Be Amon

>be Amon
>decide to take away everyone's bending
>crime rates soars since the police can't bend anymore
>hospitals become almost useless since the healers can't bend anymore
>no more electricity since the power plant workers can't bend anymore
>the rest of the world stops all trade with the city and leaves them to starve
>everything is doomed to collapse in a few months at most
>b-but at least we'd all be equal!
Is he the biggest brainlet in Avatar history?

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yes he is what was his plan for when all 4 nations were going after him

Probably counting on a few things:
1. Asami's dad building him an advanced military
2. The equalists are clearly more than a match for benders
3. Sympathetic non-benders in the four nations might join him, there's probably tons of resentment after a war started by benders and probably not much confidence in the Avatar "system" since it doomed everyone to a century of uninterrupted warfare
He wasn't in such a bad spot, really.

*Also are all the world's healers really waterbenders, given how few waterbenders there are left in the world? The Southern Water Tribe lost almost all of theirs, the Northern Water Tribe lost a lot, how did they suddenly repopulate to the point that they're the global medical class?

All he did was block chi so people couldn’t bend anymore and then it was shown to be reversible. Not to mention he had no way of stopping benders from being born. He had no real motivation or plan.

No, that's Korra

Loads a fucking.

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I will never ever watch this gay fucking show.

I mean, a plot where people attempt to justify removing bending from the universe, even though people only watch this show because of the bending

who the fuck thought that would be a good idea or anyone would want to watch that

The bender vs nonbender plot was completely stupid in the first place and should never have been a thing, especially since nonbenders were never portrayed as weak or lower class and held just as many or even more positions of power than benders did.
If anything benders tended to be grunts and blue collars.

>who the fuck thought that would be a good idea or anyone would want to watch that
Given how many people here constantly say Amon was right: Yas Forums.

No, he's just a revolutionary idealist and history has shown that those people tend to be the most brutal and least effective when it comes to actually running a post-revolution society. If he remained in charge the whole thing would probably collapse in short order, but it wouldn't be surprising if after the Equalists take control some internal faction with a more pragmatic and realistic view of things quietly deposes him and institutes a policy of restriction and control over benders.

A well-written show would have made it so that Amon was a demagogue using legit grievances against organized crime to secure personal power, while showing for all his antipathy towards his brother and father he managed to wind up just as bad, if not worse, than either of them.

All of Korra's villains are brainlets
>dude equality LMAO
>dude spiritual balance by merging with a being of pure evil and destruction LMAO
>dude anarchy LMAO
Only Kuvira's goal actually made sense and she still had that retarded moment where she chose to attack instead of just cementing her control over the entire rest of the Earth Kingdom and trying again in a few years

Okay, it's been all these years later but...

How did Amon learn to take bending away?

Is like the creators had to set them up into taking a turn towards evils ville because they can't allow villains to make a lick of sense.

It's fine when it's a villain's idea; you're not expected to agree with those. And he was a damn cool villain.

just about everything in korra was terrible and undid all the goodwill tla built up

Bryke should've never shown who he was. He should've won.

>dude tame over the world LMAO
look i can do it to

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Probably the same way lightning bending became prolific despite being such a dangerous technique that it was considered suicidal to learn if you weren’t a master

That struck as a bit of hype and mystical-ism, like an intentional playing up of how dangerous and difficult it is so normals won't use it

Zuko nearly blowing himself up was a pretty big indicator that Iroh wasn’t fucking around

Iroh was hyping it up when he talked to zuko? People defending korras lightning bending dont fail to entertain

>take away someone's bending
>they have children
>their children are benders because Avatar doesn't abide by Lamark's rules
>he keeps taking bending away until he dies
>the next generation after his death has about as many benders as there were before he started his movement

>Is he the biggest brainlet in Avatar history?
Yes, but not for the reasons you think. It was never about wiping benders off the face of the earth for him. He never cared about equality or any of that. In the end his goal was controlling the city and only the city. To rule it not unlike how his father wanted to rule it himself.

>All he did was block chi so people couldn’t bend anymore
He chi-blocked that was reinforced by Bloodbending. Normal chi-blocking is temporary. Noatak's was not.
> it was shown to be reversible
Only by means of the Avatar. If Korra didn't restore a person's bending that he blocked, then they're never getting it back.

That assumes he doesn't plan and groom a successor, like impregnating his brother.

>Things that were real in OP's mind

Except none of those things you mentioned happened. What DID happen though is that possibly catastrophic and even world ending problems were created by benders in every season after S1. Including summoning literally satan into the world to become le dark avatar, radical anarchist and his gang of super best friends trying to murder a bunch of people and sink the world into chaos, female earth bender Hitler trying to take over the world.

What's comparatively the worst that amon did? Nonviolently take away benders powers?

Amon was literally right about everything. Benders are a scourge on humanity, bending is a crutch, and as long as there are benders in the world there will continue to be inequality and attempts at genocide. Amon saw the evil that bending brought about from his own father and knew that the world could never truly know peace until everyone was equal.

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The funny thing was if they retconned Amon into being a member of the Red Lotus instead of Unalaq, literally none of those are downsides from his point of view.

