So, this guy had a dead son and then decided to use that as an excuse to directly plagiarize DC comics and create his own version. Because copying all the cape shit honors his son somehow?
Despite not owning the IP, he is profiting from DC characters he doe (based maybe but still shitty to use his dead son as a moral shield) and acting as if he if was more than a glorified fanfic with his DONUT steal policy and going angry if people copy his stuff (oh the irony). Because this is what happens when a fanboy takes his fanfic too seriously.
And he hired an artist to draw every dc superhero ever doing a smile. If you ever google some superhero and you find a drawing of them staring at the camera with that annoying smug smile, it's him.
Besides this being just a shitty version of earth 16 (aka young justice), Honestly I'm amazed he hasn't gotten a cease and desist by now.
No it's the blatant plagiarism they're upset about. Fanfics are one thing but when you profit off it it becomes plagiarism
Gabriel Harris
>Jealous he generally does a better job worldbuilding than the people actually at DC?
I don't wok at DC. Why should I be jealous of a guy doing copyright infringement?
Caleb Walker
Yes it's weird he's milking his son's death to promote this project and yes it's really cringey fanfiction with static images and the whole thing is supported by a handful of people throwing a lot of money at the project but honestly it's whatever. If DC has a problem with a nobody making money off their IP then they'll do something about it although I doubt they will.
Liam Fisher
I lost my son last year and this was just a wiki for himself that spiralled into being popular. Some people just need things to invest time I dont see it as exactly milking. Its just a disclaimer!
Evan Walker
Looks like hes crossing over ninja turtles and captain planet into it as well. It's like that stupid webcomics about every 90s and 00s cartoon at once that took itself too seriously... looks slightly better quality but I can't find any actual comics on his da, just character profiles. Where do I find the pages?
Dominic Scott
I don't think you understand fanfic at all.
Why do you care about "copyright infringement" except as a corporate shill?
Luke Walker
Dude your DONUT steal art policy is hypocritical considering you are stealing and profiting from dc comics.
Unless you paid a license to DC?
Julian Long
Plese if people were stealing from you you would be the first to sue. Noooo muh sheckels no.
Sebastian Taylor
He's getting donations because of his fanfic, as long as hes not selling it as a direct comic or something DC cant do anything.
Julian Hall
who cares you sperg.
Jackson Taylor
oh no someone is using DC characters for a fanfic comic on deviantart, truly an outrage
How bored do you have to be to make this a thing you'll crusade on
Easton Ortiz
I don't think you understand profiting from a fanfic is a big no because people can get in legal trouble for that.
Aaron Jackson
>He's getting donations because of his fanfic, as long as hes not selling it as a direct comic or something DC cant do anything.
[CItation needed. ]
Hudson James
user this really reeks of jealousy. Why the fuck do you care?
Cooper Ward
That's not what your mom said last night.
Brandon Watson
>this guy had a dead son and then decided to use that as an excuse to directly plagiarize DC comics and create his own version Loeb?
Ethan Jones
I mean, 99% of Marvel comics are stolen Ideas from DC and they still sue everyone who try to use those ideas that they stole from DC first, so he's not wrong.
The only difference between him and Stan Lee is that he's a honest man giving credit to DC for using their ideas while Stan Lee is a thief worshipped by retards.
Logan Richardson
Maybe it's Meat Canyon?
Isaiah Parker
DC probably doesn't care if they even know about it. They didn't do shit about JL8.
John Morales
Do you work in any capacity for DC? No? then shut up.
Yes technically DC could choose to go on some draconian purge of any fanwork regardless or not money is involved. But they choose not to. Chill out.
David Gray
Stjepan Sejic made money drawing pictures of DC girls kissing other DC girls and DC just hired him. They don't give a shit.
Juan Torres
>? then shut up. Make me, bitch.
Lincoln Morgan
Once again, why the fuck do you care? DC presumably doesn't.
Aiden Bell
>nooo why aren't you helping my fight to defend dc's honor This is probably one of the most pathetic things I've seen in a while. If you have a problem with it report it to patreon. When they do nothing about it go cry somewhere else faggot.
Luis Lee
Nobody is defending SJW DC COMICS. I
Isaac Brooks
Who said I care? I'm just bored and I wanted to talk about something
Jordan Murphy
Are we really making a thread bitching about FUCKING FANFICTION existing? Really? Fucking Really? Is this for real?
Let the guy have fun, he's getting less money from this shit than Vavacung is getting to draw shitty horseshow furfag porn
Grayson Baker
who called the whiteknights?
