Well Yas Forums, is he right?

Well Yas Forums, is he right?

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you can hate only one, but then you are a hypocrite, seeing how they essentially are the same thing

Aang actually knew what the purpose of his story was and worked actively towards it.

Steven just cried like a bitch every damn second

Steven is a better protag and character than Aang, Avatar is the better produced show. There I think that about covers all 50,000 posts this thread will generate.

No. I hate Aang but I'm indifferent to Steven because I've never watched SU.

Yes, I hate both

Lets see.
>One imprisoned and ensured that a genocidal tyrant never had the power to continue his atrocities.
>The other forgave a genocidal monster and allowed them to remain in charge.

No, he is a stupid faggot who deals only in child-logic absolutes. It is the same logic as saying you hate someone who wears glasses, and then someone says that that means you hate everyone who wears glasses.

What a small-minded faggot.

No? Aang was way less whiny then Steven even at his worst. Aang also had some trickster qualities to him whereas Steven was reliant on talking people down. They have similar values but are different characters.

No, You dont even deserve a (You)

>Aang actually knew what the purpose of his story was and worked actively towards it.
There's barely a purpose to his story to begin with and he actively avoids confronting it for most of the show.

SU > Avatar

I didn't like how Aang resolved the finale but he was great in the rest of the show. Steven was a mixed bag who I didn't like how he resolved things half of the time.

Aang had a charecter arc steven had implied charecter arc

Steven actually “killed” someone though

based. i dont watch anime so i like SU

honestly Steven's a better character than Aang even if ATLA is better than SU

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Absolutely not, fuck fags and fuck trannies.
BASED AND REDPILLED, /thread, this, my post best post

To be fair, you can pick apart either one if you're going to take it completely seriously. It's not like Aang's going to end the conflict and undo a hundred years of war mongering propaganda overnight just because he put their leader behind bars.

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>Allowed them to remain in charge

user this is not how you become a master baiter.

And immideatly after brought them back

What's Aang's character arc?

Not even worth a (You)

Ok so do gems still lisiten to the diamonds?

hell no, have you actually watched ATLA? Aang has an actual character arc, with a begginning, middle and end, actual relationships with friends, rivals, enemies, etc.
Steven's character has no rhyme or reason beyond "I'm feeling like this right now" and the entire show bends to conform to it. Steven likes space hitler diamonds? Suddenly they're redeemable.

let's see, two vastly different characters with vastly different power-sets and backgrounds doing vastly different things in there own universes. Totally the same thing, totally would hate them both if I hate one, what an obvious answer, absolutely right. Tell this twitter fag hes a faggot.

No you retard. Have you even fucking watched the show? They gave up all power, Homeworld is now holding democratic trials and gems are free to choose what they want to do. The Diamonds are also fixing their mistakes without Steven prodding them too which is way more than Ozai ever did. Ozai is more of a cartoon character than than 50ft rainbow ladies.

the entire show is about how he inevitably has to face the story and preparing for it.

At no point does Steven "like" the Diamonds. They needed the help of the Diamonds to undo the damage done by them

>Aang had a character arc
>I was scared and then I wasn't

Face it, Zuko was the protag of ATLA.

Steven never abandoned the Air Nation like a little bitch.

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>It's not like Aang's going to end the conflict and undo a hundred years of war mongering propaganda overnight just because he put their leader behind bars.
Worked for Korra.

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i dont know either of them, as they arent characters from exo-squad

you are blue-pilled and cucked, simply for thinking you can make those claims about yourself

pretty much why Avatar is shit

What's the beginning, middle and end of Aang's arc exactly? That he grows a backbone to fulfill his duties as the Avatar? Well he gets that in approximately 2 fucking episodes. Aang had some good moments like when he lost Appa but it's not like he was some amazing character with a really in depth arc. Steven had that whole consistent thing about not knowing whether he's human or alien, wrestling with his opinions of his mother and trying to live up to her legacy, you can see him try to shoulder everyone's pain at his own detriment. The character's at least doing stuff and is involved.

Aang was flawed. Horribly flawed as a character in a good way. He abandoned his duties cause of the immense nature of it among other things. Why? Cause he was a literal kid and he was expected to be this great equalizer from the get go
He spends the series slowly over time coming to terms.not only with his role but that running away in the first place caused a whole lot of issues.

That's character growth man. Steven had some of that, but because the show runners were poor at executing coherent plot lines and character growth, it never really worked.

Aang was in whole a better written and executed character. Steven had potential but crap writers got in the way of it.

>I don't wanna be Avatar
>runs away and gets frozen for 100 years
>wakes up and learns what happened
>now resolves to fulfill his destiny by mastering the elements, starting by heading to the North Pole to learn Waterbending
>learns he needs to hurry up because comet is coming that will make Fire Nation super powerful
>becomes proactive after the siege of the north and works to get the Earth Kingdom armies involved
>struggles to learn Earthbending but still does
>trains his spirit to channel the Avatar state
>almost dies
>makes peace with an old enemy to learn Firebending
>angsts about killing big bad due to the optics, finds another way out that still shuts him down as a threat
>becomes global reformer

>Face it, Zuko was the protag of ATLA.
>I was a whiny bitch then I wasn't

What's Aang's character arc?

