Contextualizing a race of mystical magical fantasy witches as "Aliens who invaded Earth" was probably the dumbest...

Contextualizing a race of mystical magical fantasy witches as "Aliens who invaded Earth" was probably the dumbest decision this show made.
Anyone have a realistic contender?

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Being aliens is fine
I just wish we saw more gem ruins and Era 1 arcitecture

I dig them being aliens.
Just wish that the theming was more consistent. Season 1A, while already establishing that they are from space, also showed a lot of more fantasy architecture and mythos. They had a "moon godess" statue, and so on.
Also, Lapis was freaked out by the technological development of homeworld, and yet the diamonds use the exact same type of body-themed spaceships as they did six thousand years ago.

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Yea the sharp technological development for such long living aliens seem a bit jarring to me.

Pink's "death" forced them to adapt and evolve. The resource crisis was them not being able to make gems without her essence like we used to

Anytime I see an SU thread I look at the art style and my immediate gut reaction is "This is grotesque how the fuck could anyone find this appealing"

And then I see another SU thread

And another SU thread

And another SU thread

And another SU thread

And then I remember I'm on Yas Forums. I hope corona takes you all.

>Also, Lapis was freaked out by the technological development of homeworld, and yet the diamonds use the exact same type of body-themed spaceships as they did six thousand years ago.
This really, really bothered me. Homeworld was supposedly advanced to a point where Lapis didn't "even understand it" but even comparative monkeys like Steven and Lars were able to effortlessly escape a Diamond Inquisition
That would have been an equally interesting plot point if they did anything with it beyond "Gems look stupider now"

Be the Steven you want to see in the world

>dumbest decision this show made.
>Anyone have a realistic contender?
rose is pink diamond

I don't have a problem with them being aliens, but I don't like that it's so overt that they're alien solar powered robots instead of something a little more mysterious. Something that would make you say "When they say another world, do they mean another planet or Galaxy? And why are they so interested in space?" It could have been a lot cooler.

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No that's literally the best reveal in the series, it just so happens that almost everything that happened after it was bad. Funny enough the exact same thing happened to Star Wars after they revealed Anakin was Vader. It all turned sour after an incredible twist.

>Fills in all the gaps
>Explains how Steven has all these powers
>Ties everything into the Diamonds again and now they're more than just random bad guys
That's basically how a twist SHOULD work. The fact it was predictable was irrelevant.

Gem tech doesn't work on humans. Gems don't think outside of their roles, this is a major factor in the show.

>they had a "moon godess" statue, and so on.
My headcanon is that the "moon godess statue" was some sort of gem communication or dead man's switch/failsafe device, supposed to report to the Moon Base.
Pearl just didn't want to mention the diamonds, because Steven wasn't ready for it, so she made up a fake name.

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Ha, yeah right. That's not even half as dumb as having a Japanese animator come on to do an episode and then having him make everyone else on the show look like rank amateurs by comparison.
>yet the diamonds use the exact same type of body-themed spaceships as they did six thousand years ago.
They could just be visually the same yet technologically different.
It's not a twist. A twist is unexpected, they all but hammered it home that Rose was Pink before the "reveal."

>They could just be visually the same yet technologically different.
well, they are still perfectly compatible

I personally would make them have originated from ancient Beach City, being the "last few" of their species. The twist being that there are other gem colonies/some gems were turned into jewelry.

That doesn't mean they have the means to improve their technology so much in so little time.

>That doesn't mean they have the means to improve their technology so much in so little time.
explain how "much" they improved, please, genuinely asking
because it's my impression that they didn't actually improve at all.
Lapis claims that the technology is really advanced, but we see a lot of gem tech on earth/moon that seems no different from modern gem tech.

man, pearl was ugly

we must not forget the Second Wrongest Man on the Internet.

Making it so that, in a show meant to suggest you can always find a way to peacefully resolve a situation without fighting, the only reason all the situations get resolved without fighting is because of an incredibly convoluted scenario where the things everyone were fighting about aren't actually a problem because both sides of the conflict were lied to an manipulated by a third party that's no longer in a position to be held accountable for their mistakes.

To be fair, magic in magical girl shows 5 times out of ten, basically turns out to be alien in origin.
Look at Sailor Moon.

In what world are the Steven Universe pilot designs "sexy"?

You have to let Steven Universe go, Yas Forums; it will never be anything thought provoking or interesting. Just a pile of half-baked ideas that could have been great but were sloppy and rushed.
The best thing you can do is take the pieces you like from the show and use them to build something better.

The biggest issue with Steven Universe is that it should've been a book series and not a show at all.

