How do you feel about the Japanese side of the franchise?
I don’t pay attention to it
Don’t they have something with Transformers kissing little girls?
>still moonrunes only
I want to read all of it but can't.
Kissplayers. We don't talk about Kissplayers.
Better than IDW
I wish a western series would finally end like this. IDW1 should be that but it felt like it skipped a bunch of stuff during the last volumes of mtmte that would have made the end better, like a last meeting between Megs and Optimus, who finally face each other as friends now.
Low bar.
Josh and Sakamoto work well together, I hope they will do stuff for idw2 too. I love that semi-anime style of Hayato the most and it makes everybody look cute, even Tarn.
To anyone who knows, do they still call G1 Optimus Convoy?
I partly agree. For humans the lolis are way better than the celebrity shits from the movies or most other humans we get, but for fembots it depends.
Optimus, Jazz and Thundercracker, do you think Dirk feels inadequate compared to them?
Don't really care about it. There are some interesting ideas and characters in their G1 and Beast sequels here and there but overall it's not "my" canon. The way I view it all is simply an interesting novelty, though I don't mind some aspects of it leaking into the Western stuff.
For example, I do much prefer the Japanese Headmaster concept to the Western one, and if Headmasters ever actually show up as Headmasters in fiction, I'd prefer them just being small bots controlling big bodies rather than the weird symbiosis Nebulan shit.
How do you feel about Minimus Ambus
I've heard they started moving towards usage of Primes/Optimus after the Michael Bay movies
It's such a puzzle.
Why have they never made something like Gundam or Evangelion? Why is it always baby stuff?
A neat idea, but a waste of Ultra Magnus himself.
>I'd prefer them just being small bots controlling big bodies rather than the weird symbiosis Nebulan shit.
You are such a plebeian, holy shit
Star Saber deserved much better than what the west has done to him.
Did Megs get a loli harem too?
I always wondered where the Japanese Decepticons kept finding all those supernatural forces of evil to lead them, and why they didn't just lead themselves.
Only think I care is listening to based Wakamoto
>Optimus Prrrrrrime
Well, Devil Z came from the Quintessons throwing out the evil in the Matrix to create him, and Violen Jiger was created by Dark Nova who was two Vok on a trenchcoat
Deathsaurus and Overlord alone make the Japanese stuff worth existing, I love them.
They probably thought they could do better than Unicron.
Weirdest case of character assassination ever along with the Beast Wars characters. I hope the new continuity doesn't start pulling shit like that.
The new continuity is doing surprinsingly well regarding characterization and screentime for of side characters. Ironincally, the side characters, random guys and villain underlings seem to be way more likeable and maybe even better written than any of the big guys to me. The main 'Cons like Megs and Shockwave come of as retarded, the central good female characters feel boring to me and Optimus has not enough screentime to shine so far and was mostly Megs' passive friend, which isn't bad by the way since it can be the starting point of a good development, but not enough has happened with him yet. Bee falls in a similar category. Rather generic normalfag that got more interesting thanks to the death of a close one. But yeah you get the point, isn't bad though. Megatron is the only main group guy who is usually among my favorite, everybody else is a side character or even side character villain, so I prefer them being in the spotlight.
it's weird in some ways but based in others.
I wish Takara would make a full mainline Transformers series.
>tfw no comics the next months thanks to the plague
It has some good. It has some bad. I like having them around more than not.
It's weird seeing the mega competent in almost every other continuity Soundwave screwing up though. It's the early years before the war has started though so he'll probably learn to be more discreet in cleaning up messes.
The thing with Takara is that for most TF media they skew towards the super young audience (which is a good reason why the JP dubs of Beast Wars and Prime were basically turned into joke dubs over there), outside of weird outliers they won't bother doing something drawn out and lore filled like Hasbro lets their 3rd parties do.
Speaking of the different age demographics, Takara letting Kiss Players slide is even fucking weirder once you remember who they usually advertise Transformers to over there.
>Speaking of the different age demographics, Takara letting Kiss Players slide is even fucking weirder once you remember who they usually advertise Transformers to over there.
If I remember right, that was them trying to expand Transformers to a more niche market. No idea if they were successful or not financially, though I heard it was the latter.
Transformers ‘84 could salvage him.
>How do you feel about Minimus Ambus
I only ever read bits and pieces of the old IDW continuity so I can't really speak on him as a character as he was in none of the comics I read. I have nothing against bots having like a super armor gimmick or something though, but from what I'm reading I agree with this user though the concept of Ultra Magnus being like a mantle passed from bot to bot seems pretty stupid to me.
