Iron V. Bat: Dawn Of Money

Which one do you prefer?
Who's got the better gimmick?
Which one's the better character?

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Ironman has no good stories besides Demon in a Bottle no writer knows what to do with him he has the worst rogues as well.

>Ironman has no good stories besides Demon in a Bottle and Superior
ftfy but yeah I agree

>Ironman has no good stories besides Demon in a Bottle no writer knows what to do with him he has the worst rogues as well.
You not wrong. MCU Ironman legitimately the best version of the character.

>Ironman has no good stories besides Demon in a Bottle no writer knows what to do with him he has the worst rogues as well.
You're wrong. MCU Ironman legitimately the worst version of the character.

Daredevil a better Batman analog for marvel than ironman.

Is this a joke? Comic Iron Man is a shitty, second rate character with zero iconic, good stories.



MCU Iron Man succeeded and is liked because RDJ actively ignored the faggots telling him "that's now how Tony would act." He knew exactly when to be a smug egotistical douche and when to draw it back in. He knew when to balance it out with humor, and that was something he was good at.

He was cringe

His billion dollar reforged career from one role over the past 12-years states otherwise.

Yeah, I don't really get comparing Batman to Iron Man. They're both billionaires, that's where the similarities end.

It's interesting because at this point, Iron Man is at the absolute apex of his popularity in public consciousness, while Batman is at the nadir.

Batman will always outsell him in comic books, he's almost an ideal comic book concept in conception. Comic writers can easily do noir and outrageous lunatics and crime stories.
Very, very few of them have any reasonably background in engineering or any other science, a lot of them can barely do math. You'd need a young Masamune Shirow or his American equivalent to make Iron Man shine. Instead he's generally just suiting up to fly over and beat up some generic villains or stupid shit like Space Dragons or Chinese Wizards.

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No it doesn't

Batman has the better style while Tony looks like a toaster. Yes, I know this is a bit unfair because Batman's style is eternal while Tony has to change his appearance to match trends of modern sci fi, but truth is truth.

>more company war bullshit
kill yourself

Batman will always be more popular

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batman has the better stories, better supporting cast and better rogues.

Literally, name a single good story about Iron Man tho

What a meaningless, arbitrary, baseless graph.
Iron Man has been selling twice the theater tickets of anything Batman related for years now.
Any polling of comic nerds is going to show more interest in Batman, he's the linchpin of DC's entire comics line and has been for decades.

Batman has always been a more popular comic book character, even before he was DC's cash cow. Comics-wise there's no comparison.
It's a pity that most of the money isn't in comics, but hey, Tony is dead now so I'm sure Batman will be fine. (maybe).

What you retards think of as "Demon in a bottle" is actually the O'Neil run that happened many issues later than Demon in a Bottle. The concept wasn't fleshed out until then.
Just shows that you fucks don't read the comics you're talking about and shouldn't post like you do

kinda does, because if he were "cringe" he wouldn't be successful

You can tell when someone doesn't read comics or is a utmost casual whose opinion shouldn't be taken seriously when they bring up Demon in a Bottle only

I'm a filthy casual. rec me some Iron Man kino then

>Iron Man has been selling twice the theater tickets of anything Batman related for years now
Objectively wrong. TDK, TDKR, and BvS all made more than Iron Man 1 and 2. Only Iron Man 3 made more

The thread was created for Batfags to bait Marvel fans, but at this hour they its just casuals Trolling other casual Trolls.

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Yeah because cringey shit like Riverdale and The Vampire Diaries aren't successful amirite?

The last 2 Nolan films were a long time ago.
And you conveniently left out BATMAN vs Superman, and his starring role in JUSTice League. Civil War and the Avengers movies crushed Nolan, and Iron Man was indisputably the central draw of them.

fuck them and their alcohol abstinence bullshit. its so cringe reading iron man stories, and seeing stark's internal monologue go on and on about how he was an alcoholic and now he isnt and how he s afraid of relapsing. it happens every other issue and its shitty, its like iron man writers are absolute autists who dont comprehend actual human interaction and thought ( benis and slott come to mind, so yeah).

just make him drink again, but responsibly and not talk about it

>Ironman has no good stories besides Demon in a Bottle no writer knows what to do with him he has the worst rogues as well.
You've written words. MCU Ironman legitimately a version of the character.

