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What's the context here?


After Rami's massive success it was decided that the Anti-Semetic aspect was what drew audiences in this led to the now forgotten "Name the Jew" mini-arc that you see before you

Someone should tell Peter that since he's molded after Dikto a jew he's ethnically jewish as well

Venom never did this kind of thing

Ultimate universe
fake spider-man robs banks
dumb ass city believes its the real spidey

wasn't ditko a slav? and pete was always irish before bendis did this to him. Besides you kikes get ben, one of the best characters in marvel

>wasn't ditko a slav
Ashkenazi are just slavs larping anyway

>since he's molded after Dikto a jew

Ditko wasn't Jewish. Stan was Jewish.


But Peter's Jewish!

>What's the context here?
The story was written by Sam Raimi.

Someone photoshopped it.

Ditko wasn't a jew he was a Slav from Pennsylvania
Kirby was the NYC hebrew

Peter Parker is Irish Protestant.

So does that mean that until Bendis got him, we were supposed to be reading Spidey's comic with an Irish accent the whole time? THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!

My Egyptian friend hates Ashkenazi Jews, do they have some sort of history?

And then the fake spidey tosses a bomb in a policemans car, killing gwens father. Peter ennraged, loses it and beats him within an inch of his life in front of a whole crowd of people.

Arabs in general see them as Europeans larping as Middle Easterners to steal Palestine.
Which they are Most of Israel is Ashkenazi

Didn't bother to do a reverse google search, huh?

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jews control the banks and media and we are nothing but cattle to them.

Its annuda shoah

I suppose you're right, pete can't be irish he doesn't drink

The second frame has a very weird perspective. Took me a while to understand how he was hitting Mr. Rosenberg.
Why capeshit is full of things like this? Weird placement of text, awkward perspective, bad flow, among others. It's almost as if they don't want you to read the damn comic

It's not Bagley's fault that you're retarded


Yes it is

Why the butthurtedness, pal?

>After Rami's massive success it was decided that the Anti-Semetic aspect was what drew audiences in this led to the now forgotten "Name the Jew" mini-arc that you see before you

Post of the decade.

> (OP)
>Someone should tell Peter that since he's molded after Dikto a jew he's ethnically jewish as well

No he isn't. Don't try to jew wash things. The only characters molded after jews are weak beta male soibois. Also the skaven.

Damn it Marvel was wild back then.

Bagley is pretty overrated. He's elevated because he was surrounded by much, much worse artists during his prime.

But its the ethnically middle eastern ultra orthodox that's caused Israel to become a right wing shithole where their PM is fighting harder than Putin to keep his position

Bagley being overrated or not has nothing to do with that retard not being able to follow the action in two simple panels.

user the point at which Israel exists is the point at which it's hated for stealing Palestine

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>who is Ben Grimm: the post

>Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question
Is that REALLY how they decided to word it?

Anglos what can I say. Filename is what/when its from it's the one thing that modern Israeli's/Zionists always try to memory hole. That right there is why Arabs hate them. They keep trying to push the narrative of "WE BOUGHT THE LAND GOYIM" but outside of the ridiculous idea that Palestinians would allow their country to be bought (they didn't and wouldn't there where strict controls on how much property could be sold of to Jews) the idea becomes even more blatantly absured when you have a map showing just how little of the land was Jew owned two years before it was given to them.

If the art is bad its not my fault

No it isn't, you're a retard that can't follow a simple punch between two panels.

Based, anyone got the page(s)?

But that's his left arm. So it's almost breaking the 180° rule from the scene established earlier. The angle of the punch is very strange, especially because spidey can't be seen. Also, Rosenberg is falling from a position that seems off, as we can see spideys arm he should be in front, just as shown in the previous panel, but he's also almost horizontal, instead of in the first stages of falling down.
Even more, our pov shows that we are a little higher than the arm giving the punch, so the only way to make sense of this scene is if you put the image upside down, as if spiderman's arm is your arm. But then, the punch is extremely awkward, hitting from above, but also with the elbow extended far from your body, making an uncomfortable hook, pointing downward with your fist. Try to punch that way, you can't put your body behind it so it will be very weak. The only way to hit Rosenberg could be with the elbow or forearm, but the yellow flash indicating a hit is placed in the knuckles.

Maybe you didn't see all the page but Fake Spidey pushed him to the ground

Was it really just a different time?

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Spider-Man stopping criminal usury.

>Someone should tell Peter that since he's molded after Dikto a jew he's ethnically jewish as well
stop trying to make Peter jewish you Schlomo fuck.

False, and in Raimiman he’s Catholic.

All jews are bad but askenazi are the worst.

Ben does have that Jewish self loathing

>bank manager
Jesus Bendis

Bendis is jewish

Actually, here are the census results on Wikipedia:

2018: 31.8% European (Ashkenazi)
2009: 50.2% Middle Eastern (Mizrahi/Sepharadi)
????: 1.75% African (Beta Israel a.k.a. Ethiopian)

From Wikipedia
>About 44.9% percent of Israel's Jewish population identify as either Mizrahi or Sephardi, 44.2% identify as Ashkenazi, about 3% as Beta Israel and 7.9% as mixed or other.
The source is a study from 2018
Again none of this matters because As far as Arabs are concerned there all euros (The demographics of the place didn't change because of Immigration from the rest of the ME)

>Hates jews
>hates women
>hates robo-marriage
>hates aliens
why do we like him again?

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Because he's Based and not a faggot like you user
>That Secret Invasion tie-in where he called Skrulls the Niggers of Space
how did he get away with it? why did the Avengers let him get away with it?

I do have to say I'm a little alarmed by how racist content has been snuck into superhero media over the years. There was the whole "kike known as Sabretooth" "typo" recall years back, there were all of the subtle racist, antisemitic, and gay bashing dog whistles in Raimi's Spiderman trilogy, Into The Spiderverse made the perfect Spiderman a blonde Aryan and made the fat loser Spiderman jewish. DC isn't blameless either, there have been several Elseworlds where Batman was racist, and even a very short lived Elseworlds cartoon movie (it was quickly pulled) called Batman:Klansman.

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For all the reasons you posted and more.

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Most annoying part is that Gwen thought Spider-Man still killed Cap. Stacy even after it was cleared up. What a dumb bitch.