Makes you think

makes you think...

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>having biological children is bad
What’s their endgame?

If you adopt a child you're a cuck because you're raising a child that someone made by fucking a woman you never met.
Someone believes this unironically because they are a low-functioning sociopath.

Why would you want a baby no one else wants?
If those babies are so good and in working order why is nobody taking them? Why did they leave them there in the first place?
The fact that they PAY you to take them in only makes you even more suspicious.

>let's become parents
translation: let's cheat death by procreation

I've yet to understand if this guy has a political or ideological agenda of sort, some of his comics are weirdly opinionated.

I aint wasting my time and effort on some third-world reject.

Why would I want some black crack baby with a low IQ?

I don't think.

It's only tolerable if it's an infant, raising damaged children is a waste of time.

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This is such an oddly mean-spirited comic. Having biological children over adopting is bad? Healthy adults should adopt someone else's child rather than make their own? I get that overpopulation is an issue but it's not the people with means for taking good care of adopted children that are causing it.

I have no idea what i am buying though. Sure i could check medical history and sometimes even meet the parents, but if i make my own i know exactly what i am getting.

ah so a single dude should be able to adopt with no problem then right?

Eh that's why I plan to adopt. Also because young in life I got stuck fostering an in-and-out-of-prison lowlife cousins kid. Turned the lil shit kid into a now hard working, career having, finishing college early, independent adult. Figured fuck it I can give that lil shit some stability and manners I can do it again on someone else's mistake.

Haha, adopt without a woman? What is this, some kind of futuristic place where single fathers are anything but the scum of the Earth? Begone, ye dreamer of things that have yet to transpire

Well, I wanted to addopt a child since I was a teenager, but I'm not white, so you can't say I'm contributing to the white genocide. Is this ok?

There's a "Horror" movie recently released about a young couple who get trapped in a weird surburban house and stuck with a weird looking kid they have to raise, it may as well be called "The Perils of Reproduction for White People"

>adopting a child that may grow up to realize that it is not truly my kin, have an identity crisis and stab me in my sleep
Nah I'm good

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"overpopulation" is a fucking meme and its funny that only western countries have it pushed upon them. countries with notable declining native birthrates.

There is nothing wrong with having kids that are biologically your own. Why the fuck would take a care of a kid that isn't related to me?

then teach them not to think that matters

>stupid christians not believing in le epic science like evolution
>noooo, not the natural childerinos! you have to adopt a goody good niggerino! you can't follow your natural instinct of passing down your whittey adnino!

Nobody will meme on you for adopting and nobody is implying Yas Forums bullshit at you. Adopt if you want. Its just the crazy wine aunts and other assorted cucks that are clearly self-loathing and say shit like "Oh, I wouldn't want to repoduce lol I have mental problems" that seem retarded. The same type of people that push for gun control while saying "I wouldnt want a gun lol I'd shoot someone".
projected self-loathing from sociopaths.

Adopting children is fine if they were orphaned by both of their parents dying of something unpreventable, as long as you still pass your genes on eventually and the kids are white

Kids orphaned as a result of shitty irresponsible parents should be sterilized and their parents tracked down and sterilized as well


white genocide

>have an identity crisis and stab me in my sleep
What the fuck kind of foster kids did you hang out with?

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At this point I really am hoping for a white genocide so all this stupid white nationalist faggot shit can disappear.

It's not like anyone would fuck you to save your race,user

In some regions almost 30% of children are fathered by a man who is not their biological father because their cheating whores tricked them into being an actual cuck. But when you adopt both you and your wife are 100% sure the child doesn't have their dna. Adoption is the ultimate anti-cucking way to have a child and the only way to secure reproductive rights equally.

Ah no, fuck you i want to live.Just round anyone who browse Yas Forums or have a collection of Pepe paraphernalia and we're good

I hate how gun control is always made out to be "they try to take our guns".
Half of what you'd have to do to get guns under control in the USA would be to reform the administrative side of them to dissolve the ridiculous patchwork of legislatures, loopholes, redundant agencies and flagrant corruption.
More control through a singular controlling entity with nation-wide rules.
And one that is staffed by people who actually held a gun in their lives before to inform the politicians on how to effectively handle them.

>Someone believes this unironically because they are a low-functioning sociopath.
Based on what?

Why the fuck should you raise a kid that isn't even related to you?

>people are so monkey-brained that they can't love anything without the selfish gene telling them to


I don't know how it's in the USA, but my country has more people willing to adopt a kid than actual kids waiting for it, the problems with their adoption is of legal nature usually.

Funny thing about altruism, you don't need a reason to improve someone else's life.

Not an argument.
Again, why the fuck should I give a shit about a kid that isn't even mine.
The only way I would be interested in adopting a kid is if the kid in question was a preteen girl I could groom into my daughterwife.

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It'd be nice but there's too much "damaged goods"
I don't want someone's methbaby that will never be able to speak or eat on its own and will need its' diaper changed until it dies in its' early 30's from a stroke.

