Post your face when Unalaq said:

Post your face when Unalaq said:

>I will become... the Dark Avatar

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>If the lore wasn’t fucked before, it sure as hell is now.

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Ozai was one-dimensional, but completely serviceable to the story. Unalaq was even less than onedimensional. Like at least I get the feeling Ozai doesn't call himself evil, he just thinks in terms of strong and not strong and being strong is morally better, which is proven to him by how the fire nation people are better than the other nations.

I had honestly checked out of this show during season 1 and only followed S2 because my friend wanted me to keep watching since I was the only person he could chat about this show to.
When he did it, the shitpile on that season was already high enough where I just no longer cared.

Was gonna drop after S2 and told my friend that the only way I'd watch S3 is if the next bad guy was an airbender because there was totally no way they would actually do that.

Basically the laziest writing ever.

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>muh Phoenix king.

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To be fair, the psuedo-taoism doesn't mean dark is evil even he peddled that shit. The issue is that the Avatar should've already been that.

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Remember how in the first three or so episodes of Book 2 it looks like Unalaq is going to be morally gray? And how it also looks like he's going to have an interesting relationship with Korra, and perhaps tempt her to betray her moral principles in the name of the greater good? Remember how he almost seems to be building up a Palpatine/Anakin relationship with her?

And yet by episode four it's all been chucked out the window and Unalaq is just a mustache-twirling villain. It's so emblematic of everything that was wrong with Korra as a series.

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I may have accepted this idea if the motive was more than just being powerful for power's sake. The Avatar is essentially born with a golden ticket to influence the course of the entire world, and it may have been interesting to see an antagonist who wanted to become a true equal. Essentially flipping Amon's philosophy by instead trying to achieve higher status rather than lowering everyone else's.

But I guess that would've meant Korra debating her enemy and defending why she alone should have that kind of power. And honestly LoK wasn't in the business of taking the hard way out. It was much easier to just brand everyone a hypocrite and call it a day.

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It feels like they initially planned season 2 and 3 as one episode but the sepperated it at the last minute.
It would explain why the middle part of season 2 had no direction and only seemed to serve as filler.

Remember when Varrick was a genuinely threatening, duplicitious amoral figure hiding his true intentions behind an eccentric mask, and then he became le wacky bumbling businessman who needed his secretary-wife to save him?

The spirit plot line sucked donkey balls.
They could have had a lovecraftian story about a man so obsessed with spirits that he goes mad talking to an ancient spirit that seeks to use him like a puppet

But instead we get Dark Avatar

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It's truly baffling, why would you set up a villain to be complex and interesting, only to throw it away in favor of making him totally shit? What a dumpster fire of a season (and show in general)

>just like in my middle school notebook.

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Varrick was easily the best thing about Book 2, I fucking hated how they neutered him. The show didn't need more bumbling comic relief, he was perfect as a charming yet ruthless and cunning antagonist. The dude was willing to orchestrate war for profit, frame an innocent man for serious crimes, and kidnap the president (among other shady shit), yet he gets away with everything scot free and that's supposed to be totally fine

I think the writers just said fuck it and decided to turn him into Tony Stark 2.0 and get some MCU points from the manchildren.

Castrating every potentially interesting thing was something that Korra specialized in.
>anti-bender antagonist -> lol he is just some butthurt bloodbender mutie
>city formed by 3 vastly different cultures coming together -> lol new york with pagoda inspired roofs
>MC having to deal with permanent loss of most of her abilities -> lol she gets them back after 5 minutes and little bit of crying
>antagonist trying to recover lands stolen from her people -> lol she is just hitler with bagina

its what made me stop watching, i tried and wanted it to get better but this shit right here was too much garbage all at once. No regerts.

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I don't remember what my face looked like, but I do remember the first thing I said.

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Zaheer was based though.

Dont got any pictures as I'm on my dad's tablet but just look in your reaction folder for an underwhelmed and bored face and pretend I posted that
Fuck unalaq was lame.

I got you, man.

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That sums it up, yeah.

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I never understood how the Fire Nation soldiers that didn't roll up with advanced weaponry ever got the upper hand against Earthbenders.

Happened with every villain. They put so much into giving them compelling reasons to be antagonists, that they were actually completely justified so there had to be some bullshit pulled out of no where to make them evil again.
It’s like in reality the world of Korra is inherently fucked because of the rampant inequalities and problems caused by bending, but it’s the conceit of the show so they have to hand wave it away to make Korra the hero.

I remember sometime after the S1 Korra finale, anons were speculating on what plotlines future seasons could have. There were a few shitposts about low-hanging fruit ideas like a Dark Avatar, a Black Lotus org, etc. I feel kinda silly for doubting them.

...actually fuck, Korasami started out as a shitpost crackship too, didn't it?

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Yes. Ironically Yas Forums LOVED Korrasami back in the day, precisely because Makorra and Kolin had both been thoroughly shat on by Book One. We hated Mako and Bolin so much that we would pair Korra up with Asami since it seemed to be the only Team Avatar pairing that hadn't been ruined yet.

And then Bryke had to go and ruin that one, too.

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It did. Most speculation and shipping from Asami were fan ideas for Mako that migrated to her once everyone realized Mako was shit.

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Ironically by the end of the show Mako's not bad. Separating from Korra is probably the best thing that ever happened to him as a character.

The real bullshit is that azula did in like a week what iroh couldnt in decades of war.

How the fuck does being a “Dark avatar” or a “good avatar” for that matter even fucking work when the usually Light/Dark dualism round in most mythos Dosent even exist in Avatar?

>114050152 (OP)

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I honest to god don't remember him saying that

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You're thinking of ATLA. Korra threw all that out in favor of eternal dueling kite monsters, one black and red and played by a deep-voiced male, one white and blue and played by a female, because subtlety is for nerds.

Varrick was a shit character who was never funny and seems like they were setting Unalaq have that "morally grey" aspect of him but then chickened out as usual

You jest, but many people can't catch subtleties, or goes overboard.

Earth kingdom has the lowest bender to person ratio among all 4 nations. doesn't help that apart from ba sing se they're mostly scattered into little colonies.

I would have liked it if the Avatar was given the ability to bend elements by one entity and after seeing Korra's life and compares it to Unalaq's decides to give Unalaq avatar powers.
As he sees Korra has made no attempt to understand the sprits and act as a mediator between them and humans. Nor does she intend to act as a Mediator between the nations.

Korra season 2 was so fucking stupid and not even in an enjoyable way
That being said I laughed my ass off when I heard that line

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>Yeah? Well then I'll have to become the LIGHT AVATAR!

>Ozai was one-dimensional, but completely serviceable to the story. Unalaq was even less than onedimensional. Like at least I get the feeling Ozai doesn't call himself evil, he just thinks in terms of strong and not strong and being strong is morally better, which is proven to him by how the fire nation people are better than the other nations.
Nah, she didn't, she tried different approach. And she got awfully lucky, that she arrived in Ba Sing Se while the King was already in conflict with Dai Li and didn't meet Katara.

He was just a classic imperialist

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Who would hate Bolin????

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Not that user but Bolin kinda sucked after Book 1. Then again the number of consistently good LoK characters could be counted on one hand so hey, maybe I should cut him some slack.