Yeah I call based on this one

Yeah I call based on this one

Attached: Star Butterfly x Marco Diaz - The Harem (Crystal Dolphin) (720p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).webm (1280x720, 1.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I want a sequel series with Star and Marco's children.

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Why must coomers ruin children cartoons, bros?

based on what

Tiger King. Marco is Doc Antle.

Was this the worst finale of the last decade? I honestly think only Adventure Time comes close


marco crossdeessing

Attached: 20190717_152948.png (84x91, 2.31K)

Fuck you marco fag.

How long till one of you autist go full Lil' Soniq and make Marco's Ultimate Harem a thing.

It's kinda great for all the wrong reasons. Nefcy had some balls on her to pull it off.

if evangelion was made nowadays people would have called the final bullshit. I'll give it a decade until people start praising star as the ultimate form of art.

Star's ending is a truly amazing sight, for god sake they accidentally made a pro nazi message it makes me still laugh.

HE COMES maybe idk, can his autism scan a webm?

>if evangelion was made nowadays people would have called the final bullshit

>praising star as the ultimate form of art
The entire fandom is coomers, it’s the lowest level of show quality out there

>The entire fandom is coomers
sounds like evangelion to me.

Ah I haven't seen that show, why was it bad?

Dropped the show after the first season, how did it end?

It’s not even so much what actually happens, but rather, how they wrote it. There’s no buildup or sacrifice, it just sort of happens. She barely even cars.
It reminds me of Fairly Odd Parents Abra-Catastrophe, but done much much worse.

Star and Marco stare each other

Yes people definitely coom to that male
You sound very inexperienced here to think this show is good or will be seen as good in the future

Star commits genocide.

Show goes to shit after Ludo gets written out of the show and Toffee dies an unspectacular one-shot death. A bunch of shit happens, mostly shipping garbage, and then a joke character who appeared in one season 2 episode becomes the main antagonist who wants to genocide the entire monster population, which is supposed to be some sort of racism allegory but then Star hilariously decides to respond to this threat by disabling her army by genociding the entire magic population, effectively killing Glossaryck, the Magic High Commission, the spells in her wand that had entire episodes dedicated to only them, and god knows who else.
Funniest part was when the spirit of Star's ancestor who made said antagonist into the absolute psychopath she is today gave her a look of disapproval, as if she wasn't doing exactly what she raised her to do. The antagonist didn't even get defeated after a large epic battle or something, she gets trampled by a random unicorn.
Also mandatory "Wander should have gotten a third season instead" post.

>You sound very inexperienced
why are you so autistic about this, are you implying evangelion was a masterpiece? whats next, you love watching the oscars too?

They admit lizard Hitler did nothing wrong, and discover that maybe the real magic was the friends we genocided along the way

Come on, she killed that annoying magic smurf. Nothing wrong with that.

Attached: mommys_lil_monster.jpg (1024x576, 57.97K)

No why are you implying Star Vs is a masterpiece when no one on this board or outside this board cared about this show outside of 1 ship and porn

Attached: between friends 014.jpg (709x276, 45.05K)

With best girl.

if you're talking about anyone other than Moon so help me GOD

>best girl

oh good I read that wrong. Read "with" as meaning someone who killed magic with Star

Hekapoo is also acceptable

Who the fuck are these characters? They look like OCs

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I think that the ending was more an inevitable culmination of how much seasons 3 and 4 sucked rather than a deliberate, separate act.

The left one is from that Zhu Zhu cartoon.

Star should have been a boy

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Star actually loves this.

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You reap what you sow!

Attached: school day-star.jpg (720x662, 68.73K) one is going to mention Human!Twilight Sparkle?

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>a pro nazi message
That implies that the Reich was right and Jews needed to die for the greater good. So that's based.

Attached: Vroom_the_Jews.jpg (187x269, 9.51K)

I think one's from some spanish loud house porn.

I think the girl on the right is actually a character from TLH. I don't know about the other girl.

Personally I find all crossover shipping shit to be completely cringeyworthy garbage but I do find this to be pretty well made.

It certainly has more effort than those shitty edited screencaps the mighty content creating "juggernaut" of SUfaggotry keeps spamming.


Attached: Star Vs Season 5 Never Ever.jpg (573x739, 66.72K)

What a bitch. Hope she offs herself after Bernie loses the nomination.

Same, except its Marco and Janna's kids.

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Imagine actually wanting more of this shit

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I've never had as much fun in Yas Forums as with SVTFOE threads. The show can go on.

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She isn't as pretty as the Human form of Princess Twilight.(The Pony one)

I don't think that's a bitchy response.

It's realistic, and it's an answer she's given fans several times already before.

Brown boys for brown girls. This is God's law.

Does anyone have that picture Daron mde of herself and her husband Bobby laying in bed naked while they say "I LIKE YOU" to each other? I swear I had it but I cannot find it anyomere.

Attached: daron + bobby.jpg (500x611, 81.08K)

Are we supposed to imagine their relationship is how canon Starco works?

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And brown girls for white boys

>Marco becomes a crappy film director
>Star makes shitty cartoons
Cleaved is a blessing in disguise.

>And brown boys for white girls
Fixed. The only time WMBF worked was Paul Walker's character from FatF. And now he's dead.

>What a bitch.
Nefcy clearly wants to work on Star, but the suits are preventing that. And honestly, they're doing us a favor after Nefcy ruined her own show.

Go count your shekels somewhere else