>Alfred is gay
>Bruce Wayne is Asian and Jewish
>Martha Wayne was the one who actually made all of the money
>Batman vs Selina vs Joker love triangle

This is the GREATEST thing to happen to DC in years!

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Damn OP, first Marvel now DC, how may dicks can you suck at the same time?

>superhero story before any actual superhero/villain elements show up
>tell story before interesting parts actually begin

This sounds bad from a conceptual standpoint

Just another way to prove that Batman works in absolutely every setting. This time, highschool teen romance. What will they think up next?

Why is it such a fucking sin for them to branch off into other genres and demographics? Don't get me wrong, Marvel fucking utterly failed with the entire Snowflake/Safespace characters but this one is not even that bad. It's for teens, so what? Not for you. Besides, I don't think kids/teens will get into this one they'll just read a traditional Batman comic if they wanted to.

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who wins the love triangle

>love triangle,

what a shitty writing style

>writing style

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joker x bruce and selina turns into a dyke

>it's for teens, not like regular comic books
delusional capeshitter

damnit, I am retarded, still a shitty trope

thanks for correcting me user

Do you actually consider this branching out? It’s still Batman characters in a school setting now. It reeks of DC cashing in on MHA’s popularity. Actually branching out would mean creating an entirely new story disconnected from the capeshit. If only DC had an imprint for that. Oh wait.

>Implying Zoomers give a shit about this

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The story plays out pretty poorly, Catwomen is written as a sociopath according to the reviews
most people complained about the lack luster ending

>Bruce is a Supreme Gentleman

>Bruce is usually of Scottish descent
>Let's make him Asian and a Jew

Doesn't Batman already have Jewish characters? Harley Quinn and Batwoman. And Asain characters? Lady Shiva and Cassandra Cain. It seems kinda lazy to ignore them and make Bruce one of them. But whatevs.

They'll watch edgy Archie and spooky Sabrina, though.

>DC cashing in on MHA’s popularity
You are delusional.

And I know some people think Martha Kane was Jewish. But idk if that's truly canon. My points still stands. Also the trope of "Beloved X character. But they're in High School!" is almost never good.

Bruce was made Jewish like 4 years ago.

This is a YA novel

DC has already released many before

>And I know some people think Martha Kane was Jewish. But idk if that's truly canon.
She's NOT! GodFUCKINGdammit she's NOT! Bruce's mother's BROTHER married a JEWESS and CONVERTED to kikism.

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>Besides, I don't think kids/teens will get into this one they'll just read a traditional Batman comic if they wanted to.
Its funny because their YA books are bigger successes than their comic books nowadays

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Why do you care

>Asian and Jewish
Which asian? Is he Chinese AND Jewish? Dios mio...

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>chinese and jewish

Thats like Double the greed

Herro, never froget tha 6 mirrion

>Bruce Wayne is Asian and Jewish
For some reason it reminded me of that Super Sons book for kids that has Damian wanting to be called "Ian".

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Hong Kong Asian

too fucking tired


Smallville and Gotham poorly attempted subvert this by making all of the plot relevant events happen over the course of their shows. This led to dumb things like Clark Kent having met and battled his entire rogue’s gallery before even becoming Superman.
It’s always kinda stupid and narratively shortsighted.

>Batman vs Selina vs Joker love triangle

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Gotham was always an amalgamation of different plots from Batman stories mismatched and stitched together, and it was really fucking good. I liked certain changes they made to Bruce's character. It was a fun re imagining of Batman's stories

The epilogue was god awful but that's one episode in 5 seasons.

That games good, its about bros before hoes

Do you remember how many loaves of breads you've eaten in your life?

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Latina names in the author section are always a really good indicator that you want to avoid a work I've found.

Well I have a wheat allergy

So none

I'll give Gotham a pass because unlike Smallville, it was actually fun. Same people make Pennyworth, the comic show no one asked for, that is the best comic show we've had in a decade. Shrugs

High School AUs are a staple fanfiction genre among that demo.

Fags and trannies should never be pandered to.

Exactly this. The "latinas are conservative and redpilled meme" must die. They are somehow even worse than woke liberal dog fucking white women.

why do people always do this? a academy/ high school version or things

to sell the same comic book characters to teen girls

Congrats on outing that you read books aimed at teen girls.

>>Bruce Wayne is Asian and Jewish
>>Martha Wayne was the one who actually made all of the money
Isn't that a bit of a worrying racial stereotype there...?

>These are the kinds of books we should be sad about DC not being able to produce anymore.

Let it all burn until only what is good is left.

well the author says its fun so why isnt it co?

Why are YA novels almost exclusively read by 20-30 year old women?

Because they're still young adults ;^)

>Some random YA GN
>Triggers the fuck out of Yas Forumstards

Women don't mature until they're in their 60s.

it doesn't. one guy is trying to force the narrative that people are really pissed about this. this is the second thread he made about it today.

>Yas Forums
There it is lol
>if people don't like the woke, they must be alt-right nazi larpers from the site known as 4channel!

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Non-plebs will be offended by this

>>Alfred is gay
Anyone annoyed at this doesn't read comic books.

Nobody is triggered, people just think it looks stupid. man and

Where did I say you have to like it? I just don't understand why you give a shit about some nothing YA GN. It's not the main canon or anything, it's a literal children's book.

>thread for comic on Yas Forums
>make a post in it
>like why do you care so much user it isn't made for you fucking nazi reeee

But user, we have to be upset at absolutely everything all the fucking time.