Hey, I know it’s a long shot, but did anyone record this...

Hey, I know it’s a long shot, but did anyone record this? I’d really like to see it and I can’t seem to find it anywhere online. There didn’t seem to be any kind of promotion for it until after it aired.
For anyone who’s wondering, the guy posting is Chris O’Niell (OneyNG/Oneyplays.) Apparently he worked with Zach Hader (Psychicpebbles) and Micael Cusack (of Bushworld Adventures dame) on something for Adult Swim.
Any new info would be appreciated, thanks.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack *
That’s what I get for being a phoneposter.


Thanks so much user! Big fan of that gremblo reference when he pulls out the titty.

based. ty big man

I think it got taken down halfway through me downloading! Fuck!

yeah link's broken for me too. can't stay up to watch it because I work in the mornings.

haha poggers


Here you go, friends.

re-up plox? :(

nvm, thanks big guy!

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ty bro just watched

can't believe they got mike stoklasa to voice a character and the mixed media is great

That is the most entertaining thing I've watched on Adult Swim in like 3 years

Still can't download it

That was really funny actually. I don't often laugh out loud while watching stuff but I did multiple times. I hope this gets more episodes.

Fucking hell, what is it with Zach and breastfeeding.

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Link not working

Does this make anyone else want to be a voice actor for some weird reason?

I'd be no good, I only have like three voices. Zach's lucky he has "the voice".

Yeah, Zach is super great. I’m surprised he wasn’t picked up for network tv voice work a lot time ago.
Besides, tons of people have “one voice” and they tend to play the straight man in these comedy animation shows. I think I would be fine with some singing and voice classes desu. I just know you have to be well-connected in this industry.

His voice has been featured in Spongebob 2 or 3 times now. You have to fuck Tomarr to get a VA job, them are the rules.

Zach was on Spongebob? Anyone have the link?


Oh damn dude, that’s awesome! I could never be an animator so that’s a servers disadvantage that I couldn’t make my own stuff, but I’m pretty confident I could be a decent voice actor.

* severe disadvantage

>Chris did the credits music
oh wow it's fucking stellar

I've wanted to be a voice actor for a long time, I just have no idea how to break in. I've been lurking castingcall.club for a while but it has the cringiest gigs imaginable.

Yeah, lots of the local gigs I’ve seen are like sonic fan subs or something. I think I heard that Mick Lauer (is that how you spell it?) has a couple videos on YouTube with advice. I have a blue yeti mic but that’s probably not enough, and I don’t want to invest in a whole home studio unless I know I could do consistent work.
My biggest problem though is if I try to sing, I always have to yawn in the middle, and there are some funny voices I’ve done that I keep forgetting how to do. I wish I could do this but I’d probably need some real help and guidance on how to start.

The Yeti can work wonders, it's just extremely finicky. You have to have it adjusted and angled just right and figured out how to mix the raw files specifically to your voice, but you CAN produce professional level results, it's just a pain in the ass.

Watched three minutes of this and tuned out.
I really don't get the appeal of this type of humor. Nothing is really humorous past le funny voices and everything looking ugly.

Also just realized I know nothing about sound mixing and editing.
Fuck, I have my work cut out for me.

Did anyone get a copy of YOLO?

I heard someone on the other thread say that the only thing they could get was a slideshow of sorts, instead of the actual episode.

went digging myself and found is on bitchute

I'm downloading that 40gb torrent with the entire block so I can cut YOLO and reupload it. It's gonna be at least three more hours until it's done, so if anyone else feels like stepping in I'd appreciate it.

move to commiefornia
get an agent
do shit work online to pad out your resume
fiver and reddit are decent sources for this shit
pray you get something you probably won't
if you wanna voice in anime, best bet is to move to texas and practice your deepthroating skills to get an in with chris sabat

this was shit

You guys all know that even if it gets picked up its gonna get candled right?
Take any clip from Sleepycast and send it to buzzfeed and the hit pieces write themselves, just look what happened to Sam Hyde with World Peace or Shane Gillies with SNL.
Adult Swim will absolutely kowtow just like they did with World Peace.

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>adult swim hires ardent hitler supporter for a new series
>adult swim quietly cancels it and replaces it with more reddit and morty
>zach blacklisted from the rest of animation industry

The thing with MDE World Peace is that they put all that shit in the show itself, all Zach has to do is not say the N word in his show and he's on easy street.

Well if that eventuality occurs then we must declare war on buzzfeed.

most of the articles didn't mention anything from the show and were just screenshots of Sam's twitter and the old anti-gay stand up

Are anime dubs for real done more in Texas? I hate the heat but I’d probably rather live in Texas than California, at least until I “got big” and “made it.” Fuck the high living expense and taxes in Cali.


If that happens then I will literally drive down to the buzzfeed office and protest.

Eh fair enough, I'm still not too worried though. Compared to Sleepycabin, Sam's humor is much more extreme/edgy and he comes off as more hostile, he was pretty much asking to be cancelled before cancel culture was even a thing. Zach and the SC boys drop some off-color jokes here and there but it's clear their hearts are in the right place. Not saying that makes them immune to buzzfeed bullshit but they've garnered a lot more goodwill on the internet than Sam and MDE.

Nah he's not tweeting maga-adjacent shit or using blackface/n-word. He'll be fine. Shane Gillies stuff was too recent and not funny enough too

It fucking pisses me off that supporting a presidential candidate is enough for you to lose your job. That factors is probably half of the actual reason that Trump won. They were tired of fucking crybabies complaining and upper management telling them what to think.

there are a lot of opportunities and companies in texas, and they're enough of a clique that if you can get "in" they'll hire you regardless of talent or ability. that said, good luck getting in

other than there, I think anime is dubbed in california or new york

lmao u really don't think the hundreds of soundbite of him saying nigger and faggot and hitler is cool won't get turner to shut that shit down?

