Maxima retconned her entire planet by making it where it was created and powered by lesbians and men came and stole...

>Maxima retconned her entire planet by making it where it was created and powered by lesbians and men came and stole that power, turning it into a heterosexual society

This is real.

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>From a Wonder Woman comic
Why am I not surprised

Thanks to fag Steve Orlando.

Wait, wasn't Maxima that redhead that was super thirsty for the Supercock? Kept hounding the guy and saying how they would mae the most powerful babies?


Not anymore, major retcon.

The retcon I remember was the Supes Maxima was an imposter who stole the name and this lesbian Maxima is the true one. Also it's a title or some shit.

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The other maxima if anyone is curious

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What wonderful author blessed us with this wonderful character assassination?

>Those damn lesbian aliens! This makes me angry!

> alternate, adult Maxima who resembles the more traditional pre-Flashpoint version of the character in both appearance and personality later showed up as a villain. The adult Maxima is a former Almeracian soldier who kidnapped the younger Maxima and stole her name after believing that the girl's unwillingness to deny her homosexuality by taking on a male partner made her unworthy of her royal title and heritage. The new Maxima was later defeated and imprisoned by the combined might of Supergirl, Superwoman and the younger Maxima.[13]

From Wikia.

>Maxima is now a lesbian
Oh fuck you with a rake! Her character was trying to fuck Superman because she deemed him a worthy mate!

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I fucking hate it when a character is abruptly revealed to be an "impostor" and the "true" character, who's completely different and might as well be a whole new character, appears and replaces it. Didn't they also try to pull that shit with New 52 Lobo?

>Lesbian Aliens! The one topic I must defend at all costs or all of society will break down!

Yep. Luckily classic Lobo stuck around while the nuLobo got locked up by Braniac and never heard from again.

There was literally one good story about that and afterwards it just made Maxima a one dimensional "I will follow orders and suggestions from men I want to fuck but never will because it would conclude my character arc"

Is that supposed to prove she's a good character?

Look I'm not going to pretend that Maxima was this nuanced character or anything, but I take offense to completely rewriting a character to pander to /u/faggots, especially since lesbians are more commonplace than fucking Marvel mutants and thus cliche as all hell. So yeah, fuck this.

The fucked up thing is that Maxima was created to sort of be a parody of those terrible characterization of Wonder Woman where all Wonder Woman wants is to corrupt Superman into a power hungry despot and make babies with him because Superman's the strongest. So the fact that during the New 52 when Wonder Woman was in fact reverted to this awful characterization as a norm DC felt the need to "fix" Maxima, but not Wonder Woman.

It's like if DC tried to fix Deathstroke by making him an effective hero and awesome dad while keeping on portraying Batman as a fuck-up and child abuser.

>B-but the character was never good in the first place!

Bullshit, she went on to join a version of the justice league and had several good stories after her initial appearance.

>but I take offense to completely rewriting a character to pander to /u/faggots

As opposed pandering to /s/faggots?

>It's like if DC tried to fix Deathstroke by making him an effective hero and awesome dad while keeping on portraying Batman as a fuck-up and child abuser.
DC literally did this during the Tom King mess, by way of Christopher Priest's Deathstroke run.

And what was her primary motivation? Following whatever hot dudes she "respected" told her to do.

lets say she is not. rework her in the preexisting outline or let her die. This is like having someone use another person as a skin suit.

When stupid gaijins try to imitate people of culture and fails because their brains are flooded with propaganda.

Oh so your admitting it has nothing to do with her being a "one dimensional" character and its all about politics? I'm shocked! shocked!

What's the motivation of current Maxima? Wanting to be gay back on her planet and not being able to? Well, now she can. What's her purpose now? She's just as one-note now, if not more.

>rework her in the preexisting outline or let her die

They reworked her in Supergirl, and the Wonder Woman story was just a continuation of that revamp.

I hope you're just baiting and not buying this horseshit

And both were shitty.

Being a woman who was motivated solely by finding someone to fuck and make babies with is being one dimensional.

Whoever wrote the Nu52 Supergirl book because that is where she came from

And that's your argument against it? That she followed sucking superman's advice so somehow that makes anything she did wrong?

>A women who is sexually aggressive and knows what she wants frightens me!

Why am I not surprised?

Wait, does this nigga just despise all women for desire to be mother? This is misogyny.

