Good evening owls,
let's hope things work better tonight
Good evening owls,
let's hope things work better tonight
Other urls found in this thread:
1) tonight's Met offering is one of the two great Catholic operas of the 20th century
2) let's try to all be kind to each other because the world is shitty right now
Lobo looking more familiar on that cover.
Hello, Storyteller.
Ah, War of the Gods. It's almost good.
Can't help but notice that the female members of L.E.G.I.O.N are typically the ones who consistently have little to no tolerance for Vrils shit and are eager to call him on his bullshit. Granted, this may be because they outnumber the gents and get the most character focus(LOSH spin off and all), but it's still there.
I remember you talking about this before and saying it was emotionally devastating so I'm going to reserve watching it for some chill time tomorrow.
What's the other great Catholic opera of the 20th century?
Furious I’m gonna have to work and miss that Nixon in China opera
Hi thread! Still on the front lines
Messiaen, Saint Francois d'Assise
which is a MUCH harder go than Carmelites
also that's a good choice, I bawl like a goddamn baby at the end of this one every single time
fun fact: it's really meant to be sung in the vernacular
Also ALERT next week Thursday is the Parsifal, which has some PCR art devoted to it, sooooo
Carmelites is often done by students because it has only minor male roles, and nothing in it is exceptionally vocally difficult (just an interpretive mountain)
Nixon is SO GOOD
>Why are my minions individuals who don't conform to my every whim, what the fuck?????
Tenth level intelligence, folks.
Also, I love Stealth. She's such a sassy eldritch nightmare creature.
I've booked tonight, that and Macbeth at the end of the week to watch.
The other lesser-known gem of a work is Fanciulla but that cast is not up to it
>Why did they all like Lyrissa, but not me?
I dunno dude. Maybe it's because Lyrissa was nice to them and didn't treat them like shit. Like, even with the excuse that he grew up in seclusion, connect the fucking dots.
>My crossover sense is tingling!
btw if I start sniffling or something it's the opera, this one always gets me
Poor Telepath. He's a good boy, and does not deserve this.
Speaking of good boys. Both the writing and the art is going out of its way to make Billy maximum innocent.
That was Brereton's style. Everyone got huuuge
fun fact, this issue is included in the "75 Years of Captain Marvel" hardcover
The War of the Gods issues of InzaFate and The Demon weren't bad either.
The latter got it bad later though, because Byrne decided to specifically discard parts of it when he went full retcon-city on Etrigan
I don't know why, but Billy's wholesomeness here is hilarious to me.
>Do they sell milkshakes?
Really? I mean, granted, milkshakes are delicious, but still.
Hey OP. This series needed more Cheese.
Taco Bell is apparently gig in away Quarantacos tomorrow. As a Texan, I expect you have Feelings about this.
If 90's Lobo can practice proper hygiene then Americans today haven't got even a shadow of an excuse not to wash their fucking hands unless they don't have water access.
Oh dear. Kitson's getting Liefeldy.
I'm trying to remember how I heard about Carmalites. I know it was the CBC but I can't remember if it was an interview with an opera singer or if someone adapted it as a movie or book or something.
i'm wondering if Veracruz All-Natural is open for takeout ;___;
I think they did it not that long ago--it's adapted from a novel
Him losing the one sleeve off his jacket was he start of him becoming LOBO.
>Billy is so wholesome, he drives Lobo to drink
Yo, this issue rules.
This comic is taunting me with the Stealth Phase ship.
last panel exploitable
Oh, Vril. You don't know how to control people without literally programming them, do you? A shame your dad never taught you interpersonal skills.
YEAH! Fuck him up, Billy! Show that bully what for.
Why resist?
>Parsifal, which has some PCR art devoted to it, sooooo
An Opera, a Comic, AND A Paladin? It's the OP trifecta!
finished Johns' Hawkman today (complete with Black Reign JSA issues).
That shit rocked as a popcorn action movie.
I need to re-read his main JSA stuff now that I have an Infinity Inc/All Star background to it.
we did that once--there are all these bits that hit a lot harder when you know what they're digging into
also great job to Rags Morales, who did a fantastic job with different body types during it.
The issue with Kendra + Stargirl + Peeg, all with very different body types, was good.
Lobo, you'd better treat Telepath okay!
>make Billy maximum innocent.
The best way to write Billy.
Dat oddly drawn and lopsided ass.
Also, very tiny hand and oversized arm and torso.
Byrne? Retconning other people's work? That sounds out of character for him.
Oh god, Vril Dox: Green Lantern woulda been hilarious.
He and the Guardians butting heads over who the biggest control freak is would've been comedy gold!
It's always an Iwajima reference.
Y'know, with how controlling editors are, you'd think they'd at some point crack down on that shit and make the writers sit down and pick a fucking direction. Or at least tell the egotists to stop damaging continuity with pointless retcons.
Read R.E.B.E.L.S. user.
oh man this asshole