And this meme is centuries old, and proven wrong at each step.


the police are on their way

Your argument is dumb. When you adopt, the kid becomes yours.

there's no way the rate is that high anywhere

It'd just be replaced by *insert color here* nationalist faggot shit then user, that's the way of the world

>Funny thing about altruism, you don't need a reason to improve someone else's life.
There is absolutely zero reason to be altruistic just for altruism's sake.
I want to improve the lives of my close ones and my ingroup. Not some random people whose lives have absolutely no value to me.

Not biologically and that is what matters in the end.
So again, if I were to adopt, I would only adopt a girl I could groom into my wife with whom I could have kids that are actually mine.

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>There is absolutely zero reason
When you think about it long enough, there's absolutely zero reason for anything. But anyway, when you adopt, the kid becomes the member of your ingroup. It's really not that different from marriage no, you still can't fuck them.

My grandfather, uncle, and brother all went crazy (the latter two killed themselves), and I have to take antipsychotics, is that retarded self-loathing to not want to reproduce? It's like if you had three generations of serious heart problems, or you married your sister.

The only issue I have with adoption is that the way adoption works in the united states is really weird.
Basically it takes years after applying before you can actually adopt a kid and you really don't have much choice over what kid you can adopt.
I get why some precautions are in place but it seems excessive.

The kid doesn't contribute to the continuation of my bloodline, so I have no reason to contribute my resources towards him/her.
So again, the only reason to adopt is either if the child is that of a member of your family or ingroup already (as in, child of a friend who died, a relative who died), or if you can adopt a girl and make her your wife.

>Not biologically and that is what matters in the end.
Really, why? It matters from evolutionary standpoint, but I really don't see why would that matter to you. If you care about what happens after your death, I think your death and memories living on are more intuitive to care about than genes.

You shouldn't raise another persons child. Children are 18 years of costs and responsibilities. No point in putting in all that effort for the sake of the irresponsible genes over your own. Sex is for baby making. These people were having sex irresponsibly if they were giving up the children instead of raising them. Why reward that behavior?

I didn't get the fun, physical and psychological pleasure of the sex and the relationship with their mother. Why raise some other man's sperm donation? It's like going to another man's job but he still got paid for it.

*name and memories
Why is a child of a friend okay, but not an unrelated child? Neither has your blood. And they become a member of your ingroup. Just like a friend or a wife.

>Really, why?
Because the only worthile "meaning" one can find in this existence is keeping the line of life going that extends from me all the way back to the first lifeforms that emerged on this planet.
I do not want to be the fuck that fails at something each and every one of my ancestors succeeded at.

Being able to reproduce is the baseline to even being considered a worthwhile living thing. If you fail to pass on your genes, you are an utter loser by the most objective metric we have for our "purpose" on this earth, which is reproduction aka passing on our genes.

>If you care about what happens after your death, I think your death and memories living on are more intuitive to care about than genes.
The only reason to give a shit about what happens after I die (not to me, I cease to exist the moment my brains die, but to the world) is if I have children of my own.
If I die without kids, the entire human race can die off for all I care, because I have no investments at all in the future without children.

>Why is a child of a friend okay, but not an unrelated child? Neither has your blood.
Because the child of a friend is tied to my ingroup and I wish to honor the memory of my friend by helping his/her child.
I hold no such emotional bonds to kids that aren't tied to my ingroup in any way.

>Genes I would never know about without scientists are what matters in the end

>keeping the line of life going that extends from me all the way back to the first lifeforms that emerged on this planet.
You still do it by raising an adopted kid.

>adopt kid
>it's a crack baby with detachment syndrome who is literally incapable of loving you as much as a real child and will try to kill you in your sleep

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Unironically yes.
No amount of science, culture, art or anything matters if the people themselves fail to pass on their genes.

Adoption does not continue my own line you retard. The line of life for me ends with me if I have no kids.

>Because the only worthile "meaning" one can find in this existence is keeping the line of life going that extends from me all the way back to the first lifeforms that emerged on this planet.
But why is the blood so important here? The child still considers themselves your successor, it carries your name. Why the fixation on genes?
>If I die without kids, the entire human race can die off for all I care, because I have no investments at all in the future without children.
Any kind of contribution is investment, your company or scientific achievement or adopted kid still continue you.

nigga you stupid

It's weird; I've sorta commented a few times before about how technically emotional bonds from parenthood feel almost selfish (ex. love resulting just because they're related to you), but at the same time I would rather have a biological child than adopt.

Not really because "I am le master stoic; I have 0 connection to people unconnected to me" but just because I actually want to go through the whole experience of raising a child from birth and also getting pregnant/giving birth because I am gril . I mean parts of that experience sound shitty and unpleasant but I'd still like to go through it at least once, because otherwise as a parent I'd feel I'm missing out on what other parents have gone through in the whole process. But then I guess nothing precludes me (or the parents in the comic for the comic) from one day deciding to adopt after already having a bio kid too.