When did it become uncool for heroes to be Patriot?

When did it become uncool for heroes to be Patriot?

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Probably the Bush era.

When youth started disliking America

After vietnam

The whole black lives matter made it cool to shit in cops again

Captain America makes sense being a patriot.

But Superman really should not be. he should be neutral in political affairs and loyalty. Otherwise the rest of the world would naturally not trust him.

There was no single moment, it's pretty much been a downhill thing since WW2 ended.


The derangement syndrome era arrived

Trump isn’t a good president.

When people started confusing patriotism with nationalism

When writers and artists got it into their empty skulls that people wanted to hear their retarded opinions.

Reagan I think

When even US citizens wised up that the US is kinda fucked up.

I blame Europeans. Thinking patriot = nationalist is a problem they've always had, and they spread that misconception to American youth just like they spread their shitty authoritarian ideologies like Fascism and Communism.

Fucking Black American soldiers who fought in the Spanish War after being emancipated from slavery a few years prior were patriotic. The idea that you're supposed to hate your country is pure Europoverty.

>Fucking Black American soldiers who fought in the Spanish War after being emancipated from slavery a few years prior were patriotic
And then after that they went straight into being fucked in the ass again

Patriotism is stupidity when it comes to a country that actively dislikes you

>At the end of the war, the brigade members were evacuated and returned to the United States. When they arrived in the port of New York, they were received by a crowd of supporters who were aware of the cause. But from there, the difficulties began. "They were persecuted by the FBI and by the entire weight of the US administration that saw them as dangerous communists," says Domingo.

Still the greatest country on Earth

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It’s behind a lot of other countries in a lot of things

When people realized that nationalism is utterly retarded

When people realize that "patriotism" most of the time evolved into nationalism.. And therefore it can be used to spread genocidal movements against another people just because.

For example the Armenian people would have disappeared , and no one would know for that kind of thinking..

Then you got Hitler and everything goes to shit.

When people realized american reality had nothing to do with the american dream anymore.

We're ahead in the things that matter, like self-defense laws.

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When it was exposed Patriots were abusing the trust and faith put in them by the people.

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becomes no one likes America, not even Americans, just radicalized Yas Forums mas shooters are patriots

Patriotim is inherently a stupid trait, just look at all the shit the CIA has done to foreign nations, or what the FBI has done to domestic citizens. Every President should go straight to jail whenever their terms end.

thats what happens when you choose to be ruled by a monarchy

Again, if you're a subhuman European. New World nations don't have problems with patriotism evolving from nationalism because a lot of them were born from former colonies that were liberated from their empires by patriots. South Americans countries often have shittier governments than North American ones, but they're even more patriotic than we are.

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When did it become cool for male heroes to have such big tiddies?

If for you country = ruler then congratulations, you have psychology at the level of medieval peasant.

Patriotism needs a bit of self-critique and self-awareness to really work, otherwise it's just retardation


>something bad
Fucking retards, nationalism is what gave you freedom and prosperity. Not to mention the fact that all these libtards very often turn their movements into medieval sects and in general are very love the personality cults which is the direct path to feudalism.

Like anything else, without self-critique and self-awareness you are guaranteed to become sjw facist like.

>Fucking Black American soldiers who fought in the Spanish War after being emancipated from slavery a few years prior were patriotic.

Then were exposed to the nasty reality when they got back home. It was the same with black Americans that volunteered to fight in Europe during World War 1 but fucking hated it when the US got involved, because it meant that they'd bring their bullshit from the States. Hard to be patriotic when you're constantly reminded of how your own country saw you as less than a full citizen despite risking your life for it, but they did it anyways for various reasons.

More people woke up to the patriotic bullshit over time since the Vietnam War didn't help with that at all, but that was a really bad example to bring up.

But if I say Trump is a shitty president you'll foam at the mouth.

As if Trump is a nationalist, not just a billionaire who only cares about money. I honestly consider anyone who believed in Trump is idiot.

This thread sure is about comics.

When Trump became president

>Superman was just voted most popular hero in the world
>Captain America was a cornerstone of a multibillion dollar movie franchise
What did he mean by this?


No but it’s still better than 99% of the threads here

Patriotism is blind veneration - really, organized tribalism. And therefore bad.


Is really not.

>Superman was just voted most popular hero in the world

In a poll that involved like 2000 people.

>Captain America was a cornerstone of a multibillion dollar movie franchise

Because to a lot of people, he's just a nice person that acts very "un-American."

The Vietnam war put some holes in the concept, the Reagan era influenced comics to be more dark and political, the 9/11 era brought patriotism back for a bit but Bush botching the following wars soured people on the idea and now that we have a meme for a president it is pretty much dead.


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>Captain America acts bravely, defends those who can't defend themselves, stands up to his own government when it's being tyrannical, is patient, kind and treats people fairly.
>user considers this "unamerican"

Why does this look gay?


What makes any of that 'american'? They're universally seen as positive traits regardless of nationality.

Because it is.

Well, he isn't fat.

Because those aren't American qualities, it's Steve is a good person. No one attributes those qualities as inherently American because there are countless historical examples to directly contradict them.

>Because those no more American qualities
fix, libtards have finally killed American spirit.

Why do they look like they’re about to start making out and groping each other?

No, you fucked it up, retard.

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But I'm not liberal.

I dunno, when did "patriotism" become just wrapping yourself in a Chinese made flag and calling everyone who disagrees with you a commie or a fag?

When the our mutual homeland started sucking ass.

>shit in

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When it became obvious that America is rule by clowns and warmongers. AKA blame the information age.

what the hell lmao what makes you think captain america is unpatriotic
he just wants america to be the best it can be and adheres to the american dream of truth and justice and fights for it even if the law, which is not a measure of patriotism, agrees with him
i mean, shit, dude, america began because we didn't give a fuck about the law and through them bitch's tea n taxes into the harbor. probably damaged the ecosystem, but fuck that, because we're america. Capt is based as fuck.

Because products based on IPs are sold internationally and foreigners don’t see want to see American themed superheroes.


>what the hell lmao what makes you think captain america is unpatriotic?

What makes you think I think that?

Let me add:
When it became obvious that America is rule by clowns and warmongers and far to many people, especially the self-proclaimed patriots, are more than fine with it.

>enter thread
>not a single bishonen Clark post
what happened to you Yas Forums
you used to be really fuckin gay
now you're just nothing

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