

Attached: Monster_Steven.png (360x370, 99.66K)

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true, i think all this proves is that to a degree the four diamonds were the original creations and all of them have the capacity to morph into looking similar to there creators. It's sort of like when techies add certain human touches to there coding

Attached: Rebecca Sugar craves cock.png (227x189, 15.35K)

>doorway above Pink Diamond's buried ship is obviously a vagina
>end monster is obviously a cartoonishly thicc cock
Does her lust know no bounds?




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It won't

>is named and designed in honor of her brother
>this fucking shit happens
>gets hugged by all of his "moms" and "sisters" at the end, including her OG self-insert Lapis, who grabbed him right on the neck

I think Rebecca's trying to tell us something.

>men are dickhead monsters that need a woman's compassion to be human

Women are whores?

It literally did

Pearl is Rebecca's OC. Well, technically they ALL are Rebecca's OC's but if you want to get particular it's not even Pearl it's Ruby.




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>Connie never thought that this was how she would end.
>Being slowly corrupted into another being's broodmare.
>Feeling her belly swell and empty with immense emissions, until finally, something took root in her womb.
>She can feel her mind start to slip as it no longer resents her rapist, and instead turns toward loving her mate.
>And she can no longer, with any honesty, deny it.

Historically, Lapis' inspiration lent itself from a self-insert panel series revolving around her early life; Mergo, but you know what I meant.

Yeah there's just so much of Rebecca in the show it's just sort of hard to leave it at one specific thing. Might be a while until we get another show that has so much of one creator's personality in it.

You all know she did this on purpose probably, right?

She is amused by fanfiction and theories. She had a character who has been physically abused (given how he flinches so quickly) who is right about fucking everything, but made one BIG prediction that is never explored. Not to mention references to similar things throughout (the money, Steven being bothered by snakes not having limbs while young)

She wants the fanfiction. The fanfiction about him being the victim of snakeman abduction.

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She’s literally in the end. The human couple that Garnet is counseling.

Ian has a character in the show and it's not that guy. Rebecca doesn't have any townie character, the one people think is her is actually Kat Morris.

Its a real shame Connie didn't get to taste the Diamond Dick.

she did though
That's how they turned Steven back to normal.

She has it any time she wants it.

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>Big kaiju Steven becomes a thing
>Don't even bother to go full Godzilla and have at least some military presence so Steven can crush tanks and shrug off missiles
>Gets hugged back to normal like a pussy bitch

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> image
That’s gross user

After six years of pretty much no military whatsoever in SU I wasn’t expecting it, even though it would have been cool
But I at least wanted him to smash Beach City a bit and he didn’t even fully destroy his house

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He didn't even fully destroy Little Homeworld.

Insult not the true God Emperor.

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He wrecked 1/2 the house and possibly killed Garnet’s cat.

Where the fuck was the atomic breath?

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If they (inb4 "they") took over the world, eight feet tall astride a mystical lion, I'd probably be down.

Is Stevonnie that tall?

Oh no. Hes hot.

Stevonnie is canonically naturally intersex. Which is the polite, and asterisk-free, way of saying varying degrees of hermaphrodite.

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He had atomic bad breath

>Stevonnie is a futanari

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Shut up Pink, you turned your fake rebellion into a real one so you could have two vaginas.

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>Stevonnie is a futanari

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steven made a very disappointing kaiju

Does that account only exist so long as they stay fused?

Being Lapis is suffering

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thanks swain

>yeah me too
does lapis have the autismo?

Glad someone still kept this idea going


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She has the communications degree.

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Is that me?

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no she just loves herself

At the risk of being called gay or something, the best theory I've heard is that the chest is a metaphor for all of the secrets Rose kept, for good or ill, that remained closed through the bulk of the series.

By the time Spinel shows up, the only things that really weren't revealed were her deal and what happened to Volleyball, so the chest was open as a show that all the secrets were "let out."

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Random junk.

I mean, Amethyst has actual gold bullion in treasure chests alongside rotten burritos. They really tried to parallel Pink and her heavily, as literally Steven’s older sister who knew their mom.

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It may be.



I don't see you coming up with a better answer.

No, I just wish I had a second set of eyes to help me look over stupid mistakes like that.

I still say she’s alive.
Transferred herself into a synthetic Gem.

Steven has none of her happy memories, just shitty Diamond ones. “Sacrificed her form.” The memory that lead him to talk to Pearl was fabricated, not matching reality at all and being unlike any other vision.

no I just wanted to call you gay


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