There's a lot of unfair racism against chinese people in the world right now because of corona. Post your favorite chinese characters to fight the hatred!
There's a lot of unfair racism against chinese people in the world right now because of corona...
>unfair racism against chinese people
Dunno, getting shat on for creating the worst epidemic since the Spanish Flu seems perfectly fine fate for Chinese.
They're also responsible for the spanosh flu
Fuck the CCP and FUCK the Chinese
Ching chong fuck Winnie the Flu and fuck you, Chu
Why is she barefoot?
The criticism is against the CCP and mainlanders. Nobody is saying anything bad about Taiwan.
Sorry, shill, but it's not racism.
>Nobody is saying anything bad about Taiwan.
Probably has something to do with the fact that Taiwan is China minus all the parts that make China a worthless shithole.
That's the point.
How else is she going to get the Shen Gong Wu from Jake Long?
>one-shotting cap
Very based.
He boots came off when she was running.
That one DC hero who had the super power of being perpetually pregnant.
>secret reveal at the end of the book that they are just fat.
>unfair racism
Then, you're impling there is fair racism?
>unfair racism
They literally unleashed a death plague. The hate is pretty warrented in this case
Do ABCs count?
Pinches gringos homie
We can't help t that their government and culture are fucked to shit.
Even Jackie is a shill for the CCP now.
i suppose
The first case was in Kansas so no the US was responsible.
Hey, yeah, what the fuck OP
Chinese people are fine but their government is objectively the real life equivalent of Orcs.
You act like the entire came together to create the virus and sent it across the world
He would 100% post here. Probably on /g/ and Yas Forums though.
No but when one of their doctors tried to warn everyone about the quickly spreading virus their government threatened to take them into their special rehabilitation camps.
They choose to eat stupid shit that anyone with functioning brains would know to never put near your mouth
The Spanish Flu wasn't even generated in Spain, so shut the fuck up
He's Chinese? I assumed the yellowish skin was because he was a basement dweller.
Friendly reminder that every Corona death is another kill committed by China.
>all those pictures and videos of random chinese licking doornobs and groceries and coofing on medical supplies they then ship to other countries after buying and stealing medical supplies from those same countries
>This is your brain on American schooling
did you completely forget about /m/
actually it was first found in mexico, america just has the medical know how to deal with it
His last name is Lee.
Yes actually.
I would pick Tohru but he's japanese
There are american slant eyed people who are unironically being unfairly targeted.
That's clearly supposed to be Japanese.
There are, for example anglo- and russophobias are perfectly justifiable.
how is that racism justifiable?
>Racism against everyone else? totally fine.
>Racism against chinese? Completely unacceptable.
Dude, fuck you.
All the racism against chinese comes from blacks btw
Fuck off back to Chinkland.
That's stereotypes. Not inherently racist, or even negative. Closer to a meme, really.
The Chinese government isn't exactly know for being open and honest about things.
A lot of this could probably have been prevented if they were.
Nothing wrong with keeping on being racist to China. It distracts burgers from how much their superior system is failing them
But that doesn't fit the media narrative so It'll be completely ignored.
He's not wrong. It is suspected that that it started in China. Medical technology wasn't the same 100 years ago so you can't accurately track the spread of infection
Can confirm. I'm black and I hate bug men
Yeah, and?
If the chinese actually gave a fuck they shouldn't have mishandled this either intentionally or unintentially.
In the end it is sad that theres uninvolved parties but blame it on the fucking CCP for being disgustingly evil and incompetent.
>racism is bad but only if its against my pet minorities
Fuck off you chink shill.
Get fucked Kraut
you just making stuff up now?
Not the user you're talking to, but literally all the videos and news I've seen regarding discrimination toward Asians has come entirely from blacks and abbos.