Kayden Jenkins
If we was actually doing something wrong, DC comics would have done something about him by now.
Henry Wright
>Fanfics are one thing but when you profit off it it becomes plagiarism
That’s not exactly how it works. Plagiarism would be if he was taking DC’s work and claiming it as his own. It’s possible to plagiarize something that is not copyrighted (e.g. copying a public domain essay for school), and it is possible to commit copyright infringement without plagiarizing (e.g. if you sell something you don’t have rights to but credit the creator).
This is just fanwork though, and as long as the guy doesn’t try to sell movie/merchandise rights to Superman, DC probably doesn’t care.
>I lost my son last year and this was just a wiki for himself that spiralled into being popular. Some people just need things to invest time I dont see it as exactly milking. Its just a disclaimer!
For what it’s worth, thanks for stopping by to explain. OP is probably just a DC artist who got laid off and is mad nobody cares or misses them.
Eli Evans
assuming they were aware of it.
Anthony Robinson
technically even fanfics are copyright infringement tho
Jaxon Parker
>. OP is probably just a DC artist who got laid off and is mad nobody cares or misses them.
NICE LARP. Now you are accusing a random person in Yas Forums to be a DC comics artist lol
Absolutely reaching.
Justin Sullivan
It's so weird to see this type of autism with comic book characters and not some faggy cartoon or crass anime.
>wiki Nice LARP, but his son has been dead longer that. You aren’t him.
Evan Peterson
>technically even fanfics are copyright infringement tho only if you publish them as comic
Levi White
Can DC even do it at this point? There is so many Superman rip offs around that this guy could simply rename his DC fannart characters and claim his stories are just like Invencible or Squadron Supreme or The Boys
I never got why Superman got so many rip offs, Spider-Man got extremely few mainstream clones and his clones are drastically different, like Sideways or Blue Beetle, they are almost nothing like Spider-Man besides some similar personality traits.
Meanwhile every Superman clone is identical to Superman, same origin, same powers, almost same design, when was the last time you saw a non Spider-Man comic about a teenager getting spider powers? Because I saw dozens of stories about an alien that looks identical to humans wearing tights and a cape, flying around and shooting lazers from their eyes.
Aaron Campbell
>I saw dozens of stories about an alien that looks identical to humans wearing tights and a cape, flying around and shooting lazers from their eyes. those are Martian Manhunter's ripoffs you casual
Blake Clark
came here to post this actually. OP is kinda based if you ask me though
Julian Ramirez
You cared enough to reply.
Aiden Stewart
[Citation needed]
Stop talking out of your ass.
Noah Cox
Superman is the default superhero, so people like to copy him, just like McDonald's is the default fast food chain
Elijah Perry
Adrian Thomas
A rip-off/homage/parody/whatever is one thing, outright making your own Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne is another thing.
Matthew Edwards
>So, this guy had a dead son and then decided to use that as an excuse to directly plagiarize DC comics and create his own version. Because copying all the cape shit honors his son somehow?
Funny how you fucking assholes worship and look up to superheroes but when a Dad is trying to make a positive difference you worry about corporate politics with, "muh plagiarism". Stay classy.
Alexander Murphy
Technically not the same thing. Your technically donating to the guy and/or paying for the act, not the product.
You might not like it, but complaining about it is opening a can of worms like you wouldn't believe. Like Classic Disney artist contracts and shit.
Easton Gutierrez
I don't thnk you know what "technically" means
Lucas Sanders
How is stealing from dc comics making a "positive difference"
Nolan Jackson
I came across that a while back. It's a DC earth with the tmnt and characters from Supernatural in it.
Brody Harris
lol Try that in court and you will get your ass will be so red for all the money you will lose.
Joshua Gonzalez
These rules while good intentioned sort of kill all the interesting stuff in DC.
This is the real "problem" with this fan-project. In an attempt to simplify the DC mythos, they somehow made characters with incredibly basic origins and premises develop these convoluted backstories that completely negates the whole point of the project in the first place. Like, Booster Gold goes from some washed-up athlete who travels back in time to try and become famous to this guy who gets paid by Ted Kord's parents parents to be his friend as a kid, and becomes a member of his company as an adult and all this other contrived crap that leads to him becoming a hero.
Daniel White
wait a minute, THAT'S what these are? And he doesn't even draw them himself? I've seen tons of these profiles on google images and thought nothing of it. I just assumed someone was redesigning DC characters for fun. A lot of the designs were even really good. I had no idea they were commissioned by some autist for a fanfic, jeez, the dead son thing is just the cherry on top.