Hulk Thread

Proper Hulk Thread. No shit-posting.

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Don't really like the fact Hulk is basically the living tribunal evil counterpart, too much wanking.

I see awesome shit like that, and I think it's almost an obligation at this point to have Emil Blonsky to return. He could be TOBA's backup vessel, and we could get really weird with the body horror there. After all, he's called "The Abomination" for crying out loud, and for years he hasn't lived up to his title of Hulk's rival. Sure we had the suit grown from his corpse, which both Rick Jones and Fortean wore, but I can't say this run will have been done justice until Blonsky gets his due (that and Colonel Ross returning, but I'm sure he's coming eventually). You can't get more biblical than Blonsky's corpse falling to Earth like a shooting star

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But he's not? It's just a possible future wherein Hulk becomes the vessel for a universe destroyer. It's not really going to happen, and Hulk still gets his ass handed to him. What OP posted is just another example of what will happen if Banner forfeits control over to The One Below All.

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I'm 50/50 on whether we get Emil or not;
Ewing likes to change things up, and
I'm afraid he might have blown his Abomination load on Fortean.
100 percent on Ross making a return;
How could he not?

I think it'd be a waste personally. I'm more 50/50 on MODOK showing up, especially since Leader is debuting. Do you think Ross will have a connection to Zzzax again? What cosmetic changes do you expect from Rulk, and what role will he play? Speaking of the Ross family, I hope Betty stays as Red Harpy. I think its a better persona than Red She Hulk, which is honestly kind of lame. Then again, Aaron already ruined the regular She Hulk so I guess it doesn't matter currently

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It is still wanking just like or even maybe worse than when the Monitors turned Superman into a anti cosmic being super weapon.

>It is still wanking
Ewing isn't wanking anything

So Hulk fans is Immortal Hulk the best story Hulk story since 10 years?

How the hell is that character wanking? That's like calling fucking Hellboy character wanking because he's destined to destroy the world you dumbass.

I want to know how you people turn your brain off to the tiresome identity politics in this book. Do you agree with the progressive wank? Do you use a coping mechanism? Or do you just not care? Teach me your ways, mousefags.

I'm not sold on MODOK showing up,
Can't see it in the same stretch as the Leader.
But, if he does, hopefully he brings some muscle, pic related.
Zzzax Ross works for me, but that's because I'm a continuity nerd.

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Nigga his Hulk took Thor down with a couple of punches and is getting brand new powers like the doomsday bones.

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Just because you're butthurt doesn't means its wanking.

It fits the plot, it fits the tone, and fit the tone of the story.

We've been told for decades that the Hulk's potential power is limitless. Ewing and Bennett ran with that with the worst possible outcome.

To be fair, Thor didn't have Mjolnir at the time.

Are you retarded or something? It literally makes him extremely important. If Banner ever say "fuck everything" the entire multiverse will be fucked.

Still not wanking

>Progressive wank
Except its not? I think trannies are mentally ill dumbasses, but I'm not going to get triggered over Dr. McGowan, especially given the context. The difference between this and New Warriors is that Ewing's Hulk doesn't make it the forefront of the plot, nor does it try to make it the main selling point. A tranny just exists, that's it. Hell there's a sort of hilarity to it considering said tranny admits to not being all up there mentally, and the book is all about body horror mutants. You don't see the irony in that?
Oh so you're mad Thor isn't the one getting character wanked like he always does?
.....and the same can be said for Hellboy. You're retarded

Thor being treated like the planet buster and literal GOD he's supposed to be is not wanking.

Aaron Thor is weak enough to get one punched.

The Hulk's always shifted shapes now he can just control it.

Doomsday is just a Hulk rip off anyway.

Thanks for proving my point, Thorfag. I'm sure you're enjoying Cate's book. You know I find it funny that this board will shitpost endlessly about Superman being OP, yet says jack shit about the thunder god who rarely gets humbled.

Thor is not a god, he's just a powerful human with delusions of grandeur.

But Hulk, a character than can fight gods and break worlds being the cause of a POSSIBLE bad end is wanking.

I think the Grutan revamp idea would work well with MODOK. Especially if you changed up MODOK's design to make him more horrifying, think something like the Spider Mastermind from Doom.