>And you conveniently left out BATMAN vs Superman
No I didn't, I said BvS. Although I did forget Justice League, which also made more than Iron Man 1 and 2
>Civil War and the Avengers movies crushed Nolan, and Iron Man was indisputably the central draw of them
True but they didn't make all that money just because of Iron Man, if they did then his solo movies would have made the same amount

why you posting women shit where high cringe levels are a given?

>True but they didn't make all that money just because of Iron Man,
No one's early films were making that level of money, Batman's last 3 movies before TDK were unimpressive box office, and even Batman Returns drew less than '89.
Iron Man on the other hand just kept snowballing into more and more and more money.
Not even TDKR managed more ticket sales than TDK, because the actual draw to TDK was dead by then.

>Not even TDKR managed more ticket sales than TDK, because the actual draw to TDK was dead by then.
Iron Man 3 didn't manage more ticket sales than his previous film The Avengers, I guess the actual draw to Iron Man must have been dead by then
Age of Ultron managed less ticket sales than the first Avengers, I guess the actual draw to Avengers was dead by then

You make fair points, but Avengers leapt up by being the first "heroes from other movies all band together" film, which gave it a bigger push that the material really justified.
Age of Ultron is the MCU's only real backward step in all these years.
TDK on the other hand is the only WB film that's actually progressed to greater popularity as a sequel.

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Batman v Superman was technically the sequel to Man of Steel and it made more. Batman Forever also made more than Batman Returns

It's telling that they started trying to use Batman as the Tony Stark of the DCEU, being the guy bringing everyone together as a team, and even to the extent of mentoring the nerdy rookie.

Batman has NEVER been the "guy who formed the League" (in my recollection), he's always been the reluctant leaguer. And the idea of him mentoring Flash is completely out of the blue, and a serious copy of "Iron Boy".

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In a "normal" DC universe I don't mind the idea of Bruce bringing the JL together, it seems like one of his many contingency plans. But they went way too far with making him grimdark in BvS for him to make a 180 like he did in JL.

Batman vs Superman is a movie headlined by Batman, all the promotion for it focused 100% on Batman.
Forever isn't a sequel to Returns, it's an entirely new cast of actors.

I heard the Len Kaminski run is good.

Oh fuck, you picked a really weird matchup for me. See on the one hand I think Batman's really goddamn exposed right now and with Snyder at the helm is made to do the stupidest goddamn shit. On the other hand, Iron Man has ALSO been put through some real stupid shit by a combination of Aaron and the MCU synergy turning him into a quipster overnight.

So I'ma say Batman just because I really liked the Joker graphic novel, but with the caveat of neither being anywhere near my top 50.

This is another goddamn awkward question because on paper the man who has money, and the reliably demonstrated ordinance for escalation to keep up with other powered heroes should be my preferred. But no. is right, somehow Batman works better even though he has less reasons to be around the JL all the time.

>better character
Again, totally biased opinion because of the DCAU having a monopoly on my childhood cartoon viewing time and I'm not going to pretend to be an Iron Man buff but. I really liked what the DCAU did with Batman, especially the part where it ended up being all for nothing and he retired an old, lonely man that trained a successor.

...let's pretend the Batman Beyond comics never happened though.

I don't know, Batman does have that lego movie under his belt. Several Lego movies technically. But yeah we're in a weird situation where Tony Stark is dominating the capeshit movie scene and Batman is either a bad joke in the DCEU, or a grim orphan that may or may not be part of unreliable narration in Joker. And yet, still DC's biggest breadwinner in comics sales.

Lego Movie non-withstanding, Theatrical Batman has become sort've a fill-in role to sell outrageous villains. Discounting 60's Adam We, there has been a pretty rapid succession of actors playing utterly dispensable Batmen.
I don't think you can credibly claim that Batman is the main draw in even most of the solo Batman movies. I think he comes somewhere below the villains and cars.

In IM1, yeah, then it just became endless quips, but normies loved him.

And I would add that I believe that The Joker is almost inarguably a more popular character than Iron Man OR Batman in public consciousness, and it may not even be that close. Batman is practically just an excuse to serve up more Joker, who barely needs him to be in the movie.

