Only post ITT if you're infected

only post ITT if you're infected

Attached: (637x358, 81.31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You know that non infected are coming, right?

Homestuck is Yas Forums

>already dead
gee, it’s almost like just being infected doesn’t provide much to talk about and this is a shitty event

No, see, what is Yas Forums is random threads with one liners that may not even be board related.

Don't talk about something from a comic, especially if you actually might have something on topic to say about it. Double so if the comic was supposedly banned for the reason that no one was talking about the comic, nothing paradoxical there.
There's also nothing paradoxical about shows that are long gone having threads that don't have anything to talk about other than fandom drama or how the show biffed its ending, but it being forbidden from a comic that meets the same criteria, but it actually has new content planned to be coming out.

and remember, if you do have a thread, be on your best behavior because having a "good" thread or a bad thread will totally impact whether threads will be quietly deleted or not after it goes. There's such an incentive to not post threadly spam when not doing so is so rewarding to the general public.

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If I post in an infected thread does that count as replying?

Attached: unnamed (2).png (512x375, 227.98K)

i was infected

I'm getting stronger, much stronger...

Attached: 1585725838952.jpg (1024x570, 42.29K)

Fuck homestuck

Yas Forums is throwing an eternal shitfit cause you got cucked by a cosplayer

Attached: 0BA1A7F2-602A-4DD9-A76A-782F715378F9.jpg (1000x1000, 187.15K)


I am never going to be happy


I don't want to reply to the haha emoji user, but to answer their question, yes, it does. But it's on a scale. You're not guaranteed to get pinged if you just post. It's guaranteed if you reply or get replies.

Attached: koa_doodles 1245451543085809664_p0.png (532x393, 44.37K)

I was infected yesterday but I don't know if I still am today. Whatever the case I highly recommend you read Firequest!

Attached: infected caveguy.png (1316x1316, 354.65K)

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I want to be infected

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what does the emoji mean?


Supposedly it means you're vaccinated

He put his disease in me.

Be blessed, child of the Father

Attached: Typhus-0.jpg (826x1080, 206.6K)

Am I still infected?

There's a debate between whether it means 'vaccinated' or 'dead'. I won't lie and say I know for sure, but I avoid emoji posters like it's an actual plague.

In a way, I'm relieved. Now I can just go about my business, casually spreading the sickness while discussing my favorite shows and comics.

Blessed I shall be

i was a biohazard glower when i went to bed earlier, checking

Attached: EUe6OqVWAAArw3D.jfif.jpg (2100x2300, 361.11K)

but... at least you have us

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Is it easy being green?

Pretty easy.

this image makes me wanna coof


Attached: 1554322517303.gif (471x563, 11.77K)

oh shit i've finally caught it

Attached: 1574129046113.jpg (6777x9000, 3.37M)

Attached: 9774a932a89510b31aad40185e009d56bbcbdb3d.png (1280x1620, 513.84K)

Bless my coom

Attached: 1567009475921.png (600x1000, 162.02K)

my infection is weakening!

Attached: f4883c7f22a37f40da3c79348794b817.png (687x530, 130.07K)

Attached: queuestuck 1245450224442716160_p0.jpg (2681x1908, 479.14K)

Why, yes you are user.
Please give me ur virus

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Attached: QueenOfBunniez 1245426086982361091_p0.jpg (2048x1364, 257.68K)

I would die for pm

I got too cocky bros.

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Attached: ectobabe 1245454838059675650_p0.jpg (1240x1748, 119.01K)

Remember when WV and PM were major characters?

>I'm getting stronger, much stronger...
>Barely shows any symptoms

don't you mean "Mayor"?

Attached: YueNiWo 1245458622349377536_p0.jpg (1307x1519, 182.13K)

Attached: MikkytheHamster 1245482629081608192_p0.png (852x893, 690.68K)

They made it look like she hopped off of Equius before running to cuddle up with Pounce. He probably carried her all the way to her hive I mean cave.

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Attached: HuhMigra 1245472845368524803_p0.jpg (2671x3217, 445.65K)

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING /hsg/! Just wanted to remind you that we're another day closer to Vriskass (Yes, THE Vriskass from Kate's Nudes) getting canonized in homestuck^2! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming scene where vriska's pants fall down and Vriskass comes into the spotlight!


Yikes! That's a large assumption. Everyone knows kate is in a journey to make Vriska as much like her as possible, shown by her becoming trans and even Kate herself writing Vriska's PQ route! It's quite obvious Kate will as well make Vriska's body a carbon copy of hers, oh and while you're crying about m-muh Act 1-5 don't worry, we will have 8888 flashback pages about Vriska's dil8tation! It's just question of time until her naked trans square ass shows up for everyone to see. Now behave like good little consoomers and cry over the homestuck kino you've lost. Your tears will be a delicious treat while we wait for Vriskass to be canonized!

Attached: KISSIT.png (165x169, 57.53K)

Attached: HuhMigra 1245472845368524803_p1.jpg (2593x1913, 292.06K)

I came here to laugh at you

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This whole *coof* board *coof* is infected *coof*

>a genuine bro hug bump sprite
shit was so tender, I'm glad they made it hapen

Attached: EUiPMu4VAAAAqkF.jpg (866x734, 85.07K)

How would I know?

I want out

It's as easy as one two *coof*

This place becomes more and more like reddit every day.

Guys, I feel fine. 85% only experience mild symptoms.

i've got banned for 3 days. Wtf os going on here?

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I'm actually getting healthier.
Now I'm conflicted, do I stay green and see the consequences or do I not take the risk and become cleansed?

this isn’t /hsg/ dingus

Attached: abraxasgrip 1245455331649560577_p0.png (894x894, 95.47K)

>elegant, reserved neigh
that's Dirk's daughter for ya

Attached: 6c86f2e747e58c087b7e062a774c3524eaf0f9c6.jpg (800x658, 156.8K)

Attached: hulknaps 1245415257322946560_p0.jpg (608x680, 202.12K)

>abraxasgrip filename
>the retard from who fucking made vriska trans
good job outing yourself
now go back
>hulknaps as well

Attached: Soykate.png (514x511, 61.25K)