If his goal was to destabilize the current order by whipping up resentment against the ruling class, what he accomplished in Republic City would have worked very well whether it was put down or not until he panic-waterbended and gave the whole game away.

Unalaq was the only unsalvageable Avatar villain.

>tfw you will never live in a world where korra married amon

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It's a metaphor for communism and the obsession for social justice. See: Harrison Bergeron

The industries might suffer a little without benders, but they're in the middle of an industrial revolution and there were entire episodes in the previous series demonstrating how the ingenuity of the non benders inventing and using new tech was keeping them on par with the benders.

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When the most impossible ship is also the best ship

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If they make another avatar I want the next avatar to end up being a bad guy, that'd be cool i think

Noatak didn't actually care about equality, he wanted to be the centre of a cult of personality, flex his powers and punish the world for what his father did to him.

Except that's wrong ya goof. Why create a cult of personality if you lie about who you are and cover your face with a mask (and a disguise beneath that)? How can he "flex his powers" when he goes out of his way to hide his water bending power and trains his men to be formidable enough to go against benders? As for his father it's obvious that he hated his father for being a bender and used that to justify his hatred for all benders. He didn't want to punish the world so much as he wanted to make sure that no one else would suffer at the hands of benders.

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I remember when people thought Amon was Aang. I wonder how that would change the story?

those were strange days indeed

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Or when people thought he was Koh or an agent of Koh

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Said it once i'll say it again- Amon should've been a full-length runtime villain like Ozai. Dark avatar shit never should've happened. Keep playing up his mystery and scheming while also keeping him as the scary mask badass guy. Making him Korra's Slade (like how Slade was to Robin) would've been so much cooler.

Indeed. Biggest case of wasted potential.

Blood bending bullshit

Rank the avatar villains.

You can remove Azula so its more fair for the poor fellas.

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I'd rank Zhao over Azula. Azula is just asspulls and dramatic escapes over and over again.

mediocre bait.

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The truth can be harsh.

Zuko nearly blew his own face up (again) when he tried it, and even redirection was so dangerous that Iroh refused to teach him any more than theory despite them being hunted by Azula. If Iroh was doing it for the hype, then he was ridiculously committed to the gimmick to the point of putting Zuko's life in danger.

>Said it once i'll say it again- Amon should've been a full-length runtime villain like Ozai.
They didn't know they were getting more than one season, so they wanted season 1 to be its own story.

He's got a point, Azula is OP. She takes over the whole earth kingdom in about a week as a fucking sidequest.

Statistically you would expect it to have already happened at some point.

Yeah, it's a pity the show only got 12 eps to start with, and they wrote his story arc to finish within that limit.

God I wish that was my ball

Given the history presented in the series, Korra's experience is also much more representative of the average life experience of the Avatar than the giant, world-sprawling conflict of Aang. Though Amon and the Equalists as a recurring background element/villain could have worked pretty well, rising with the events of every season and Korra working diplomatically to undermine him, only for Equalism to fall out of favor with the rise of Kuvira as the savior of the Earth Kingdom.

And looking at Sozin trying to "recruit" Roku, it's kind of weird that none of the four nations tried raising an avatar to be 100% loyal to them yet. In a premodern world having the Magic Dalai Lama in your army seems to be an instant win.

Yangchen was basically, "every problem can be solved by proper application of overwhelming violence," and was followed by Kuruk who spent his entire time as Avatar fighting random people for shits and giggles.

Kuruk and Korra both seem like they would have been total assholes eventually if outside shit hadn't intervened

Suyin is basically where Korra would have ended up if things had gone right for her.

Yangchen was actually super diplomatic, just also not afraid to kill. The Kyoshi book and the comics have her negioating with a nation of pirates to stop them raiding, and she comes up with a bargain with Old Iron, but only after she first kicks his ass.

>She takes over the whole earth kingdom in about a week as a fucking sidequest.
this was the best accomplishment of any bad guy in Avatar. she did so with the sheer force of her personality. Even though she's an OP firebender it wasn't even necessary for this. The Dai Li betrayed the Earth Kingdom and bent the knee to Azula simply because they liked her. No villain or hero in avatar has the charm or leadership skills she does.

The problem is that we're not shown her using charm or leadership skills, despite pretty much running the nation already they bend the knee to her when they've won and have her at their mercy. They don't even secure any sort of formal alliance or surrender to her, they just go "okay" and start following her.

yes avatar is severely lacking in politically heavy scenes. and since azula is a politics heavy character theres a lot that is missing. there could have been more shown of her time in ba sing se as well as her planning to subvert the DOBS invasion.

But they do show her speech to the Dai Li which is meant to convey they followed her because they wanted to. The Dai Li even remain her personal guard even after Ozai leaves for the Earth Kingdom, until she banishes them.

The speech is a nice little self-congratulations on the divine right of kings, but is ultimately meaningless. She basically states that she gets to rule because she's a princess despite everyone else doing all the work.

The Dai Li only "did all the work" because Azula told them what to do, and she was right, which is why they liked her over Long Feng