Gem adventure time looked like shit

I wouldve liked it if they were mayan or aztec golems meant to protect precious artifacts

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Nothing wrong with being aliens, but changing the India inspired architecture for geométrica tecnology was a mistake.

Sailor Moon villains where all aliena and they didn't look scifi at all.

This, a lot of the flashbacks clearly show the same level of technology.

They look better in motion.

I would have totally wanted this to get cancelled if they had this design

It’s based off of japanese magical girl shows, and the girls are very often from outer space in those too.

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Based and redpilled, this show is shit all around.

Reminder, this poster is from a discord called vidyabros, who are ass hurt that Steve from Minecraft isn't in Smash Bros and that wasted 2 years of shit posting on Yas Forums because of it.
Literal Discord Tranny.

This is the most disrespectful shit ever.
Not only you're using a meme site for mocking 2 people's look.
But you're assuming that that joke site is a reliable source for how a kid may look like despite you putting the faces of 2 adults in it, of course 2 adults don't make the look of a baby
And not only you're being a lookist, but also a casual racist.
One thing is saying their cartoons are bad, the other, and it's worse on every sides, it's mock them for being not attractive for you and for this society's standards, and then there is the worst of the worst that is assuming their children would be abo*inations just and only for their look.
Don't be mean like this and you will be beautiful, because you're acting like an ugly person

Stevey Stevey, cope and Seethe
Not in Smash, so to Yas Forums you grieve.

Steve from Minecraft no one wants
Not even Yas Forums deserves your taunts.

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>A twist is unexpected
that'snot how it works.
for the fans it's unexpected, but for the people who use their brains they can predict the twist and not expect it to be canon

ha ha, look anons, he posted it again!
Let's give him many (you)s! He earned it, posting such a good and funny picture! Ha ha!

>Reminder, this poster is from a discord called vidyabros, who are ass hurt that Steve from Minecraft isn't in Smash Bros and that wasted 2 years of shit posting on Yas Forums because of it.
>Literal Discord Tranny.
Lmfao what the fuck kind of projection is that? Holy shit you couldn’t be more wrong or a bigger faggot.

Thanks for the bump. Have another!

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>Stevey Stevey, cope and Seethe
>Not in Smash, so to Yas Forums you grieve.
>Steve from Minecraft no one wants
>Not even Yas Forums deserves your taunts.
>all this butthurt

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now you're also using this being unecessary bad against us. And this makes you arguably even worse than just doing it for the lolz.
So either end this shit you're doing or just reconsider immediately

No it was brilliant

Garnet looks black.

> now you're also using this being unecessary bad against us. And this makes you arguably even worse than just doing it for the lolz.
>So either end this shit you're doing or just reconsider immediately
What? Stop posting THIS? Maybe stop making frivolous threats you omegafaggot.

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I mean, only Pearl looks like a fucked up Ellen Degeneres. Garnet and Amethyst looked pretty good.

Current Pearl is hotter than pilot Pearl change my mind

ooh baby a triple

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I mean stop being so much chucklefuck

>Contextualizing a race of mystical magical fantasy witches as "Aliens who invaded Earth"
Is par for the course. That trope is old as sin.

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Believe in Steven!

>Anyone have a realistic contender?
Abruptly turning Peridot and Lapis into completely different characters and retards in Same Old World.

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The alien thing works fine to me, but it was a big shift from the original concept.
I really hope someone manages to do a "kid brother of magical girl team" story one day since I dig that idea.

>All of those religious implications with gem structures from season 1
>Literally only visited later in a flashback taking place through a book
>Actual purpose never explained, secular or otherwise
>"Missions" just stop even though season 1 strongly implied that they had been the norm for years
Man season 1 had a lot of different aspects that the later series just forgot. Even the color pallet was more subdued. It's honestly surreal watching season 1 episodes now because it just feels like a completely different show with radically different intentions than what we actually got.

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They even forgot to include gems in townie episodes and make them interesting

You know what's even worse? Rebecca sugar drew ed edd n eddy porn before making Steven universe.

That was a request she did for a drawthread from where no less.

The gems were originally meant to be goddesses instead of aliens. You can even see Genndy Tartokovsky refer to them as such in his feedback notes on Sugar's first pitch (the same ones where he told her to give Steven powers instead of just having him be their non-powered errand boy). The fantasy motifs in the early show make a LOT more sense with that context, since a lot of it was probably designed before they decided to switch to a more sci-fi setting.

She drew porn of fictional characters, oh the horror!

Steven Universe is Yas Forumsrona.

People still talk about gravity falls, so don't expect talk of SU the to go away soon, while there were some half baked ideas the show was still good.

Proof of this?

I thought lapis meant the state of the planet as the crystal gems were also shocked how it was split, it was not about the tech.