Marvel enters into Desperation Mode

>Marvel enters into Desperation Mode

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I hate this board

Why cant they just integrate that into Disney Plus? Sure they can come up with a convenient payment plan for it?

Because Disney doesn't give a shit about comics.

Why come here though?

they should bring back tna and stop with all the men hating sjw crap if they really are desperate for costumers

Plus stop editing out Wolverine's cigars in their reprints.

B-but tobacco bad!

>make comics for nerds
>alienate said nerds for woke points
>wtf why is my business dying???
hope they crash and burn to hell

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Hard to believe Yas Forums was right.

>you can read CM for free
Gee, thanks...

>letting people read shit for free
>somehow a bad thing
Just fuck off

With these shutdowns
Theres going to be alot summer this year

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>letting them read trash for free is good guise!

It's fucking free, how is it a bad thing?

>alienate racist xenophobic sexist incel nerds

It's like they're doing the world an actual favor to get you fucking retards out.

Holy shit boomer leave.

What does this even mean, OP? Are we just supposed to look at this half-assed screen shot and see whatever it is that makes us the most angry?

>iconic stories
>avengers vs x-men
>civil war
>Aaron's avengers
>Slott's spider-man
>Cates' thanos fanfic
>KSD carol
please stop, the virus is bad enough I don't want to die laughing

Low effort

Just start releasing the new comics digitally, and stop cucking out to the direct market.

If you can't use your brain then you belong at Marvel, friend.

>wtf why is my business dying???
The plague.

For anyone who uses the Marvel App I'm curious what Marvel Comics sees as an "iconic" story. To my mind the only thing worth collecting in the past 15 years is Civil War 1, Superior Spider-Man/Spider-Island, and that's about it.

The Chinese plague is only speeding up what was going to happen anyway.

Let's see here's a list of what they're offering

>Avengers vs. X-Men
>Civil War
>Amazing Spider-Man: Red Goblin
>Black Panther by Ta-Nehisi Coates Vol. 1
Thanos Wins
>X-Men Milestones: Dark Phoenix Saga
>Avengers: Kree/Skrull War
>Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 1: The Final Host
>Fantastic Four Vol. 1: Fourever
>Black Widow Vol. 1: S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Most Wanted
>Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate
>Captain Marvel Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More.

Dark Phoenix is a classic. Kree Skrull war is honestly not that great having actually read it but makes sense since they're doing sequel to it. Civil War and Winter Soldier make sense as famous stories.

Any Spider-Man post OMD is automatically tainted, and Aaaron's Avengers is desecration of She-Hulk. So both should be avoided.

>Captain Marvel
>Higher, Further, Faster, More.
Marvel genuinely believed that slogan was going to stick. Embarrassing.

I went through comixology to look at their prices, and if my math is correct, these are all worth $175,88 combined.

Or maybe they’re just offering some free reading material so bored people don’t go insane when they’re quarantined.


I think more people would go insane from reading that shit than from quarantine.

>being bored under quarantine while still having the internet

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Its been dying way before the Virus happened.
It is, however, helping it die off faster.

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He never said it's a bad thing.

If the only reason you were buying comics was because they had cleavage in them, you didn't want a superhero comic. You wanted porn. Understanding the difference between the two will save you a lot of money in the long run.

BND wasn't bad, and Nick Spencer's run has been great.

>desperation mode
Sure as shit doesn't sound like sunshine and rainbows

How is the classic kree/skrull war trash

It's the sign of a bad thing to Disney, but it's a good thing to us

What’s wrong with the Dark Phoenix saga or the Winter Soldier ultimate?

How is it a bad thing for them lmao, it’s a handful of titles and easy advertising for marvel unlimited

>but it's a good thing to us
There is no "us", fuck off

why do they care, they are a puppet company only alive because of Disney's money to begin with. they have been selling those comics at loss for ages, it's just their playground to test new toy designs at this point

Love the influx of casuals it's great

>they have been selling those comics at loss for ages

>It's the SIGN of a bad thing to Disney

But how? Making a bunch of shit free on a platform they want to push is very standard business advertising, especially now. There’s a lot of signs things are rocky for Disney but this is like...nothing

>There’s a lot of signs things are rocky for Disney
Such as?

Just stop....
It's over
Do you understand?

Shilling is pathetic.
Especially when the Coronavirua is laying off people by 10 millions in the US. Stop....

>giving acess to a lot of to their comics during corona crisis
It's a sign they are desperate to compensate the loss of interest during this pandemic

Dude, the fucking parks are closed, you know like 40% of Disney money? Read a fucking newspaper.

>compensate the loss of interest during this pandemic
Or they just want to further increase users?
Do any of you know how advertising works?

>a lot
You can count them with your fingers, stop blowing things out of proportion.

Look, Microsoft giving free trials means they are desperate. Just listen

Stop downplaying what's happening. Even you can't defend it any longer.

??? This isn’t even the first time free comics are given out

Your one of THOSE arent you? Even in the brink of Armageddon you'll still be this deluded.

Good argument. Now tell me how brands giving out free samples means they are desperate


Dur hur

>Holy shit
Get the fuck off the internet, you fucking boomer

Speak for yourself Boomer.

Two events, a bunch of Vol. 1s and a couple of arcs are samples, if they were giving away entire runs for free maybe then you could try to make an argument for Marvel being in trouble.

Ok boomer.