Fuck Azula
Marry TyLee
Kill Mai
Fuck, marry, kill?
Fuck Ty Lee
Marry Azula
Murder Mai with Azula’s guidance
Kill them all and then kill Avatar fans. Your series is a piece of faux anime shit.
Only correct option
Marry Azula
make Ty Lee and Mai into concubines
impregnate all of them
Which one do you think fucks the best?
Asking for a friend
Do you guys agree, that ATLA would have been much better if it were told from Zuko's POV?
Then we could minimize the screentime for all the annoying characters, and give it all to the two good characters.
Now this is the gameplan right here.
Marry Mai and fuck the other two while she watches
How about an Azula skin for Wraith in Apex Legends
lel that wasn't for you but i'll say mai is definitely the worst and most likely to just lay there like a dead fish
ty lee vs azula probably just comes down to taste
Friendly reminder that Azula is a canon femcel while Ty Lee is a gymnast/acrobat.
Ty Lee is the objective "fuck" choice.
The kids call this a trad wife.
fuck ty lee
marry azula
kill mai
why are crazy girls so hot?
Azula probably fucks like crazy
Absolutely based
Ty Lee unquestionably, those acrobatics and ki manipulation would make her a paragon.
Azula would be wild but too selfish to be good, and Goth girl is a textbook deadfish
Same as you OP.
Ultimately though I think Mai would like me more than the other two.
It’s not like Azula would have sex with weaklings/fatfucks like us guys
You need to look like pic related to stand a chance
this fits azula better
The firelord has the peak male body
Yas Forumstard azula KEK
Ty Lee is the most flexible, energetic, and physically capable of the three. She's probably a nympho as well and would want to fuck more than you do.
>Take of your shirt user, we are at the beach!
What do?
impregnate azula
human flesh light ty-lee
kill mai
Dont talk about her like that.
*Takes of shirt and slap my belly*
You guys brought anything to eat?
>Takes off her shirt
Wow, you're right, I like the beach.
360 and walk away
hard to decide whos the worse pig between Mai and Katara
Take off my shirt to reveal my average body. Offer to rub some lotion on her. I'm pretty sure she would say yes.
Mai is weak to anal
yes we already know that Azula had a major electra complex.
>kill Mai
Why does Yas Forums have the worst taste? Mai is a canon alpha female, she told Azula to fuck off and then told Zuko to fuck off when he was becoming a scroteless Azula.
Take out shirt because, despite being kinda autistic, I have a muscular body
you would be facing her again you fucking retard
mai is a clout chasing dishonorable ho
Comics are not canon and the faggot who wrote that shit can suck a big fat dick
wait, WHAT????????????????????????????????
She and Ty Lee are the only members of ATLA who didn't end up a scowling miserable old person. Azulafags, your waifu is literally in an asylum smearing shit on the walls.
her personality is literally the boring stick in the mud bitch.
her voice is disgusting. the last thing i want is to listen to her selma diamond ass voice for more than a minute.
Based and redpilled
Best girl is still the most talked about ATLA character after 12 years, mai isn't even a character
She dunked on an entire generation of fat teen girls and they never got over it 10+ years later.
Goddamn Ty Lee looks hungry
nobody likes katara.
>only time you can even talk to your waifu is during approved visiting hours
Nice pick Azulafag, lmao
i like images of these three in different styled outfits, anyone got moar?
...theyre not real, user
She wants the Water Tribe schlonge
Even abs wouldn't be enough, you'd need power and influence as well.
I don't think it should have been focused on Zuko but there should have been more episodes focused on Zuko, that or each episode had more time dedicated to Zuko. It would also have been nice if the invasion of the fire nation happened earlier and Zuko joined the group earlier.
I feel like Zuko didn’t stay in the fire nation for that long
I wish we would have seen Zuko having more interaction with Ozai, maybe some scenes about Zuko training firebending with his father and Azula
you fuckers need to update this game
I kill nobody because I married all of them.
The third season was interesting in that it represented the best and worst aspects of the show. I appreciate how the writers were trying to show life in the fire nation trough some of the earlier episodes but it would have been much better if Zuko was the focus of those episodes.
I admire your persistence; Mai is by far the least popular avatar girl, and that has got to sting.
i would like to have seen training scenes too
you are just wrong, there was not enough of zukos time back in the fire nation. It seemed like it because there were a lot of episodes that passed when he was there but most of those were pointless filler.
Honestly, why is Haru even in that chart. His own episode wasn't even that interesting and every appearance he made after that had no effect on the story. If you are going to bother including him you might as well include secret tunnel guy and cabbage man, they had about as much relevance.
>want to make delicious SFM with crazy haired azula.
>Her crazy hair bodygroup is missing her hair bun
>Many autisms kicks in and can't bother to do it.
Life sucks.
Its just funny to hate on him.
fuck mai
marry mai
dont kill anyone because they are my wife's friends and that would be mean
They could have just dropped the filler, shown more of Zuko's life back in the fire nation and still had the invasion happen earlier.
>make sphere
>shape the verts so it looks like a bun
>add the same texture as the hair
>constrain to head
I r not kno how 2 making the 3D modelins.