New52 Lobo

You know what I really like him

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you don't exist


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He's never getting out of that bottle, you know?

I remember hearing an idea of having a Lobo book featuring the two Lobos having a quasi Tom and Jerry motif and Begrudgingly having to work together

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kind of want to see him get fucked in the ass by OG Lobo
would be hot

He looks painfully generic, the katana looks like every other katana that every other person with a katana has.
The two hooks look different enough i guess but christ he looks boring

oh dear lord.
crawl back into you're cotton candy hole with all the other sugar plumb fairies will you?

If you like him, put your money where your mouth is.

Do a big storytime and see if Yas Forums gives him another chance like with Suffering Sam.

it would've been way funnier if he was one of Lobo's kids (let's face it he's probably made a few single moms by now) and they had a team-up comic where Lobo just constantly one-upped him.

I think there was actually a comic where that happened to lobo.

Isn't that the kid lobo from the titans book?

I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking with Nubo. Thankfully he's gone, and Lobo is back (even if it felt like DC was petty about the entire thing). The problem with Nubo is that he's played straight. Had he been another Czarian, and a parody of modern/early 00s pretty boy brooding action stars, he could have been fun.
What the hell is Crush's deal anyway? They never explained who her mom is, or how Lobo magically forgets about dumping her infant self off at Burning Man

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I would've liked him better if he were having brother adventures with OG Lobo.

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Shit taste but, whatever.

You can eat horseshit if you really want to.

Lobo has a lot of kids.
A bunch of them tried killing him too.

>You can eat horseshit if you really want to.
No, he can't, Lobo's back and the New 52 Lobo's probably gone for good.

But he can still eat them road apples.

Lobo has a bunch of kids that he kills, I think there was a comic about that. He also tried to kill Crush when he met her.

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He looks like he was designed by a female YA romance novel author

He ended up just leaving her with The Other.

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they should bring back lil lobo and slobo to team with/antagonize her

I can appreciate him as a character that’s parody and satire of the new model of pretty boy edgy stuff, like how old Lobo was for edgy 90s stuff.
But I don’t think the writers see him that way, and are full on serious about him.

Nubo was meant to capitalize on the Twilight, Edward Cullen emo guy shit. Problem was, the kind of people who watch Twilight don't read superhero comics. Two completely different demographics.
In fact New 52 as a whole was an attempt at that fangirl demo. That's why they booked Supes and Wondy as a couple and gave them a kinda "Nobody understands me but you" thing.

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Yeah, he was initially supposed to be a parody but whoever got the book just played it straight and thus ruined Nubo

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If he wasn't Lobo, I'd think he was pretty cool lookin'. I remember reading a rumor that he was planned to slowly develop into classic Lobo over the course of a few years, but they scrapped it due to reader backlash. I dunno, sounds like that could be a rumor to save face.

Honestly, I think they shouldn't have him bottled up. They could've just instead retconned him to be a Lobo remnant after he got diced to pieces by something and had gotten amnesia and false memories implanted into him by a villain.

Would've been cool to see him become a personal villain for Lobo, trying to go after Lobo's bounties, going after Lobo himself, and proclaiming himself to be the "real" lobo.

>he was initially supposed to be a parody
Was he really tho? From the very beginning it seemed like they were actually serious about him.

he looks pretty cool
he looks nothing like Lobo

But OG Lobo is pretty gross

what Korean mmo is this?

Based and LOBOpilled.

Don't worry, it is ok to be a retard.

Yeah that was Lobo : Infanticide
They for his head so he took theirs.

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t. keezy fem

this. fucking THIS. Have a foil to lobo that he cant just violence away

Is the sidecut just code for “I’m the mega villain’s daughter” at DC?

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>Slobo is still a statue on Apokolips
When will he return?!

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It would've been a very short lived series just like Marty's run in the DCU

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Kind of like a Bizarro Lobo?

wow they completely ruined his design, Lobo otherwise has a 10/10 fuckable design

People like this deserve to be fragging fragged.

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Aside from NuLobo and NuMaxima, what other characters did DC try to literally replace by introducing younger alternate versions?


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Speaking of Lobo and Maxima, why hasn't she ever tried to fuck Lobo (outside of the DCU)?

I see what you did there but that's not what I mean. Superbro never physically appeared before Superman and said "I'm the real one" and replaced him. It was almost the opposite, actually. Old Superman returned and basically absorbed Superbro into himself.

I'm still mad about Maxima

I wanna see OG Lobo raw his little twink ass.

Shit taste in men confirmed. He’s daddy bear-tier.

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Wally West also got hit by this, but was soon brought back, now both simply exist.

She's way better looking "in action" on the comics. Covers too, I guess. Was this model sheet concept art? It just looks toned down somehow.

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Amanda Waller, Nu52 version had her working for Team 7 (Wildstorm blk ops team) before leading the Suicide Squad. Overall thin Waller was a mistake.

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I just want to see a rematch where lobo just beats the shit out of nu-lob

>thin Waller was a mistake.
The New 52 was a mistake, at least most of it.

Wouldn't it go without saying that super strength would give you a considerable jump

Guy looks like Dan Vs.

Nut he replaced the real Superman for all effects and purpose.

that comic book was really great.

What do you like about him?