedgie and it broke her hymen.

Yeah apparently a dad and son got into a brawl and one of them did a wedgie and killed the other

Found one article about it

>This entire post.

This all sounds so familiar.

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I'm still trying to figure out how a wedgie killed someone.

>literally anyone talking about the hymen

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Nevermind just read the article.

once, at a christmas family thing in the 90s, my drunk uncle tried to give me a wedgie (and this is not a joke, or fictional), but he was so drunk he forgot to district me with anything, like a question or something, and just openly fucked around with my waistband and underwear for like 10 seconds in front of everyone, but becuase there was some pretty severse shit happening back home, I didn't say "Hey, stop playing with my underwear", and long story short - he was do drunk he forgot what he was doing, lifted my underwear like 2 inches, and said, "ah, there ya go, pardner..."

shit was weird.
he's dead now.

You're supposed to smell after

Sounds like attempted sexual assault.

Nice. Too bad he died tho.

Why would you even want to sniff or lick your fingers after putting them in someone's anus?
They're even clothed so you wouldn't get anything meaningful of it.

meh, he's long dead, and bigger issues came up (the at home kind, which maybe kinda was sexual assault).
This bastard was so dumb, be smoked, which on oxygen, in a fucking hospital bed, with smuggled cigarettes, and blew his ass up. His lungs were scorched, and he died in like a day. Trash in, trash out.

It's to check if the person washes their ass.
If your finger stinks afterwards, then you mock them mercilessly for being unclean.

>I remember when I used to get wedgies, bullies thought it funny. So I turned the tables on the bullies and started moaning in joy saying "mmm...harder." This made them grossed out because "eww homo"
I just stopped wearing underwear.

>This bastard was so dumb, be smoked, which on oxygen, in a fucking hospital bed, with smuggled cigarettes, and blew his ass up. His lungs were scorched, and he died in like a day. Trash in, trash out.
That's honestly kinda sad in a not very sad way at all.

he spend his entire adult life in a bar, which he learned from his mother. He wasn't especially smart, but like his mom (grandma) he was a bully. kinda venting about real life shit, but toxic people affect entire generations.
Anons, get your mental health in order now. take tests, write journals, express yo'self n shit.

>toxic people affect entire generations
Fucking 100% true.
A bad parent can fuck up their kid's entire life and some just can never get over it psychologically so it really dooms them.

What's Toyama like? I got traded a pokemon from there years ago.

That sounds like a fucking Newgrounds cartoon.

The creator is a pedo, isn't them?That kid meant to say that your friend molested a special needs.

Not OP, but i didn't know either. I am not from america, thus i had no idea, but you see it everywhere in american media

They used to do it anyway

Anvils exist and are a fairly common tool among anyone that does any kind of metalworking. Those kinds of people are fewer now since today's craftsmen are more likely to get into electronics and soldering stations.

They're also RIDICULOUSLY heavy. Even the small jewelry anvils will break your foot and the floor if dropped.