What's the worst episode of Aqua Teen? Catching up on some episodes I missed on, and Rubberman is up there

What's the worst episode of Aqua Teen? Catching up on some episodes I missed on, and Rubberman is up there.

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Honestly I can't really think of one that stands out as being absolutely terrible,

Maybe Grim Reaper Gutters, if only because it's a clip show, but even then they do some funny shit in there.


I never like the mooninites so I'm saying one of their episodes.
Not the one where they go to the store though.


any episode involving Oglethorpe and Emory

It's been a while since i've seen taste this bad.

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For me, the worst one was Reedickyoulus, it was just so fucking gross and dark. Season 5 is by far my least favorite season, too much gore not enough jokes. Laser Lenses and Fry Legs are pretty bad too.

How can you say that!? the line delivery between shake and meatwad is priceless

The content itself is fine, the reuse of clips is always frowned upon. But even then, the 'clip show' aspect barely takes up a minute's worth of the episode and introduces Dan, from Grim Reaper Gutters.

Either the live action one or the one about the virus and the jumping beans.

Fuck those guys

Best Episodes: anything involving carl, shake, and meatwad,
Shit Episodes: anything involving frylock, those dumbass aliens from pluto, and mc pee pants.

the state of Yas Forums

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dude, that's what makes it great. It lulls you into thinking its a clip show for the first 3rd, then hits home with, in my opinion, is one of the best bits in the whole franchise.

He won't leave until he makes a sale.

frylock sucks and you know it

Any episode where Frylock acts likes a irrational creep or asshole.

frylock has some sleeper one liners that can make me bust a gut
> Meatwad: I thought you said TV was bad.
> Frylock: It is. But we fucking need it!

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This. Both the mooninites and plutonians got old after their first episodes.

Spacecataz is fucking hilarious

dusty gazongas

What a terrible opinion.

Didn't know Yas Forums hated frylock this much.

The squeaky voiced one is just annoying and never says anything funny.

I love Frylock but his centered episodes are always shit except for the one where we moves out.

A straight man by himself is kind of boring and Frylock is the closest the show has to one.

Fuck yku rubberman was funny

Don't pay those brainlets any mind. The straight man is necessary so that the madlads have something to play off of. They *coof* don't understand that a joke has two halves, they just laugh at the punchline and give no credit to what made the punchline possible.

>virus and the jumping beans
What the fuck was that one even about!?

i love a good atlanta reference in [as] shows

>he doesn't like universal remonster
opinion discarded

I don't have a good enough memory to say this with conviction, but after a bit of thought Eggball is my answer.

ngl the post movie episodes are largely not as good to me, but the series picks up again with some of the name change seasons

>one of the worst episodes
It has a "Frosty the Snowman" parody song about a duck made of used condoms and leftover human eyeballs that snorts coke, what the fuck is wrong with you

The worst one is the live-action episode, followed by Two-and-a-Half-Star Wars Out of Five

Hair bus

That one about the giant antennae and George Lowe is climbing it. It's so forgettable I can't even remember what it was called.

This. Also, not an official episode but 'Boston' was friggin boring.

the movie promotion episode


global grilling is the only one that comes to mind, and its only because of the mucus. meatwad throwing the pan outside still gets me

Pinball Birds. Worst episode period. Nothing in that is funny. Runner up is Last Dance for Napkin Lad

Maybe I have shit taste but Eggball wasn't that bad.

There are a lot of boring episodes in the later seasons people mentioned. Fry Legs seems like an interesting concept but they managed to make it so dull. Might be the overreliance on shock humor. Star wars sucked too.

live-action episode or the product placement one.

Juggalo, Reedickyoulus, Fry Legs, and Allen.

Like I said my memory isn't good enough to say with certainty, but I do have a vague recollection of dissatisfaction after watching that episode.
I'm someone who doesn't think the series peaked pre movie though. I'm also the guy who said the mooninites suck, so make if that what you will.

I liked the Mooninites early on but their shtick got old fast. There's some real gems in the later episodes but the episodes are less funny overall.

I haven't watched it in a while either but I liked how absurd it was and how disinterested the birds were about their giant baby god being summoned. It dragged in the middle but there are worse episodes.

The dickesode
it's literally 12 minutes of "lol saying dick on tv is funny"

Are you high? Carl has some of his best lines in that episode.

Yeah! We’re fighting!

This. If it's a momentary break in character like in then it's funny, but otherwise I just find myself rolling my eyes.

Frylock was pretty damn funny on his own
>"Look at this kitchen! A dog wouldn't even take a crap in here, Shake!"

i don't know about you but Ezekiel and The Last One are fucking hilarious

Ezekiel is one of the best episodes in general

The one where Shake microwaved cats.

I hated that one just for Meatwad's singing
I know it's not supposed to be good but Jesus Christ

Ezekial and Shake Like Me are two of my favourites. The response to "That's your slave name" is probably the best line in the entire show, and the only competitor to it is "Look. Yes. I have banged hundreds of broads... internationally. BUT KNOW THIS! I wrap my rascal TWO times, cause I like it to be joyless and without sensation... as a way of punishing supermodels.

Honestly half the show is just Dana's delivery.

Bart Oates
Carl Wash
Much of season 4
Absolutely everything AFTER season 4

Bart Oates was hilarious, what are you talking about?


Sometime in S4 was the point where they started getting much more risqué and edgy and really violent/profane, but sacrificing some humor in the process. after the movie it got worse. just lots of dumb dick and rape jokes that didn't go anywhere, the characters became a bit too devolved in their personalities to the point where they were like caricatures.

frankly, some of the best episodes of aqua teen ever made were TV-PG rated. relatively tame in content, but with really killer dialogue interplay between the characters and creative plots. something the later seasons missed.

i don't understand how someone can be REALLY into some of the later stuff unless you were of a certain age when it was airing... for me, i was already in high school by the movie and starting to get turned off by it.

The movie.