Why is quorra so perfect?

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>ywn experience this

Attached: tron legacy end.webm (1280x544, 2.99M)

Don't worry user, it isn't that hard to get a motorcycle liscense.

It hurts

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>Tron: Uprising Season 2 fucking never

Attached: Tron Quorra.jpg (1920x1081, 182.51K)


>tron 3 never

Digimon girls are either hot as fuck or cute as heck. In Quorra's case, she's both.

I have but from her point of view since I'm too scared to drive a motorbike myself

reminder if humans eat normal food inside the Tron computer world then she needs to eat the weird computer food in the real world which she wont have access to and will starve

All the food in the game world was simulated, nobody was giving flynn supplies for 20 years


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The implication of that scene was you could just build a digital wife and make her a real person and yet that world wasnt filled with monster girls , video game girls, futas, giantess, short stacks etc

quit reminding me you piece of shit

She was in Kingdom HEarts and therefore is a tramp slut

I thought she was enjoying seeing the sunrise for the first time like she always dreamed of

Wilde was at her peak. It's a shame her career went nowhere.

She was in House, right?

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Post more cartoon-style art of her, please, user. At least something I can enjoy while drinking myself to death


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Many thanks user

Cute but why did she paint avatar stripes in nail polish on them?

Youre welcome

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How to get Quorra gf?

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1.develop sentient AI
2.develop matrix tier VR

You need that 3d matter/data conversion scanner and profile bio for your waifu

Is that even possible?


no it wasnt she was the last of her kind

>I could be shitposting on ENCOM's forums right now.webm

What happened to them?


jeff bridges blew them up

Whats this meme?

maybe avatars evolved from olivia wilde's feet

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I'm not the only one that thinks these things are hot as fuck right? Only reason I saw the movie.

No you arent

What do you call that hair-style? Just a bob? It's super cut.

Then where's all the giant blue cat people porn?

Google it

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Believe me, I used to all the time and still do every once in a while to see what's new. There isn't a lot.

Reminder that in this kino jeff bridges fights jeff bridges on a bridge that bridges 2 worlds

What was his name again?

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God I hope so.

Putting a woman who I both care about and is going to usher in a new age for mankind that changes everything on the back of a motorcycle with NO HELMET OR OTHER GEAR.

fuck you Yas Forums. my heart hurts. she's perfect.

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Damn this movie deserved a better reception than it got

It's a bob. There's not really a more specific way of describing it. If you're asking for yourself you're better off showing the hairdresser a picture

>All of these beta simps browsing my Alpha erotic Taiwanese moving pictures forum

Attached: No.....Just No Bro.webm (608x336, 2.95M)

Reminder that sam was supposed to caught quorra naked after dinner with flynn but it was scrapped and it's only briefly mentioned in the behind the scenes stuff

Fanservice aside that cut makes complete sense because WHY would computer programs EVER need to be naked?

Alternatively: WHY would computer programs EVER need to be clothed?

why do they even have human forms, for that matter?

>If you're asking for yourself you're better off showing the hairdresser a picture
I like character writing, but sometimes flounder on how to describe the differences between half a dozen short hairstyles without resorting to technical styling terms.

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shoulder length hime cut

or chin length