So in the end does Ethan have the last laugh?

So in the end does Ethan have the last laugh?

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I'm sure him and all of his 32 readers are laughing, sure

That's 32 readers more than a Marvel comic.

What books does EVS have coming out this week?

I liked the original 90s series, but until we see Cyberfrog the animated series or something, I won't hold my breath.


Chadgate: 32
Industry: sorry we cant pay you today

Comic books don't have feelings, they're made of paper.

Meant for

not really because ignoring the fact that that most comic pros are affluent or come from affluent families and that most artist just do what their told so if they wanted to make Sakimichan levels of income they can

The idea of a Big Two 'pro' being homeless or broke will never happen

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Fucking KEK.

It will never happen because they are professional mooches. No-one is going to pay them to write comics after the crash though, and the most toxic people in the comics industry are by far the writers and creative editors so they won't be able to draw. You're only a comic writer if someone actually draws your shit, and mommy and daddy are not going to pay these people thousands of dollars so they can hire their own artists and continue to LARP as comic creators.

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Self-publishers like EVS and Zack will be able to ride the wave a bit longer than the big name pubs, but once we hit the next great Depression, no publisher will be able to compete with the essential market (food, water, shelter)

you have seen the numbers on his campaigns, right?
Even Meyer leaves those fags in the dust.
To call the big two laughable would be a compliment. Let them burn

Can I become #33?

For no other reason than he is his own boss and still employed, EVS definitely will have the last laugh. Let's see what Marvel "writers" are doing in a couple months. Stupid fucking industry killed itself. Wu flu just hastened it a bit.

How do we stop him from winning all the time? He's making us all look fools. We are emasculated before him...

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Ethan who?

how soon until a Cyberfrog/TMNT crossover happens???

His latest comic has raised over $400,000, I doubt that's from 32 backers.

Yes and I am kind of shocked it took a Black swan event for it to happen.


The sad irony is that the biggest thing that Corona has revealed at this point in time is that fascism is exactly what we need.

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shutup and get in the oven, lumpenprole

Fuck off, fascist

Your incoherent screeching won't work forever, you know.

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You are a sad minority.

You say that.
But I see even my most liberal of friends demanding draconian policies to legally enforce social distancing through military/police force.

The only question at this point is how long it will take for you to realize the irony.

You think? Because it seems to me that fascism gets less and less popular every year

Got em

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With who?
Have you seen how many people openly celebrate how China handled the pandemic?


At this point EVS and Zack have said the industry is gonna die for so many years that I'm sure the industry will bounce right back to where it was pre-covid.
Doubling down on hiring regressive ideologues of course.

Racism? On my Yas Forums?

I have seen literally zero people celebrate how China handled the virus

And yet so many people want us to emulate it through military restrictions. Hm.

>Doubling down on hiring regressive ideologues of course.
Why would they hire EVS at this point?


>is that fascism is exactly what we need.

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If you had friends, you wouldn't be here.

People want us to hide the numbers and do precious little else? Who wants that?

they wont let him have it

>literally all your shitty little cult does is send death/rape threats to women for daring to exist, and vandalise a store that won't stock your comic on the grounds it's shit
>get surprised that people call you out on it
Casualgaters can fuck off back to their containment board

Given that casualgaters have a hateboner for IDW that could blot out the sun, I doubt they'll be letting Glorious Caesar anywhere near their property


dogshit bait
Learn to reply, casualgater

Kys Ethan

this retard thinks I'm going to give him free (You)s

the comic book industry has been dying a slow death for 3 decades, last week's politics have nothing to do with it

on the other hand comic books as intellectual property will continue to be profitable for decades to come, capeshit isn't going anywhere

Neck yourself Waid.

>he said that he would be filing a complaint on Monday with the Federal Trade Commission because he believes he is the victim of anti-competitive practices.
Haha what a faggot

>thinking only Waid can see through your bullshit
What's the matter, Ethan, still mad that you can't buy 300 Star Wars action figures and not destroy them on your shitty YouTube channel?

Go dilate and slit your wrists, faggot.

>B-But muh sexism
Thanks for proving his point commie faggots.

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This is gamergate all over again and by that it proves how fucking retarded liberals are.

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I have seen a few people on the CCP's payroll (namely the W.H.O.) but not real people.