Most handsome and popular kid wanted to ask this out

>most handsome and popular kid wanted to ask this out

Attached: (528x730, 71.71K)

It's all pink on the inside.

She looks so much cuter with her hair down.

Attached: violetparr-incredibles.jpg (975x600, 292.91K)

maybe that’s because it’s covering 2/3rd of her putrid teenage butterface


How does he look

She looks like a slightly cuter Samara.

Is she okay? She looks kinda sleep deprived. lol

Sadako is best waifu.

Attached: 1509895898247.png (644x309, 86.1K)

I know! She's so adorable.

>asking out the popular girls means you have to impress them
>asking out the friendless, shy girl means much less pressure
You gotta know when the juice is worth the squeeze.

She does kind of looks like a corpse

This. Tony just realised what all Chad's eventually realise: the more attractive a woman is the crazier and less grounded in reality she is. Better to just settle for a tolerable 6 or 7s than to have to constantly dance and perform for the entitled dime pieces

Wow , its like they made her unattractive on purpose just because she was young ...

I tried to soften a bit her face

Attached: 1585681513670.jpg (1100x1521, 430.24K)

And then Chad actually becomes a man and realizes the truth: that 6-7/10 women are just as bitchy as the 10s

And so then they go back to the 10s because they understand that all women are women and therefore as a man you're going to be miserable, so you might as well get your dick sucked by a 10/10 during your misery.

Violet was legit crazy is the second film. You can already know tell she's going to be one of those controlling wives that are always tracking their husband's movements.

You idiot. Tony was trying to get to her mom.

Attached: 015FC869-01AB-42F7-9287-118F18770959.png (1920x808, 1.98M)

Once upon a time women below a 7 were actually a viable alternative to the bitchy 8-10s.

Then social media, third wave feminism and sexual liberation happened

No one asked for this so here

Attached: 1000 hours paint.jpg (528x730, 50.84K)

that is a picture of a child user
if you find yourself judging a little girl's looks in terms of how attractive they are then you are a pedophile

Why not be gay then? They will literally accept you even if you are a smelly obese hairy beast because even that is a fetish for them.

tony saw her mom once and realized what violet could become

>mfw this isnt an edit

Attached: 57CCF1DD-89C7-4F2B-8A6F-A0B256EA7E85.jpg (502x612, 62.37K)

>all I ever do is go to work, come back home and play vidya and watch Netflix all day
She wouldn't have to track me.

Violeta Parra.

Attached: gothviolet.png (528x730, 375.59K)

Attached: Yes and.png (140x190, 33.11K)

So, why did they make her so unattractive?

What you are failing to take into account is that Tony is too pure for this world, and the REAL best waifu of the Incredibles

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What do YOU look like after no sleep?

She looks like a fucking ghoul and while you can chalk that up to this being a old cgi film none of the other characters look anywhere near as bad as violet does.

Attached: Violet_no_socks.gif (177x255, 1.56M)

Attached: Violet Parr.png (513x1083, 300.54K)

wtf is wrong with her face?

Attached: bunsen_walking_violet_by_wdisneyrp_violet_d5v2omp.png (1900x900, 1.08M)

>never heard of the cool kid going after the broken girls for easy gash
Were you homeschooled? The emo, depressed girls were the easiest catch for anyone looking to have a go at that gash.

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It hides her ugly face.

>there are faggots who think she's hotter than her mom

Attached: violet_parr_by_verauko_d7stqn.jpg (1000x997, 120.74K)

Attached: Violet_Parr_Bare_1 (1).png (1287x1079, 2.54M)

What's wrong with yours?

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there should be more of this porn about this.

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Will we finally get an adult Violet in Incredibles 3?

She looked better in the sequel.

Attached: Violet 3.jpg (724x724, 99.21K)

meth, not even once.

Attached: tumblr_pr4453Si3J1wiy58oo5_250.png (250x250, 80.96K)

t. ugly child

I love her baggy eyes

she's a darling.

Attached: Dg88ObNUEAAIXEX.jpg (684x1166, 169.42K)


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Attached: Violet.jpg (804x804, 110.48K)


Attached: AoiOgataArtist - Hobbyist, Digital Artist _ DeviantArt.jpg (257x350, 11K)

Will they render this with updated models?

Hahahaha I see youve forgotten what OG Tony looked like

Personal preference user,personal preference

No one cares if you're right or wrong, this is a "your waifu a shit" vs coomers thread.

Can't we appreciate how something looks?


Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-01-01-04-46-1.png (720x514, 229K)

Attached: Violet crazy.webm (1920x804, 2.64M)

Attached: Violet getting ready for her date.webm (964x804, 692.85K)

Attached: violet locker.webm (1920x804, 2.77M)

Goddamn, that's a nice kitchen.
You never see interior design like this anymore, where appliances are built into the structure like the fridge and oven are, or like those dressers or end tables with record players built in.

Attached: Violet and Tony.webm (1920x804, 2.43M)

she cute

What a shame.

Attached: Violet demasked.webm (1920x804, 2.05M)

nah. I mean not in the foreseeable future.

Attached: Violet embarrased.webm (1920x804, 2.93M)

>skinny girl with black hair and blue eyes
>fat roastie
If you're into the thicc meme, Violet will get there when she's Helen's age.