
Featuring Dhampyr as the Human Torch

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And also featuring Duane as thinking they smiled when they stabbed Miki

guess that's not part of the infallible memory

Just looked and his back was turned when she was stabbed. So that's pure imagination I guess.

Love the bottom left panel.

Ashley's really bringing out the conflict between Duane's consciousness and subconsciousness. (He knows, really, pretty much how things panned out but stubbornly refuses to face it.)

Sooooooo....From this angle does that still look like a fatal wound
I know it's crazy shit but that one thread got me on it

Did we ever decide if tittybird wants to fuck Duane?

That's just his imagination. She was stabbed in the back.

She's pretty desperate for him to understand he was probably betrayed by his brother and Alderode.
But what I want to know is why? What use is he to anyone if he was as dead inside as he is in reality? It seems like his half baked revenge for what was done to him is the only thing keeping him going.

A sword clear through the neck? Yeah, it does.

She wants to turn him away from HIS purpose and towards HER purpose. She wants to swap out his loyalty to his family and his country with loyalty to HER.

When we list all the players on the grand stage in Unsounded, we sometimes forget Ilganyag, because she's stuck in the Khert and can't directly influence the outside world at the moment. But she obviously has designs for the grand scheme of things, designs she wants Duane to play a key role in. Bastion used to be her favorite human, but she seems to have swapped him out for Duane.

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Its odd because she had all of the black tongues basically worshipping her. You're probably right that she wants someone loyal to her, not to their own goals or ideas.

>So the chivalrous Aldishman doubted a lady's word

Cute! CUTE!

She basically got sick of them, for whatever reason. Bastion's the only one she keeps in regular contact with any more.

Which makes me wonder: did Ilganyag herself have a part to play in Duane's murder? How did Bastion get turned on to Duane's zombie body? Obviously he would find someone like Duane highly useful for his research, but how did he know that Duane would be meeting his untimely fate? What if Ilganyag clued him in? What if she knew?

Watch every assumption in the last few pages be proven wrong in the long run. Cresce was largely uninvolved in the Foi-Hellick rebellion until the very end. Duane was murdered by his Ssaelit brethren. The "Crescians" who attacked him weren't from Cresce. Mikaila survived. And Lemuel was genuinely innocent. Dramatic irony.

Ilganyag abandoning the Black Tongues after centuries (millennia?) and focusing exclusively on Bastion and Prakhuta should tell you something about how close her long-term plans are to fruition. She no longer needs the rest.

So I guess that answers the question I had (sorry if it was already said and I just don't remember) about how long two toes have been "part" of society

She was obviously involved. Consider who made Duane, how his state of being makes him uniquely suited to "sound the great unsounded" (which the Lady has encouraged), her relationship with Ssael, the similarities between Duane and Murkoph, how he was paired up with Sette...

Duane, Settle and the Silver all seem to be very important projects for Ilganyag. It's no coincidence she's trying to keep them all together.

>guess that's not part of the infallible memory
Or maybe Duane is the only one from that night that died, so his memories are the only ones that have returned to the Khert

The front actually.

It's weird how this "Miki is alive" theory suddenly started gaining a ton of traction these last few pages.

If I didn't know better, Ash is trying to push it as a secret user.

Nah, I'm the Vengeful Battle-Write Miki user, And I've always agreed with the theory, because Duane's suffering is fun

I mean to be fair we were theorizing about just about everthing and the kitchen sink that thread

>Duane, Settle and the Silver all seem to be very important projects for Ilganyag.
destruction of the khert

I think she's dead myself but I appreciate how the story leaves room to reasonably imagine she might have survived. The big twist could be that she's undead, though I'm not sure how well you could pull off a zombie girl without it just being gross and stupid. Not sure it would fit the tone of this comic.

Zombie Miki is a scary thought I'd hate to see Duane knowing that

would it take long to artificially store some structure aspect in Duanes body? If he were able to reinforce his corpse he'd potentially be able to perform insane physical feats, punching open walls and shit

Oh man, could you imagine what Duane would do to Bastion if he found out that not only was Bastion a black tongue, not only was he responsible for getting Duane and Mikaila killed, and not only was he who had made Duane into a zombie, but he'd done it to Mikaila too?

>I'm not sure how well you could pull off a zombie girl without it just being gross and stupid.
Personally, I would start dropping some direct context clues about plods and mindless shambling zombies for a few pages, then do the big reveal in out of focus silhouette, and and just focus on Duane's reaction. Maybe run some sinister monologue, or aside running over top to keep it engaging

Nah, if Miki's around she's full and kicking. Wouldn't be surprised if she was working with the March though, seems the most likely place she'd end up, which would annoy duane to no end.
I'm half expecting them to fight some lion masked female warrior in Alderode with the mask flying off to reveal Mikaila. Feels appropriately adventure-twist.

Why do you think bastion avoids him like the plague?
He's fuckn scared of what his creation would react to its creator

Our Guy is INFECTED, folks

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There's nothing to suggest that he had anything to do with the assassination plot only that Duane is starting to his rose tinted glasses shattered.

Being a bit responsible for his daughter's death would probably be enough reason to kill him on sight.

I mean starting to have his rose-tinted glasses of the past shattered. His perception of the things involving the truth is infecting the khert with his emotions.

I mean, canyou really pin that one on bastion? He came along for the ride because he heard tacit caster, he wasn't (or hasn't shown he was) there for the politicking purpose of it IIRC

>When you realize Cope has been teasing the outbreak for weeks

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I doubt Duane would care

Screw you I'm immune


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This is a quarantined thread, DO NOT reply to user 114026081 OR 114026297

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I'm both of them

Don't touch me you degenerates

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Oh right, it's THAT day again

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Dunno. It's hard to say right now whether Bastion was brought along for the ride as kind of a side-project to the assassination or if his thing was the actual goal and they had to cover up the presumed failure as just a run-of-the-mill nighttime Crescian hate murder after it didn't work out.

Either way the man is certainly a dickhead for participating and Duane's got plenty of reason to chow down with or without that particular piece.

Don't look him in the eye either, we don't know it's not the weeping plague.



toppest kek

None of you anons would happen to have any recent travel history in Falchyne, r-right?



The virus is contained successfully by the aldish government. The only cases there are from people bringing it back after going to countries with less competent administrations.

This mask is just because of a really bad sunburn, don't worry.


Duane she's playing you. Trust the bird and you'll get hurt

>Rector Adelier and his daughter
duane are you alright buddy

He's tried to pretend that the "real" Duane is gone before when he's feeling especially bad
Learning he was Khert walking during the night boosted him up but this recent business has really messed him up again

So this conflict where he doubts what really happened the fateful night or what Lemuel really is, is what will drive him to over compensate his Aldishness - turning him into a jerk for this chapter

I'm guessing it is either what he used to remember or how he wants to remember it

Anyone has the image where Little Miss Frummagem tells Duane that his real him is that of a posh?

the cure is titiybird fresh milk.


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