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Fun fact: I enjoyed Hulk: The End. My favorite one of the end comics line

k, sure let's just pretend Thor is not the son of the primordial deity Gaia and most powerful skyfather Odin and treat him like Wonder Man, because you want Big Green Man to be the big boy of the playground

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>Superman being OP, yet says jack shit about the thunder god who rarely gets humbled.
Would you just TRY reading comics sometime? It would make your (shit)posting at least coherent.

Thor doesn't even swing the biggest dick in actual Norse Mythology. A snake and a dog are stronger than him.

Hell one of Thor's most stories is about a giant stealing Mjolnir (guess he was worthy) and Thor having to cross dress to get it back.

So stop saying 'he's a gawd' because you obviously don't want a Thor limited by actual mythology.

k sure let's just pretend you're mad because the Hulk book wanked Hulk a little instead of Thor even though Thor's dick is chafing from all the wanking Cates is giving him

Buddy, you're whining about a POSSIBLE FUTURE wherein a evil primordial being takes over the Hulk's body. The Hulk by himself isn't some universe ending abomination. Bitch about TOBA, not Banner. How much Thor dick sucking do you want exactly? Because it seems like its never enough.
>I have no argument so I'll just call user a causal and hope for the best.

>I think trannies are mentally ill dumbasses, but I'm not going to get triggered over Dr. McGowan, especially given the context. The difference between this and New Warriors is that Ewing's Hulk doesn't make it the forefront of the plot, nor does it try to make it the main selling point. A tranny just exists, that's it.
Your method is "coping mechanism" then. I see. You claim to think trannies are a negative thing, but then completely accept them in your entertainment because of some nebulous "context" that somehow gives them reason to be inserted into every piece of media these days.

Do you understand how many centuries humans have been telling stories, WITHOUT the need to inject trannies and race bait? Why are you so accepting of it now? Because the book has a green guy on the cover?

Seriously, you dumb motherfucker.
Thor has had his ass kicked so many times its ridiculous. Probably 10x as often as the Hulk.
One of the most popular Thor supporting characters only EXISTS because he whooped Thor's ass in a fair fight for his hammer.
Hulk on the other hand has kicked the entire Marvel Universe's ass on several occasions, he even bested Writer's Fiat Sentry in a straight up fight. The same Sentry who took out Molecule Man like he wasn't shit.
I've read decades of Thor and Hulk comics, and you need to stick to MCU threads where your comic ignorance isn't so apparent.

>he even bested Writer's Fiat Sentry in a straight up fight
so did Thor?

Look pal I don't know what to tell you but trannies unfortunately exist. I know you're shitposting, but you couldn't even think of a good rebuttal for the second half of my post because on some level you agreed with me on the whole mentally ill/mutant thing. The point is, as long as the character doesn't completely halt the fucking plot or go out of their way to jump in front of the camera to remind people they're trans, I'm fine with it. SJWs get their pet character, and they can shut up. There.

>Do you understand how many centuries humans have been telling stories, WITHOUT the need to inject trannies
far less than you think

You mean that time when there was several avengers plus Loki baking his ass and he still needed Bob himself to hold Void back?

So we've established that you're a pissy characterfag mad that Thor isn't getting his dicked sucked in every book. Good to know. Hey, I don't know if you're aware of this but jobbing is a thing that happens to even the strongest of characters. The rule of thumb; if their name isn't on the cover, chances are they'll fucking job. I'm not exactly sure how that fact escapes you. And I'm sure you cried like a bitch each time Thor lost a fight too.

But go ahead and keep trying to call me casual and desperately try to label me as some MCU faggot. Oh and by the way, the Thor movies are shit, completely wasting the material. Still mad at the Warriors 3 treatment.

You can keep on defending trannies all day, fellas. You are part of why comics have died. You and corona. Kind of poetic that your Anonymous personas are infected too.

pretty sure it's all corona, my guy

>pretty sure it's all corona, my guy
Enjoy your next issue of Immortal Hulk, my fellow communist. Oh wait you can't.

>defending trannies
So you're just going to ignore everything posted, even though I directly called trannies mentally ill? The lengths people will go to stay mad.

I've been reading Immortal Hulk and while I'm enjoying it so far, I think I'm having a hard time understanding some of what's going on. What's this whole Green door thing about? Is it like another dimension or Speed force-esque shit? What's Banner's dad doing here?

