This scene gave me a fear that my white friends parents are going to hate me if I hang out at their house

This scene gave me a fear that my white friends parents are going to hate me if I hang out at their house.

It never happened but it was a concern of mine

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The father did nothing wrong, Virgil definitely stole something/shorted the house’s circuitss

Just stop being black retard

fear? why are you going to be afraid?

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lol how

I don't want ppl to be racist to me

Congrats, you fell victim to irrational race-hustling and fearmongering, which is exactly what the creators of that show and that episode wanted. You believe everything Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson tell you, too?

If you think fear mongering was the basis of the episode you're just as retarded as the blacks that think it's always the white mans fault for everything
Here's your (you)

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Lol, lighten up, buddy.

This scene made me worry that my parents might be racist. Years later, I found out that they totally are, and they're getting worse as they get older.

That sucks

Were you afraid to a point of bringing your nonwhite friends home?

Your parents sound based and redpilled. It sounds like you have the problem.

> hate me if I hang out at their house.
I mean they should hate you for hanging out at their house.It's their house.That is not even a racist thing. People just don't like guess.

No but in their aging brains they are actively losing iq getting to your level.

There is nothing wrong in being Black and theres nothing wrong in being racist

As long as your racism is rightfully against whites then its ok

>Propaganda in Children's cartoons.

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Whiteys need to be wiped out. Europe and USA belong to browns

>black folks with Corona:


> Aging brains
> low iq
> smarter than their dumbass son.
Again it seems like you have the problem but people like you never learn til you gotten jumped by the 13% of the population crowd.

The problem is that this agenda assume the wrong reason why said parent would not want his son hanging with Virge. If he was a known street corner hoodlum and not coming from a regular lower middle class family. That father have every right to question the company he keeps. Virge though was a good kid from a good household.


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And Chinese real estate agents

And you have?

I dont believe it. Because they would have /should have finished you off.

That’s how it works. By constantly bringing up racism, you create racism. White kid watches this and says “Am I supposed to be like that?”, black kid watches this and says “Are they going to be like that?”. Both are wrong, but kids can’t be trusted to get the correct take away from a show, which is why kid’s media should shy away from tough topics with lots of gray area.

>It never happened
When you were around, you mean.

There is no "agenda" Assumes Virgil is a street kid just because he's black. now that's racist

This person isn't even american.

Have we finally reached the point where "agenda" means "anything I don't like"?

>static shock invented racism

Uh no I'm happy they talked about this subject

Not once did they mention his reason for not liking Virgil. It was only assume it was he was black.

>Grrrr, cartoon tell me not to be racist. How I hate it.

I distinctly remember as a little kid, my mother invited a huge fat black woman with giant saggy watermelon tits from church to our house. We had never had a black woman at our house and I didn't know she was there. When I walked into the kitchen and saw her I literally jumped and yelled. Good times.

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Remember, racists take up a much larger space in the imaginations of people than they do in any meaningful way in the real world. Most people like people who aren't assholes.

Why don't they have media about other races to not be racist?

I thought the cope was that everybody was actually racist and that's why racism wasn't a big deal. Can you pick a lane?

Black folk take up both lanes.

Because he was racist

Not my position. My position is that racists are assholes, but most people(at least in the West) aren't racist.

I hope the irony in this statement is enough to make you quit the thread.

It has not happened to me because I don't hnag with blacks but you do you. Keep ignoring facts and statistics.

>the West
So do you want admit you're not white already?

>, but most people(at least in the West) aren't racist.
Only because they've been brainwashed by liberal media. But people are finally waking up and seeing the truth.

>it hasn't happened to me because I don't actually leave my house but it totally does

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oh no

this is much more fun

Everyone is racist, they just don't show it. The internet in particular has made me realize how certain people feel about me beneath the surface when there's no societal filter or consequences for their words.

Never happen to you? Oh so you just live in an imaginary world afraid of imaginary things. Making up imaginary scenarios.


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When are they going to have media where black folk are ignorant and racist?


Seeing the anonymous black anons race baiting over the years to hide themselves to continue being harmless victimized minority made me question if there isn't reasons why racism still exist.

I don't know about blacks but grandma hated jews
I went to a Jewish school and she would ask me if I knew any Jewish kid and if he had ever been inside my home

its ok for black people to hate people based on race. They don't know any better. White people should know better.

If there was a cartoon called Niggers Vs. Rednecks everyone would love it and nobody would be offended because the field is equal

Do the Swiss count as white?
I think it's more to do with the fact that Western Society is more individualistic and places less importance on inherited characteristics than deeds.
Yeah, but the internet isn't real life. And Yas Forums is a worse than usual baseline for normal humanity. Is is more likely that people are saying Nigger because they actually genuinely believe that black people are less than human or because it's fun to be edgy and say naughty words?

