We need more doctors and nurses to deal with this infection

We need more doctors and nurses to deal with this infection.

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Time for your Daily Dose, user

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So you're saying, you're putting together a team?

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you can't contain me

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Hold on let me see if I can call some support

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Don't worry I'll give him a hug!

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I want to post Doctor Pussycat, but I'd be banned.

save me

Thank you for all the good work you do

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best nurse

I'm fine, Doctor, I swear.

I wonder if the site is responding to a board equivalent of cortisol


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This will be fun! Aren't we the lucky ones!
Her coof is perfect and she's green, as well!

She'll bring you endless infectation! Your new best friend, Coronel!

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Nice try. I'm immune thanks to the doc!

I will keep you safe

Remember to wear safe, body-covering attire

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There's no woman over the age of 40 who is actually sexy. There's only "sexy for her age"

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But by your own definition, that makes them both 40 and sexy

Someone should draw her as those chinese doctors/military doctors doing to help the infected

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im dying

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What about the sacred ointment?

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come on please help me doctor dick!

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Why is she so hot? It must be her VA, Mary McGlynn.

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When you get down to it the most ridiculous thing about SU was Connie's family.
Think about it a loving Nuclear family where the mother was the one wearing the pants and the bread winner and not looking for someone better?



never much liked this board. It won't be missed

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Brown MILFs will save us all

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Sexy doctors protect me from harm

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how did you just own peter?


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You got The Syph or something?

wet nurses in particular

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When I was a kid my mom had a big tiddy Indian milf friend, she would often come with us on vacation and wore this silver bikini that was obviously a little too small for her because her nipples kept popping out,
Shit set off something primordial in me man because ever since then Indian milfs make my wang hard enough to cut diamonds.

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Doctors you say?

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Gracias doctor

Not sure where to put this but I sketched out Nurse Channi from and Remdesivir, currently the drug that I think may go a bit further than the other options. Nurse being a standard straightforward fighter while Rem being a grappler. What do you think?

(My dumb ass got too invested in the idea before I realized the thread was archived.)

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Thanks Doc



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She reminds me of Serenity.
I like it.


Stay the fuck away from my dog.

Bend over, bucko.

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