Captain Carrot thread

Captain Carrot thread.

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I'd Yankee my Doodle on that poodle, OP.

for me it's Alley

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CC is such a great mateiral for a cartoon.

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Good choice.

Too bad zoo is banned now.

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post that Claremont era X-men where they're all furries

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I came into this thread hoping for a Discworld discussion, am disappointed.

Okay then.

Not gonna lie, I'd do Alley in a heartbeat. However, poor Rova needs some love, too. There's not enough female dog characters out there. They're severely overshadowed by cats.

Why not both?

Cats and dogs? Tribbing together?

Cats rule, Dogs droole.

Its funny how this never had a cartoon, with what how popular those kinds of shows are during the 80s-90s

Started a quick doodle, but I'm too sleepy to continue it tonight. Maybe I can continue on it if the thread's still around tomorrow.

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"Captain Carrot and his amazing Zoo crew" were supposed to appear on the cancelled "Superman Family" cartoon.

Warner Brothers forced most internet sites to delete the concept art,so it's pretty hard to find outside the 4channel archives.

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Nice work.

This makes me sad
>we'll never get another superman cartoon

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>Dat costume

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Redpill me on The Zoo Crew Yas Forums

Lighthearted DC superhero spoof that's occasionally had super cringy "dark" reinterpretations (like the cursed attempt to make Carrot into DC's Rocket Raccoon). Original series is the only good one more or less.

based Morrison introduced me to the zoo crew.


Of what?

And a load of godawful puns.

Didn't Alley Cat Abra have her own solo for a while?

Remember when they tried to revamp the character as some kinda StarLord knockoff?
Bad times.

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That looks like a Mogwai.

it's good to keep some files

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shi- i missed president day this year

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Edgy Zoo Crew cartoon or comic when?

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already happened

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Really? I could have sworn I heard about a mini-series by Image or something like that? A slightly edgier storyline about her being accused of murder or something? Pretty sure I saw it in a previous thread, but this was a long while ago, so I could be mis-remembering.

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Geoff Johns had her murder one of her teammates (a mouse) in a backup story in Teen Titans. Fun!

it was later retconned, she had a evil twin or something

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Hmm. Maybe I'm just confusing it with that. Could have sworn there was something about an Image comic of her, but with my memory, who knows?

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Correct, a duplicate created by Feline Faust.


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Gross animal penises.