> Projecting insecurity because he does not leave his house and treats his smart parents like shit because he's a loser.

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The boondocks?

> White parents adopt a Black son just so they can shit on him their entire lives


Hopefully this is bait.

Real racism is rarely so overt, except on Yas Forums where everyone is anonymous and can freely act like shitheads.

That show lasted two(three?) seasons and disappeared during the Obama administration.

Proving how fucking stupid and irrational racism actually is? Kind of, but it doesn't actually serve your agenda.

Imagine cucking out your own parents who raised you just because they make a nignog joke and Dr. Bergstein's talmudvision show said that's a no-no. Pathetic piece of shit.

This. White people are rarely portrayed as hateful in that show. They just want to go about their lives while Black people fuck everything up and rich people like Wuncler profit from it all.

You mean like Bugs Bunny vs Hitler?
You mean like how cartoons have always been?

Not sure if you're an ESL but that show was highly influential and quotable in the States, at least in the urban areas that I grew up. It also devoted its season opening to shitting on Obama and would regularly show him as a clueless puppet.

>I haven't actually interacted with a single black individual (most likely because I'm not even American) but they'll rape me if I do

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Even niggers are racist

> Oh so you just live in an imaginary world afraid of imaginary things.
> facts
> imaginary

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Look up FBI crime stats, go to the hood, look at the prison population, so on and so forth.

It does actually. For my own benefit seeing the hypocrisy. There is such a push for white guilt. making white folk feel like they are racist when they never done anything racist. Like being born into guilt. Like teaching the Germany youth how to treat Jews as lower class of citizens.

>two(three?) seasons
Weebs literally can't envision success unless the show is on its 600th episode.


Your ESL is so thick it's actually insulting.

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It was so successful that the network execs tried to force to show to live, even after the series creator left. People don't seem to understand how abnormal that is in decades of TV animation.

Only weebs like Boondocks.

They're the most racist of all but it's understandable why. In fact I understand why everyone is racist. Blacks largely act subhuman so whites hate them, and whites largely exclude and used to terrorize blacks out of neighborhoods so they hate them. Nothing can be done about it, really. It's a perpetual cycle and both have their interests to keep.

I hope there is a white genocide so that retards like you will go extinct.

Blacks under the age of 50 are inherently weebs, at least in the East Coast.

>Yas Forums cancer
Post discarded. Thanks for clearing it up for me.

Whatever MJ did

He isn't wrong though. I prefer white racists over self-hating whites, though both are dumb. I want to smash self-hating "white left" heads in with a hammer. Patronizing cunts.

>tried to force to show to live
This isn't even English. Come the fuck on.

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thanks for proving me right tyrone :3

>It took you years to find out your parents were racist


>He isn't wrong though
His entire premise relies on him being white and American. Which he obviously isn't.

no one ever tells black people it's not ok to hate other people based on race. But they do it all the time. You never see any shows, movies, or books where black people are racist reprimanded for it and learn a lesson in tolerance. Because they don't know any better. they're to dumb to learn to be tolerant of other races and cultures. Unlike white people who are sufficiently advanced enough to not be racist towards others.

We already know that, my (((white))) friend. That's why we don't feel bad about the holocaust anymore and all your people's programming of us as kids was for nought.

White liberals are like cockroaches. They have no pride and seek salvation from their eternal guilt for being white and successful.

I mean, weren’t most of the villains in this show blacks and spics? Seems justifiable, especially considering that they were legit created from gang warfare.

You do live in a bubble, or probably yurotrash. Should you be outside working on your herd immunity?

Mutant Gang Warfare. All the things the "Bang Babies" could do with their newfound powers. They become criminals.

>kids cant be trusted to get the correct takeaway
If anything, giving a reason for kids to ask those very questions is a means for them to learn some ugly truths about the world without outright shattering thier worldviews. Better some cartoon give them context about how shit people can be than having it quite literally shoved into thier faces

I think it's pretty fun how ESL-kun fucked right off and was replaced by some European tard currently imprisoned in his own house.

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Yeah it's weird to think about, really. My best friend's mom had a 'No backpacks in the house' rule. She was a really sweet lady, nice as could be, and it's only after I saw some Facebook posts she was sharing a few months back that I thought to ask my friend about it and he was like 'Yeah she only ever did that for you and your brother.' And nothing changed, but shit kinda hurt retroactively.
It's kinda weird because on one hand it's nice to have people's intentions and the like out in the open, but on the other the world where everyone lies about what they believe to get along is nicer to live in. I say I'm not racist, you say you don't think I'm racist, or the reverse, and we can all believe it's true and live our lives.

I think the idea here is that while everyone is slightly racist, people generally don't like people who are particularly large assholes about it.