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If buzzfeed messes with my boy zach there's going to be hell to pay.

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I'm not saying it definitely won't happen, but it's a lot less likely to happen to Zach than it is to Sam "Liberals are faggot niggers I wanna murder Lena Dunham and livestream it" Hyde.

Well to be fair it wasn't just that. They piled on the "problematic" stuff pretty thick. The irony defence only goes so far. I think their style of comedy was part of the problem too. It's abrasive and isn't necessarily a clear joke to people who are not into alt-comedy. When you look at any of the breakdowns of the collapse of the MDE [as] show it's often by people who are just like "There's not even a joke here - it's not funny" which just makes it seem like a screed of racist/sexist/ableist/whatever stuff. Then Gillis is on the other side where the "joke" was more obvious, it just wasn't very funny or clever in any way.

Regular folk still call Tim & Eric "anti-comedy" even when mot of their sketches are pretty standard if you break down what's funny about them.

Most mainstream comedy is dogshit because of this


Plenty have gotten away with saying faggot (Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj, Jonah Hill) - it just takes an apology. And in terms of comedy that's not even as bad as those examples cause those were people being angry or whatever

He's not actively pushing against the popular cultural consensus politically so he'll be fine

I don't think I'd move to a high tax liberal haven until I was confident enough in my career that I was making enough money elsewhere that I could justify the move by making enough big bucks in the lib cities to offset all of the bullshit.
I mean, Texas probably has better opportunities on this than Florida said. Like the other user said, all of the local casting call websites are cringy projects like Sonic fan dubs.I'm not above doing low-level work to start my resume off, but I feel like coming out and doing that right out of the gate would kill any career opportunities if some big production company looks me up and I voice "Sonic Dildo #7."

Didn't they fuck with some comedian on SNL who made fun of some Asian community in New York, like, once?

>Then Gillis is on the other side where the "joke" was more obvious, it just wasn't very funny or clever in any way.
Yeah, but they still fired him over it because of the hugbox culture. There are plenty of less-funny comedians out there who still have careers.

unless you're retarded, it shouldn't matter whether or not you voice in dogshit. I've been to those websites too, there's plenty of dogshit and there's plenty you keep off your resume, just learn to pick between the shit
if anything, look at it as actual practice for voicework

Well he had a long bit on his podcast where it's just "yeah I hate them chinks haha" that's not even really much of a bit - it's not funny at least - it's not even like a cum town bit where a normal person could probably still see what's meant to be funny about it even if they thought it was unconscionable. I think it was the optics of them hiring their first ever asian castmember alongside a dude who recently called Andrew Yang a "jew chink" and shit like that. Looked bad for a company that was already getting shit about representation and whatnot. SNL's aiming for people who hate trump, so he clearly didn't fit that mould. I get it. SNL is shit anyway, and I didn't think he was that funny either

Where can i watch this the links here didnt work. Also is primal coming on again tonight?

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the bit being funny or not didn't matter since most outlets just printed what he said out of context anyway. they'll probably do the same thing with zach, not too hard to make some white guy saying the n word look bad enough to fire.

Yeah but if you're not funny and dabbling in racism then you're dead in the water. What do you bring to the table for a show that's basically only known for neoliberal posturing to get viral. SNL's current brand is "Woke, but not extreme about it." They want the news to be "SNL hires first asian american" not "SNL hires guy who says chink"

I like it! I'd watch more of that. Can I even support this shit in the UK? I've no idea if Adult Swim even airs here

>le funny voice meme man with occasional edgy jokes and opinions
>despite his offensiveness, he is left leaning and a democrat
>Sam hyde
>blatantly right leaning and offensive
>worshiped by many people that would be grouped into the "alt-right"
>optics is fucked to high hell
I think Zach will do just fine.

I don't think so, it's tough being a stinky non-american

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>occasional edgy jokes and opinions
you clearly haven't followed him long

I wonder if I can find some local commercials. I never see local businesses posting on those sites. Do they outsource it to some Californian agent and have someone email them a read?

>>despite his offensiveness, he is left leaning and a democrat
That's the key thing. If your politics are "good" then you're ultimately gonna be fine. Lena Dunham likes Red Scare and the Cum Town guys, while "problematic" aren't full on cancelled because their politics are "good" and so everything they say is given a bit more lee-way

Exactly what said.
It's just amazing to me that SNL doesn't want to go for actual funny, because most of their shit just seems so tryhard when I see it. My favorite thing from SNL ever is Norm Macdonald shitting on it. youtube.com/watch?v=ghAISJbmQGk&t=2s
I wonder what he thinks about the show nowadays.

will Marc M ever be given a shot even tho he does ethnic voices and says the n word sometimes in old videos?

>Comparing Zach and sleepycast to Sam Hyde.
I really don't see the similarities.

they are both "problematic"

And here I was hoping that the news would be "SNL is finally funny."

Nah. They had Kate McKinnon sing Hallelujah after Leonard Cohen died and Hillary lost. That's not even an attempt at funny. That's what they are

Serious question, can employers see what party you're registered with? Because I don't think Zach has ever fully given his political opinions. The most he's ever done is make playful jabs at Trump, while making the funnies impression of him I've ever heard. Alec Baldwin can go eat a dick.

Different levels of problematic tho. Different types of irony too

Their humor is too silly to be seen as problematic

Just seems kind of wrong to me. I want to be a voice actor but I have some pics of me in a trump hat somewhere floating around. It's super fucked up. I wouldn't be against working on a project with a Bernie or Biden guy.