/angela anaconda/

this is the type of person who personally identifies with angela anaconda. Why is the fanbase so gosh darn weird?


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She was Bullied in school

jesus she spends half of this video looking off into the distance imagining all the wrongs she's suffered, i've never seen a girl do that before. pure psycho i NEED to save her.

I want to fuck AmazzonKane!

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>you will never have a qt autistic psycho gf

Why even live.

I'm not sure how you mean, she's apparently spoken with people involved in its production and they've responded back cordially, that's already a notch above the reception Yas Forums gets for what we consider "normal" behavior here.

Most times professionals only acknowledge us to remark how odd or obnoxious we are.

This is a grown woman who has made 143 videos on a children's television series, and it makes up 90% of her channel. And she actually identifies with Angela, who hits all the markers of a psychopath.

I want to give her my anaconda.

Why does this show even have a fan base at all?

Pedophiles and nostalgia glasses

I thought that was the actress.

>Why does this show even have a fan base at all?

Psychopaths are nostalgic for it.

Thirsty orbiters should be dragged into the street and shot dead

This is Yas Forums's new waifu?

>sunken eyes that really fucking far apart
>horse teeth
user, women of anglo descent are ugly as sin. have some fucking standards.

Her comments are flooded with people from Yas Forums.

>This is a grown woman who has made 143 videos on a children's television series
We're on the comics and cartoons board, a lot of people here spend a lot of their time viewing and discussing a lot of media others most find questionable to still view in teenagehood, nevermind adulthood.

>And she actually identifies with Angela, who hits all the markers of a psychopath.
There are character avatarfags and "psychoanalyze me" threads that suggest most people here enjoy projecting aspects of fictional characters onto themselves in some capacity. Some of the characters have hang ups and leanings that can be seen as less than socially acceptable by real world standards or in the narratives of the stories.

So, again, I'm no sure how she's all that "darn weird" to anyone here compared to what's commonly encountered. And to be clear I'm not excusing her odd behavior by a comparison to those worse than here, it visibly is what it is, I'm more questioning how those who come here frequently and tolerate worse could suddenly be so baffled by less.
If her videos had her obnoxiously baiting and shitposting through the discussion topic I'd have a different opinion, but from the two I've seen it's just bland remarks on a very routne show. When she starts randomly harassing blond, French speaking women to live out her fantasy then she'll be CWC tier and worth notice.

All that said, my one complain and reason I can't watch anymore of this to see the fuss is her material is too static. The clips from the show are more animated than her. I don't want her flailing her arms like Nostalgia Critic, but I barely watch Jeremy Jahns and the few vids I do see he's lively no matter how shit the movie. If that's too much trouble she should commission someone to make her an animated avatar.

Yas Forums desperatley wants to say she is autistic to make themselves feel better. Turn this kind of lens on the Yas Forums and YT people making criticisms about her behavior and you will find true autism and much worse. AmazzonKane is self-aware of how she comes across, its done on purpose, and the music she makes is done with skill and wit that is nearly impossible for an autistic person to get a handle on.

cute nerd girl face + great tits + passion for a childhood cartoon. If you have a problem with that, the problem is with you, not her.

Not with that virus.

w-where are her parents??

>implying bug-chasing is bad

>w-where are her parents??

she certainly lives with them.

Alright, we have one statistical outlier. Fine.

Quietly disagree and don't be an ass.

>she should commission someone to make her an animated avatar.
Huh. That'd be nice

How can someone reach a level of autism this high

So what's the lore on this fanbase?

Reminder that the teacher was a canon nudist.

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NO! She's autistic as fuck! She's batshit insane while Yas Forums is actually normal most of the time.
And even when people can shitpost and do weird shit in some occasions, that doesn't excuse her for her childish obsessions in her adulthood.
And before you claim this happens here too, you really need to remember we do it ironically, merely jokes at best. She doesn't, she's seriously crazy.

I'm gonna kill myself

>Yas Forums is actually normal most of the time

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>NO! She's autistic as fuck! She's batshit insane

{{citation needed}}

I've only watched this show recently and it's actually kind of nice (story wise). I understand that the art style is unappealing to quite a lot (actually), but it doesn't even hurt your eyes (unlike that seizure show that I forgot the name of).
There are adults in the show too you know? Just as many as kid characters give or take.
I don't know how a psycho would relate to this how. I know Angela has frequent "revenge fantasies" in the majority of episodes, but most if not all of them end there - as her imaginations only. Karma steals the show at the end of the day anyway. She didn't seem too serious about it, to me at least.

>most of the time
You quoted that but didn't read it apparently, key being MOST of the time.

>{{citation needed}}
Her videos, her weird obsession, her attitudes.

See? You're even defending her, protecting her from what? A guy wouldn't get this treatment but since she's an almost cute girl...

>we do it ironically
"Descartes" would like a word with you.

there is no fanbase, just a fringe collection of people who truly enjoyed the show

>Her videos, her weird obsession, her attitudes.

How so? Her videos show her to be a rather sweet good natured person with a passion for a show. What's so wrong with that?

>I want to fuck someone who clearly has mental development issues.


nah man she's well developed.

>Karma steals the show at the end of the day anyway
I'll give you that. Bad things happened to characters who had it coming in the show as far as I remember.
Angela has her revenge fantasies and strange ideas but that's just similar to, let's say, Tomoko and, even so, she got her comeuppance often, so did the bitchy rich girl.
Big part of the dislike of this show is the weird, weird art and animation style and a big plus was that infamous short before the Digimon movie which brings back terrible memories. And divorces. The plot and stories? Eeeh, let's not pretend most of the shows from that era were gems in comparison so I gotta insist it was the art choices, bad animation and the Digimon short.

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she is amazing!

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This is actually very cute and looks like her but her tits are kinda too big here.

That sounds about right

she can take my anaconda, if you know what i mean


I swear this board has no self awareness

Why do you say that? Other fandoms here are actually alright.

Is she going to be our Katie?

You weren't here for ground zero of the pastel horse show


That was years ago and I was here, I remember the countless threads made and how it spread to other boards as well... but you are talking about the past. They're contained and their content is against the rules outside their board.

So, again, what do you mean? I assume you mean something current regarding fandoms here and, yet, I don't see it.

How many SU threads do you see in the catalog?

Why are you cherrypicking specific shows and ignoring context? First horses from YEARS ago and now SU. SU is popular, like it or not. If mods can't contain their many threads, that's another thing but they will die out eventually, give it some time.
Yas Forums remains as normal as it ever was if you ignore that show, since mods won't.

please don't bully her, she's a pure

Psychopath? Nah. Psychos are usually cunning, apathetic, and charming. Girl in OP seems like she has some form of autism(heavily fixated on one subject), but she seems otherwise harmless.

I knew a girl sorta like this before (even looked a little bit like her). I definitely found her sorta attractive and would definitely bang her if she offered then, but she definitely is super autistic and probably would talk about the most random shit ever.

Autists can be kinda hot but definitely a lot to handle.

How to distinguish between actual retardation and social retardation from lack of socialisation?
She seems somewhat outgoing though

Why is Yas Forums so obsessed with this bitch? When Yas Forums discovered her, we simply brushed her off.

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Is AmazzonKane officially /ourgirl/?


Not until she finds these threads

We need to tell her! I can send her a link to this and older threads
She won't mind

Go back to Yas Forums

pls no bully

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Not bullying tho, people appreciate her around here. Some even want to give her a good hand holding... besides, c'mon, she is a youtuber, she likes the attention.