Doctor Nigger

>Doctor Nigger

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What's it like, OP, to live in a state of constant triggering?

I hate to be that guy, but you realize this isn't the first time Dr. Mid-Nite has been black, right? Back in the '80s the title of Dr. Mid-Nite was taken up by one of his students, a black woman named Beth Chapel. She was part of Infinity Inc before being killed by Eclipso in the '90s.

Wildcat being a block chick doesn't piss me off
Wildcat not being old as balls pisses me off
Please tell me this is CW and not Titans/Doom Patrol universe
These designs are worse than your average cosplays

Here's a picture for reference

Attached: Doctor-Midnight-DC-Comics-Infinity-Inc-Chapel-b.jpg (500x1478, 87.52K)

Titans and Doom Patrol have different universes.

Yolanda was Teds replacement for a bit, are you an idiot?

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>different universes
>doom patrol is big part of Beast Boys origin
You fucking retarded or just pretending you watched the shows?

eh Doctor Black-As-Midnight would be more clever

The poster looks so ugly, like I cant take the look

Different canons

I don't care for capeshit or whatever this is, but that robot in the back looks really cool. First thing that caught my eye.

Actually they are, While yes the Doom Patrol had a back door pilot episode on Titans they are completely disconnected from each other and even the cw post crisis Montage shows they are different worlds

Gonna admit I was being a casual here, only familiar with Wildcat from his guest appearances in other things.
To be fair though hes not exactly an A lister and judging by that art you're talking about some 80s shit.

Who are the people at the bottom?

Says who, where?
Same actors, came out at the same time, same studio.

Titans and Doom Patrol follow separate canon which is why beast boy did not show up in Doom Patrol

Yeah, also that IS Beth Chapel in OP's pic. OP's an obvious zoomer.

I wished they gave her costume the yellow-black color scheme but that would be too similar to Hourman's.

CW crisis doesn't mean shit, they also used dumbass Doctor Who Lucifer and Dawsons Creek Superman.

Says the CW shows, they revealed Titans and Doom Patrol are separate Earths at the end of Crisis.

Attached: Stargirl 1.jpg (2122x3000, 1.47M)

Doom Patrol took place before Beats Boy showed up.

>Says who, where?
The showrunners.

>Same actors
Only April Bowlby. Everyone else was different, including the Chief.

Attached: Stargirl 2.jpg (2122x3000, 1.61M)

>CW crisis doesn't mean shit,

Sure it does. They showed Stargirl's show on its own Earth.

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CW is garbage, it has shit writing, shit actors, shit CGI, and CW is an embarassment to marvel, DC should try making a more mature version of Static shock, and animated, no live action

user, I’m just telling you that in official DC canon they are each in a different universe that is all

Stargirl is Earth 2
Titans is Earth 9
Swamp Thing is Earth 19
Doom Patrol is Earth 21

I wonder who the big villain of this show is going to be.

CW fucked up every event they tried to attempt and you're taking its event as teh facts? TV Lucifer is closer to the comics than CW at this point. And that's just because of off handed references that most of the normie housewife viewers wouldn't get.

End of COIE gave all the shows its own earth:
Earth-2: Stargirl
Earth-9: Titans
Earth-21: Doom Patrol
Earth-12: Green Lantern
Earth-19: Swamp Thing.
Earth-66: Batman (1966)
Earth-89: Batman (1989)
Earth-96: Superman Movie
Earth-167: Smallville.
Earth-203: Birds of Prey.
Earth-666: Lucifer (2016).

>CW crisis doesn't mean shit

Everybody had to okay it between different networks and the movie studio. It's very, very canon to everybody and everything DC TV and movies.

CW said Titans and Doom Patrol were separate Earths, and the showrunners of those shows were okay with it.

user stop being a sperg

yeah, but live action superheros look like shit

The Injustice Society, pictured below on the poster.

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Swamp thing takes place in Gotham by gaslight? Titans Batman wears red knight armor and superman is a telepath? No.
CWs 52 are horse shit, they didnt even try to make it remotely close.

Fuck off songbird

CW didnt make Titans and Doom patrol. That's like DC saying Spiderman isn't Canon with Hulk.

still does, it has a real problem with writing, they poorly write out characters, they make mary sues, gary sues, and dont give real weakness, and dont give a reason why they won.

>says who?
CW Crisis, which is the official canon
>CW crisis doesn't mean shit!
You are hilarious. Keep seething.

How does you not liking CW equate as a response to "Titans and Doom Patrol are confirmed to be on different Earths?" Do you have autism?

Of course the show runners were okay with it, they wanted a pay cheque.

She took the name in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

This is some next-level cope

no retard, Im not even responding to your TITANS AND DOOM PATROL post, Im responding to the fucking show that OP posted, are you retarded? I just dont like Live action superhero movies, with a few exceptions.

The main theme of the series is going to be about Legacy, all the people on the poster are either legacy Heroes or Villians

They are going to have Ted as well as Brian Staph was cast as him

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>Yas Forums

Pick one. At this point the creators behind those shows have read more books than the anons here.

Kinda racist, bro.

No it doesn't you idiot. You jumped from Titans/Doom Patrol autism to ranting about the CW. You've been proven wrong that Doom Patrol and Titans take place in the same universe and you're taking it out on tangentially related shows. You're opinion on the CW is irrelevant because that is not the point.

Don't lie, OP.

Not him, but why in the blue fuck are you in this thread, then? If you think it's shit ignore it, we don't need to hear your autism.

Fuck off Dobson. No one wants to see your crap fetish.

To play the Casual's Advocate, black Dr. Midnight is a motherfucker of a deep cut. Though probably not much more than the original.
Or for that matter, Yolanda. Should be pointed out though, given how much Infinity Inc and Old School JSA play into Star Girl's story, deep cuts are to be expected.

It's a series though.
But fuck the costumes are bad even for CW

My post was about the goddamn show star girl, and your talking about something I didn't mention, if your saying star girl is about, Im just saying the costumes look shit, and that CW has poor writing
I still care for DC stuff, That's why Im on the thread, I want a really good series taking a down to earth message without a fucking shit CGI, bad Actors, and bad writers, only a few movies did it well
Well, ill try to watch the show, and I hope the writing is gonna be great, or at least good, and thats why I ranted like a fucking retard, I hate hte goddamn costumes, these, and the CGI look like shit

Injustice Gang. Tigress, Brainwave, Icicle, Sportsmaster and Dragon King.

>and your talking about something I didn't mention
You mentioned the CW and their writing AFTER the you were proven wrong about Doom Patrol and Titans taking place in the same universe.

I am not even talking about Titans and Doom Patrol, I think we are both confused

So you're not then?

no Im not, imI dont hate the diversity, I really dont care, but they should give a reason, cause I liked the idea that Wildcat would fight the Klan in the 60s with Soul Power, and he would be against bigotry after what he sees in the camps