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I'd like to stress I do ultimately agree batman isn't the big screen he was during, say, the Nolan trilogy. I just find it funny that his presence in film these days tend to be these niche little gimmicks like the fucking Lego franchise, which itself seems to have run it's course.

*big screen draw

I am not going to say who's better, I'm going to say something else.
Both characters have a childish nature to them, though they both hide it. Bruce hides it more than Tony, but it's there in both of them.
Bruce, with his fixation on Zorro, with his inability to move on from his loss issue, from being able to relate to young proteges a lot.
Tony has his fixation with knights and medieval stories, fights in essentially oversized action figures and in modern iterations plays vidya a lot. And to a lesser degree than Bruce, also has loss and parents issues.
They're both childish to a degree. So, without a big stretch of reasoning, one could assume that they read comics. Now, it's been shown at times that DC and Marvel comics exist in the other universe, as comic companies, either as they are, or with obvious analogues (one example is Bendis claiming he exists as a character in the MU and his job is EiC of DC comics). So, without stretching matters too much, we can say that at some point, Tony has read general DC and Batman comics and Bruce has read general Marvel and Iron Man comics.
And here are two easy conclusions.
1) Bruce is hands down Tony's favorite character. Genius playboy philanthropist orphan that fights alongside superpowered folks with just his wits and gadgets, while having control issues and making plans against even his friends at times and goes too far? Tony loves that guy. Totally sympathizes with him. Bruce is his man, he roots for him.
2) No way in hell is Tony Bruce's favorite character. No chance. Zero. He hates Tony. He considers him a reckless, irresponsible, selfish murder-happy twat. Bruce's favorite character is Spiderman, obviously.
That doesn't prove who's the best, of course. But it makes a point.


>Which one do you prefer?
>Who's got the better gimmick?
They pretty much both have the same gimmick at this point. Both fund their respective teams, always have some sort of plan for threats, both have an all seeing A.I. that no one trusts, both are billionaire playboys, etc. The only differences is that one dresses like a bat and is angry all the time, while the other is a hologram.
>Which one's the better character?

Movie Stark > Comic Stark
Batman > Comic Stark

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>while the other is a hologram.
user, that was 3 years ago. He's been back in a flesh and blood body since late 2018 now.

Harry Potter is cringe and succesfull

It's not that he needed to ignore them, you would have probably had a hard time finding the people who cared about how Iron Man should act. They still had the rights to Iron Man because no. No one wanted them and they made a good movie about a guy with a super suit called Iron Man

>women shit
cringe by default

Nah, RDJ and Jeff Bridges have went on record saying the Marvel advisers overseeing Iron Man 1 were hounding Robert constantly because he wasn't following their guidelines on Tony. It caused a lot of tension with the advisers and Jon Favreau because he was the one who wanted Downey.

It's honestly amazing that the movie is coherent and even good at all, especially with the unfinished, constantly changing script that lead to endless improv.

Iron Man is just sold on gimmick and comes nowhere near the number of stories Batman has worth reading. It's extremely frustrating because I WANT to like/read Tony's books. Stark is this weird character that is somehow both timeless and dated at the exact same time

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Tony's problem really is that his catalogue of villains is fucking shit and so he has nothing to bounce off of. Easily some of the worst and forgettable mooks in comic books.

a gritty and tired batman teaching heroism to a quirky meta-hero is actually good.
«save one person» scene is better than any iron-boy scene.

Mr. Doll is a treasure.

It's not just lackluster villains (I actually like Crimson Dynamo), its Tony's base characteristics getting intentionally phased out
>Can't be a drinker anymore
>Can't be a womanizer anymore
>Modern culture is anti-corporate, and Tony is only allowed to be a faggy modern CEO Zuckerberg type

That too.

Kind of funny how Tony has been effectively neutered of his flaws outside of the MCU, yet they can't let the fucking Hank slap go.

>>Modern culture is anti-corporate, and Tony is only allowed to be a faggy modern CEO Zuckerberg type
It goes over peoples heads that Tony was never meant to be the typical capitalist that modern day culture hates so vehemently. He's been the fantasy and wish fulfillment of how they want corporations and the rich to be since creation.

Yeah but like James Bond, men aren't allowed to have power fantasies anymore

i generally prefer ironman