>the one guy who likes Nebulans
Please enlighten me, what is so good about Nebulans in your opinion? Really would like to know.
Headmasters as a gimmick are retarded like all late G1 gimmicks, but kind of cool when you think of it as a little robot who's a pilot and actually makes some level of sense that way. Cybertronians merging with organic retarded aliens for some contrived reason is just stupid and too contrived considering the real reason was just "uhhhh fuck we made these new toys now we gotta make it have a reason in the media"
Yeah that's my feelings, not sure if I like it or not. I do like him being more emotional for once since he and Soundwave felt especially stale in many series, especially considering how samey their roles were, same with Starscream. On the other hand though I am not a fan of incompetent villains in an otherwise serious story, I hope he is actually capable and just unlucky or will develope later, him being lowkey stupid would only work if Megatron was smart instead but I am not sure about that either.
Wish we'd have as much fun sometimes.
Legends need to get translated, I need form an opinion other than "this has some nice looking asses".
Transformers is srs business, sorry.
This, some of the bits I saw looked nice.
Best thing about Legends and Sakamoto's short comics seems to be all the shoutouts, cameos, and easter eggs.
But the most popular stories of recent times like Mtmte or Cyberverse were funny too. I usually don't like harmless stuff either though which is a thing many comedies are, series that have comedy and action as well as dark shit are always the best.
English Transformers does have more lighthearted stuff but most older fans ignore it as it's viewed as 'kiddie'. Stuff like all the Aligned continuity after Prime and Rescue Bots for example. Not to mention those Botbot toys where you can finally have a robot that turns into a can of rotten tuna.
I couldn't watch Rescue Bots to save my life. I don't want to be elitists but it causes literal endless cringe to me and I would consider it being aimed at little kids, unlike other series that are more neutral and also meant to entertain teens or/and adults.
Botbots are great and adorable. Slobber Rock is my first, and he's honestly a very cute, mossy rock dog.
I remember Rescue Bots being pretty well liked by most it's just that there isn't a whole lot to discuss about it since it was mostly just an innocent SoL show for the younger crowd. It was written fine, the characters were fine...beyond that there's not much to it though. People like Botbots's just what is there to discuss really even more so? People will post them on /toy/ but it's not like there is much to discuss, they're just cute simple little minifigs, can't really go wrong.
That reminds me, was the first mlp thing already released?
I don't think people ignored RiD 2015 cause it was kiddier than anything else, there were some who didn't like the "monster of the week" formula but even more so I think many just don't care if it's not G1 pandering. Oh, you mean the main cast is just Bumblebee and every other character is new? That's an easy way to get many TF fans to pass on your show.
Japan already has shit tons of robot franchises for older audiences, it makes sense they want to keep Transformers as the little kid one.
Sakamoto will save us with asses.
>hoping a bong will save Saber when it was a bong who shat his character in the first place
>Said character will also be up against said bongs OC from marvel comics.
>Comic is also a prequel to the marvel TF universe.
I wouldn't''t count on it.
>I wish Takara would make a full mainline Transformers series.
Takara has historically never really been able to afford that,the closest thing would be BW Neo. In their original mainlines they usually only do about 10 new molds, tops, and subsidize it with existing molds.
>Hot Rod finally gets some respect in Cyberverse
>Season 3
Is he doomed to suffer forever? Is it the geewunner hate that cursed him?
At least there was that other end in mtmte. I just want him to be happy.
it's both better and worse. what's weird is their originals are generally serious and good while their adaptations are fucking zany and goofy.
I think they should have ignored "Transformers" and just done a Microchange anime, a Diaclone anime, etc. They had much cooler premises. I mean tiny alien robots disguising themselves as household items so kids could help hide them? vehicles that turn into piloted mecha? those are cool.
Personally I like the Nebulans because having Transformers bond with organic life is an interesting evolutionary development. I like those weird late G1 gimmicks as interesting explorations to evolution between early G1 and Beast Wars, both in a fiction and a meta sense. Stuff like head/target/power/masters(bonding to organic life), Pretenders(organic shells), action masters(energy efficiency) and micromasters(smaller sized for energy efficiency) all feel like considerations towards the Maximal/Predacon upgrades.
It’s the best he’s been depicted in so long
A lot of characters were pretty likeable in that series. I am sad it ended so soon, not quite hyped about WfC, or at least not yet.
There's a third season airing on Youtube right now user.
Kissplayers is actually a great side of the franchise and I'm glad it exists.
>you will never be an eternal cute little girl your favorite bot is in love with
I feel sadness
It's so sad ;_;