Why are these fuckers so mad, Yas Forums?
Why are these fuckers so mad, Yas Forums?
If you were that poorly drawn and shoddily animated, you'd be pretty unhappy too, OP
>Mommy Kara ated all the cookies
>that cyborg
Why is Cyborg snatched?
but they were poorly drawn and shoddily animated since 2003
Cyborg’s fade is wack AF
>ttg makes an episode making fun of it
How would Lauren react? Would she be fine with it or would return the favor?
Oh dear lord. What the fuck is this?
>everyone has their weeb teen titans looks
>except for robin
Is there a reason for this?
So is this the TTG parody of SuperHeroGirls
the SuperHeroGirls Parody of TTG
either way, everyone at cartoon network seems to be petty at everyone else
unless it's about Thundercats Roar...then they're petty at (You)
Probably because Robin was designed with his Burt Ward look from the Adam West Batman in mind and the titans were something added in after the fact.
>no midriff on starfire
Lauren knows there's porn out there of her self as a pony, and she hasn't killed herself over that yet, so I think she'll be fine with a few fart jokes.
I want to impregnate loliRaven what thefuck can I do bros
Is this from DeviantArt?
What the heck is up with those lips? This is bizarro Raven
If you like this, I don't know what is with you
At this point, I don't fucking know anymore.
its too good to be from DA
Is there a single super hero that isn't improved by making them a couple of years younger? I think super hero girls is showing us how to save comics
Cuter than ttg Raven
The tween titans
apparently just about everyone in the industry is really annoyed by them
but honestly think they just have really thin skin and their humor is WAY different from the TTG staff
TTG staff are trolls. I don't know how they keep getting away with it.
most of the writing crew on that show has some history on deviantart
what is this who made this was it the children's horsecartoon maker?
Starfire is for fugs and lewds
This is the cutest Starfire we have ever had.
Go to bed, Enter
Who is the bad mad chad escapee from a toku show in the picture with LilRobin and Alfred?
2003 Titans isn't good, get over yourselves.
Because christina miller refused to cancel them
Why does CN hate the Teen Titans so much?
DC Super Hero Girls, made by Lauren Faust yes
The Teen Titans you watched when Anime was super in on mainstream cartoon network, with Puffy Ami Yumi singing the theme?
Those weren't the original teen titans either.
So shut the fuck up.
What episode is this and is it one of the episodes on netflix yet?
SHG is too tame to crossover with Chad Titans
How's the Robin-Starfire relationship in this one, did they even interact
tween titans
came out on friday so it's not on netflix yet
it must be on one of the archived threads
so you look there for a download if links aint dead
No, they're one offs for now.
No, it's just an episode where they're being brats and I don't think Starfire even has any line.
literally her only line
She has one in her human disguise.
And yes, that's Bruce on the left in the portrait.
Starfire and Beast Boy can assume normal skin colors?
No, she said something about being too powerful really early on
Robin has had several appearances in the show.
robin looks like the average beta soiboy Yas Forums poster
So are the Teen Titans just destined to be treated as joke character for now on?
Man can you imagine fans of TTG becoming ass blasted because their version of the Titans get replaced?