And then he doesn't have to actually face the story and gets handed a way to circumvent it. He neither has to compromise his morals as a pacifist nor his role as the avatar, the entire moral dilemma he's been struggling with gets completely done away with, Which could have been okay if he found a clever way to achieve the proverbial Superman "other way" and/or had to sacrifice something, anything, to be able to uphold both his beliefs and his role. But he doesn't. He gets to save the world and stay kung fu messiah, to stay a pacifist, he gets the girl, he redempts his rival, ... it's just extremely unsatisfying when his struggle turns out to be this artificial in the end.

You see it's very telling how you can only bring up his backstory as to why he's such an amazing "flawed" character. And you know how long it took Aang to say "it was wrong of me to flee..." well he does that in the 2nd episode of the whole show and it's only brought up again in The Storm where he elaborates on the backstory. You can say the only time this backstory informed his decision making was the S3 premier where he reacted so negatively to the world thinking he died I might even say that was Aang's single best episode and it was a good episode but not exactly anyone's favorite.

I'd argue that by Stevens gem briefly resuming Pinks/Roses forms that they're alive to some extent inside the gem.
>genuinely believing that the coward Pink who ran from the other diamonds wouldn't just shapeshift into Steven and claim Pink is gone before refusing

And are you implying that running away from an army when he wasn't at all trained by that point is a character flaw? He literally wouldn't have solved anything by not fleeing.
His embracing the Avatar role implied him compromising, which he eventually doesn't have to do because not one but two moral dilemmas get solved by writer fiat.

Yea I fucking hate both of them.

That logic would imply pink wants a relationship with...Connie?

Are you saying you'd watch Avatar if Steven was the last air bender and you'd watch as he instantly
redeems Zuko, Zhao, Azula, Ozai, and Long Feng?

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>I don't wanna be Avatar
>runs away and gets frozen for 100 years
>wakes up and learns what happened
>now resolves to fulfill his destiny by mastering the elements, starting by heading to the North Pole to learn Waterbending
That's the only part of your post that actually qualifies as character growth. Shonen fight training and "hurry up Namek will blow up in 5 minutes" isn't character growth.
>makes peace with an old enemy to learn Firebending
That's more Zuko's character arc than Aang's. Aang had nothing against Zuko other than Zuko being a prick, once Zuko became a good guy there was no obstacle there for Aang.
>finds another way
He doesn't, the other way finds him.

Steven unironically has a better character arc than Aang

>Steven stops holding back and ends the war in a few minutes

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>Beats the shit out of Ozai and depowers him, has him thrown in jail

>Forgives space Hitler and lets her roam around free

Pink is satisfied to go along with whatever Steven wants, so long as she doesn't have any responsibilities anymore


Typical SU fan stupidity.

>Ba Sing Sei Walls fall again to Kaiju Steven

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>Almost the entire season besides the premier Steven is miserable
>The happiest we see him is when he finally stops holding back and is beating Jasper, and then shatters her
>Hours later he attempts to shatter white and fails because he was confused on the perspective
>This is confirmed with him asking Spinel how to deal with vengeful thoughts
>Steven is clearly experiencing something new with craving violence and giving up on peaceful solutions
I think we all expected corrupted Steven to be "redeemed" instantly as is the shows formula, but my god it was so fucking unsatisfying. I'm not even bummed out that the show is over because of how bad the ending was

That wasn't a hundred year empire, that was a week long terrorist movement.

Though I agree, the Equalist resolution was kind of half-assed. It's not like there wouldn't be anyone still not angry about benders just because their leader was outed as one. But I guess they were supposed to be placated by the leading council being disbanded and replaced with a normie president.

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SUfags have their heads way too far up their own asses.

Aang Pacifism was actually sustented on a milenial civilization and religion, while Steve just "muh hurting people feefees BAD!"

most SUfags are also Avatarfags

i think Steven's like that because of his hippie dad and raised on Rose "all life is precious and worth protecting" Quartz ideals

Fucking bullshit. I am so goddamn sick of SUfags, and the gull they have to compare it to ATLA. Christ I don't even think these assholes understand basic narrative. Just look at this guy

Pretty much, the issue here is that they portrayed defeating a terrorist as defeating his ideology and any underlying sentiment that would lead other people to follow that terrorist. The president thing is pretty throw-away when the equalist movement wasn't openly aimed at the council (even though you could assume it was more of a target priority for Amon himself).
But hey, at least at that point they had the excuse of thinking it would just be a one-season show so they didn't really have to think about the aftermath too hard.

I think both are gay, and anyone who's a fan of either is gay.

I kind of wish Aang was forced to look at himself when he was in a vengeful rage, like when he just decapitated a bird on-screen because it attacked Momo, instead of lying to us by saying "I only ever use my powers for defense and never to take a life :)" contrary to Steven who saw himself as a monster when he allowed himself to live out his vengeful thoughts towards those that hurt him

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You can use Ty Lee as a reaction image to anything and be right because she makes me want to coooom.

I only hate Steven because he's fat.

Aang stopped being able to clutch to that excuse after Yangchen basically told him to murder Ozai.

Hitler did nothing wrong

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>who saw himself as a monster when he allowed himself to live out his vengeful thoughts towards those that hurt him
So like whe he entered in Avatar state when Katara was almost killed by that earth kingdom general?

>The other forgave a genocidal monster


user please we both know Sufags dont watch avatar