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yeah! Coronavirus shutting down Diamond and all the comic shops is all the SJWs' fault! Grrr, those darned SJWs! Buy my low-quality $40 comic to prove just how much you hate those dirty SJWs!


$40 bucks is worth it to stick it to the libs.

great, you'll just have to wait three years to get it! Probably! I might just take the money and run, who knows!

There's multiple hells in Marvel but the hell on the other side of the Green Door is the domain of The One Below All, the opposite of The One Above All, and as such is the deepest and darkest hell of them all. The Green Door is the channel through which the more metaphysical form of gamma energy emanates and anyone who has been mutated by gamma appears there when they die.

Right so in Ewing's Hulk run, Gamma radiation is basically revealed to be otherworldly energy straight from Hell. More specifically, Gamma appears to be linked by a being known as The One Below All, and "Anti-God" as it claims to be. It's kind of like that Lovecraft thing wherein man tables into science/knowledge he shouldn't, pears behind a forbidden door, and then a whole bunch of crazy shit happens. The Green Door is basically a portal straight to Hell, one created after Bruce's Gamma Bomb experiment. What TOBA wants is the door to fully open, possess Dr. Banner's body, and then end the universe. As for Brian Banner, Bruce's father, well he's mainly there because he's basically "The Devil" Bruce knew since childhood.

The Green Door is a metaphysical barrier between the Multiverse and the Below-Place, keeping the malevolent deity known as the One Below All trapped. When killed, the souls of Gamma mutates pass through it into the Below-Place, though they possess no memory of this following their resurrection.
Even when the Green Door is closed, the One Below All is able to exert its influence through the mutagenic form of Gamma radiation, transforming those affected into Gamma mutates that it can potentially possess. The Green Door was partially opened by the detonation of a Gamma Bomb at the Los Diablos Missile Base - turning Bruce Banner into the Gamma mutate known as the Hulk.
When viewed from the outside the Green Door appears as a glowing green rectangular space in a field of darkness. From within the Below-Place, it appears as an enormous pillar of green light

I really liked the mindscape bit in the most recent issue- I dug the artstyle, but there was something very endearing about seeing Savage Hulk just kinda pal'ing around with Worldbreaker Hulk in the mindscape. WB was definitely giving me big-bro vibes. Shame its all an act meant to hurt Savage even more in the long run to push him into becoming the vessel for TOBA.

Ewing said this is what would happen if "evil" Bruce/Bob Banner were to use all the Hulks working together. I wonder if more Hulk personalities are gonna appear that're more powerful than even Devil

>The Green Door
I still don't entirely understand it either, but from what I can gather, it's a door between Earth and the Actual Hell (The One Below All's Hell). It was opened by the original Gamma Bomb that created the Hulk, and other experiments that replicate it can open The Green Door as well (the bit with Sasquach). Every time Bruce or a Gamma-powered being dies, they go through this door to come back to life. At first it's not noticeable, but after Bruce has died so many times, the Door has become far more noticeable, and it's influence is also in more effect.
>Banner's Dad
He was the host for the One Below All for the time he was in this run. The Hulk in Hell arc goes a bit into that he needed Bruce in Actual Hell to so that the One Below All could get into 616, and that Brian could be free of OBA's influence and get back to Earth as well. I think that's what happened anyway, I'm not entirely sure.

Part of me wants to bet Bob's gonna somehow resurface as a unique personality and start fucking with Bruce.


I think having his mind altered for a handful of hours it a bit thin to spin a new personality out of.

Brian isn't really a host for TOBA, more like a lackey that's there to torment Bruce

Every soul condemned to gamma hell is a vessel for TOBA. Since TOBA's only weapon is hate it chose Brian specifically to fuck with Banner. This doesn't mean it's not Brian, it means Brian in gamma hell is a TOBA hybrid.

by this logic hes working with 4 hulk dicks

It could be a hell of a way to make Xenmu a serious threat to the Hulk though. Something like a 'planted' personality he could use to slowly gain influence over Banner's personality. Assuming he's still alive, or course.

I think he might be hiding in Agger. In a very literal sense.

You're assuming those aren't more arms with which to smash things?

Devil Hulk is badass and I wasn't super jazzed about dumb Hulk beyond this past arc.

>being around

>It could be a hell of a way to make Xenmu a serious threat to the Hulk though
But we already just had that. Xemnu had a great arc, and now it's over. Let's move on. And yeah, I could see Agger being a weird husk

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