Watched The Sword in the Stone today for the first time since I was a kid. This part was so sad...

Watched The Sword in the Stone today for the first time since I was a kid. This part was so sad. Why couldn't they just transform her into a human?

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Whoops meant this part

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I liked the thick squirrel.
enjoy and cry at what couldve been

But the little squirrel was so sad when Arthur turned into a human and left :(

This is great, thank you user.

>Arthurian legend, ala Lovecraft, legally has no official canon - making any & all relating works a valid extension of said canon
Tldr the Yas Forums Hazel au is equally as canon an epilogue to the story as the original text of him fighting Saxons & getting cucked

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here you go

My favorite part of Arthurian legend is how the French put in a self insert mary sue knight who legit cucks King Arthur himself, but is pretty much always considered canon now.

Okay, I was gonna ask which you were talking about, the Sword, or the Stone, but you clarified it.
and if you just answered neither or no, I’d say something about the anvil.

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this pedo-bait got boring years ago, and the proof of it is that the only one still going along is that one pedo artist that also hasn't gotten any good at drawing all these years
call me when you do something similar with this case in point

Turn Excalibur into a human? Are thou mad?!!

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Why haven't they made an anime with this premise?

You know, I'm honestly surprised Fate hasn't done this yet. Maybe Grand Saber will literally be the fucking sword.

Where? The only humanized Excalibur is know of is this fucking thing.

Attached: Excalibur_Render.png (340x379, 45.72K)

I prefer to post in threads about things I like, but to each their own.

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post mim, madam mims

Mims out, sorry kid.

The sword is male the sheath is female.

Why couldn't Fate just have been normal Arthur but a cute girl and not have all that weird stuff about magic cum and "oooh, I'm a powerful king and dorky Japanese teenagers makes me so hot."

The honest answer is that it wouldn't have sold nearly as well if they didn't.


Maybe. But at least it wouldn't have been as dumb.

Fate always struck me as some sort of rpg game they came up with, with its detailed convoluted magic system and stats, but then they realized nobody would buy it unless it had some hook so they swapped proto-Arthur to be a chick and made it a porn game.

>rpg game

please tell me you didnt watch the blu ray "remaster"

At least the squirrel isnt a cheating whore. Lancelot cucks him, Mordred cucks him. All of them have guenevere in common. Hazel would at least be grateful


"You're right, it is kind of stupid." Nasu admits laying in a giant pile of millions of dollars.

That's Caliburn in the Stone.

What makes you think she wanted to be human?

>people drawing her as a small child

Remember she was looking for a mate, so technically she was an adult.

Medieval times. Being Wart's age DID make you someone looking to get married. Practically one foot in the grave!

>Why couldn't they just transform her into a human?
The sword?

that's not excalibur

Depends of the source.

what the wtf is wrong with that phrase?

It really doesn't.

RPG = Role Playing Game.

>Role Playing Game Games

Early marriage was mostly for nobility, and Warts situation as Sir Ectors ward was a bit complicated.
Also everyone in this thread needs to drop whatever it they are doing and go read The Once and Future King.

What are you talking about user? Everything is ok as far as I'm concerned.

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ATM Machine.
PAC Code.

a rewatch of this film made me realize how condensed the story is, and how poor the transitions between seemingly non-sequitor sequences


That and Copyright

Intent was pretty clear in terms of her being a squirrel of about the same age that Wart was as a squirrel. Come on.

>_________ but as a cute girl
So fucking original, Japan.

You're 15 years too late to complain about it.

I like how another Frenchman then decided to turn that Mary Sue into a loser who everyone hates just to introduce his own Mary Sue, who everyone loves (including God himself) and can't help but say how much cooler he is than the first Sue.

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Are you talking about Galahad?

Who else would fit the description?

Because Excalibur is a sword, a phallic object, so naturally Excalibur is male. So Arthur can't get with him because Arthure marries and later gets cucked with Guinevere.

Just making sure.

>Remember she was looking for a mate, so technically she was an adult.
She's already a squirrel and not a human. It's not like you couldn't also make her young instead of old while you're at it.

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I would eat out a thicc squirrel.