I said it made her one dimensional, as a fictional character. She was fun in her original debut story. But every story after that basically repeated the same story beats, even when she became a "normal" hero and her reasoning became "I want to fuck you and that's why I want to win your respect because apparently we can't just bone and get it done with"

>writers tired of seeing Wonder Woman being paired with Superman romantically and having her entire character raped to make the pairing work decided to come up with an OC to put a stop to it
>Maxima originally behaves exactly the same Wonder Woman used to whenever paired to Superman - a cock-hungry sadistic lady warrior who wanted to rule the world beside the strongest mate possible AKA Superman
>during the New 52 relaunch DC decided that the original Maxima was too toxic and sexist of a character, and decided to change her into a poor and misunderstood woman who wants to be gay, but can't because her society wants her to breed with the strongest mate possble
>this while the actual Wonder Woman had her entire character raped in several books because she at the time happened to be paired with Superman and was back to be portrayed as a cock-hungry sadistic warrior who dated Superman because he was the strongest

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She only did it because she wants to fuck him and thought if she played ball and followed what Superman told her she would eventually win his respect and get to make babies with him. Because her character was still dominated by one dimensional "fuck and breed" mentality.

its not a rework in the preexisting outline if you flip her sexuality and dump her main motivation. its like a catwoman that does not steal

>its like a catwoman that does not steal

You mean whenever she was a hero, not a thief?

I find that interesting. its like an orbiter guy but a woman.
human history trembles before your wisdom. it not like alliances and self interest make for good dramas.

Explain this shit . Maxima served a function. She shielded Wonder Woman.

>can't because her society wants her to breed with the strongest mate possble
and how did they deal with this? oh just tell the society that the kingdom was founded by gays, surely that will flip their world view in seconds or be somehow relevant to current issue.

>implying she did not steal then

>Intergalactic conqueror decides to take mates they like by force and have to be defeated.
>Bad when a women does it.

It's a staple of the genre, why is it suddenly not good enough a motivation when we have one of the few female examples of the archetype?

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Yas Forumsmblr really is the worst board...
When did trannies and faggots invaded? When SU threads stopped being deleted?

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So its bad when a woman villain does it? Fuck you

In the story she tells Wonder Woman that she learned that the first king and queen of her planet were actually a queen and a disguised queen, and that this knowledge can help change her society so she can finally be lesbian. Wonder Woman helps her by basically bulldozing the place and forcing them to accept NuMaxima's lesbianism. The end.

Oh, and the comic for some reason referenced the SMWW debacle from New 52 that everyone tried to pretend it didn't happen, which i find hilarious.

So is she supposed to be a Jean Grey/Phoenix knockoff?
>Red head
>Green and yellow colors
>psychic based powers

I'm tempted just to post male counterparts and just ask why does the female version bother you so?

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She's a Wonder Woman knockoff. You know, a parody of Wonder Woman from comics like Kingdom Come, Dark Knight Strikes Again, INJUSTICE, and so on.

Why is it always fucking lesbians? I'm so tired of everything being lesbians.

so what I said.

Dude, there are so many Jean grey knockoffs that it's hard to differentiate anymore.

whats that hairy space guys name that tries to bang powergirl?

out of all the options I think lesbians is the best. would you like her to be asexual ?


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Yes you stupid dyke.

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Unironically yes

Mainly as more of an excuse to post more Ming, I want to delve into this comparison more.

Intergalactic/dimensional/fantasy warlord who wants to force a marriage on a unwilling suitor they decided was worthy of themselves is a stable of comics and science fiction. It may very well be "one dimensional" but suddenly that's something to care about? That's a criticism? You never seemed to care before and yet, when its a woman doing it, its suddenly a bad thing?

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You just called your mother one dimensional. What's wrong with you?

Because Maxima didn't stay a villain, she was turned into a hero, yet still retained those core traits. That's the problem when you make a character that has entirely one-note core motivation to a reoccurring character.

But she was entertaining.

When will he be "improved" into a homosexual bear that turns villains into claymation figures for his dramatic films that explore the human soul?

Because in his twisted psyche all women should be kind and lesbian. This is a clear consequence of the over-idealization.

You don't realize that treating women as breeding machines is sexist, huh? Ming is a villain, his actions are meant to be bad. And Maxima did not remain a villain, she was turned into a hero who was a regular Justice League member. Yet her breeding obsession remained a part of her character that kept being brought back.

Artemis served that purpose better, and had more nuance to boot.

Artemis didn't want to fuck Superman, though.

Oh so she showed more character development by actually listening to her chosen mates advice and when it failed reverted to form is suddenly bad? And both examples I used are reoccurring characters.

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>And Maxima did not remain a villain, she was turned into a hero who was a regular Justice League member. Yet her breeding obsession remained a part of her character that kept being brought back.
Because she was a parody of the shitty Wonder Woman that's always used for the SMWW ship. Without the Superman obsession the parody doesn't work.

and? you can be heroic but also sexually pushy? maybe she should not be a hero, maybe its time to flip her back like the riddler. What can you explore with heroic Maxima who does not fuck that you could not explore with starfire?