Which one will get racebent first?

which one will get racebent first?

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daphne, she's a redhead.

Jinkies mah nigga

The ginger

velma will be black and weigh an extra hundred pounds

Velma was already made Asian.


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Fred was already played by a Puerto Rican man in the live action movies.

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Isn't she Hispanic in the new CG movie?

Dunno, but I guess that Fred would be the first do be orientation-bent.
Because he loves traps.

imagine believing this is a problem or something to be up in arms about

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Velma's literally already getting it in Scoob!, she's hispanic now with a hard-on for Ruth Bader Ginsberg


Velma most likely, or Fred, one of the two more upstanding kids turned into a minority to act as a role model. Shaggy will always be a white guy unless there's another race swap, lest they portray anyone other than the white guy as being a dimwitted coward

Velma for some reason, became Asian.

Velma was already asian

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asian and adorable

exhibit A

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>lesbian jesus
what a waste of a juicy body

Isn't she half white?


Whichever one you’re gay for the most.

Nah, definitely the dead Arnooki beast.

Why not just create new characters, instead of changing pre existing ones?

This, is always the nerd one, and she will be black.

>which one will get racebent first?
There's been some 'light' racebending already in the live action stuff, but I don't think we'll see that happen in animation.

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So is Indiana Jones.

the problem isn't the race swapping, is the shitty fucking writing that develops when identity politics is the driving force behind the story.

exhibit B: pic related. no one hated this kingpin.

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>the problem isn't the race swapping, is the shitty fucking writing that develops when identity politics is the driving force behind the story.

Actors are actors. If your reasoning for the choice is "this person is the best choice for the role" then that's a perfectly acceptable answer. If you start babbling about how you're trying to break down barriers and how comics are a whitey space that needs demolished, you can fuck off.

Bad example. Nu-ra is garbage.

because unironically there's too many white characters in media and changing one in the name of diversity isn't actually a cause for controversy, hell, it's considered to be such a non issue because none of the characterization or personality of these characters are tied to their race. Shaggy could be black and still be a pg-13 70's notpothead who gets the munchies-character trope.

there's also the omnipresent fact that audiences want to see themselves in fictional characters and this unavoidably sheds a light on the fact that most of the popular characters in fiction and genre are white because in recent history such fiction has perpetuated the view of white male heterosexual superiority as the human ideal obviously not all of them, most of the majority of white male heterosexual creative types just wanted to see themselves as heroes with no intention of perpetuating that status quo and this can be a roadblock for certain audiences and from a business viewpoint you don't want that because you want everyone to consume your product but from a moral standpoint it's the good thing to do, which influences 99% of the reasons why such changes happen in the first place.

so if you see someone saying that the do this for woke or sjw points they're probably just being fucking stupid or outright lying.

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you didn't answer his question.

I'm black, I'd rather not be given the fictional equivalent of sloppy seconds. We want more Blade, more Luke Cage, more Black Panther, War Machine, Falcon, Cyborg, John Stewart, Spawn etc. Most people who aren't white and aren't obsessed with Twitter don't want these classic characters race-swapped because we like the characters as is, we grew up with them just like everybody else. The answer to more representation isn't taking what already exists and fucking with it, it should instead be about creating new cool characters who are from different races and backgrounds that EVERYBODY can enjoy.

That last point seems to be difficult for modern comic creators anyway, since two of the latest additions to my ethnic group are Snowflake and Safespace. I know my friends are totally lining up to buy that shit, absolutely none of them were howling in the Discord chat when they were announced about how retarded this garbage was.

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fuck you, nigger. write your own characters and quit making white characters into shitskins. why is this so hard to understand?

there's no question to answer because they do create new characters instead of changing old ones. when news broke of Spider-Man being a a half latino half black kid they didn't change Peter Parker, they created Miles Morales. same deal with every character that's technically still Peter Parker but not an awkward jewish white male like Pavitr Prabhakar or Peni Parker.

that's ok but that's still your opinion and it doesn't count for everyone. obviously a lot of black people like Spider-Man and Peter Parker just as is. but could most of them, namely the young and more impressionable audience prefer a Spider-Man that looks like them? yes, they would. that's where Miles comes in.

that's exactly how Spider-Man became so popular, because he was an awkward nerdy white boy who looked like he would read comic books, because he looked just like its readers and it gave them a power fantasy.

>why is this so hard to understand?
because your mouth is full of shit.

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>because he was an awkward nerdy white boy who looked like he would read comic books, because he looked just like its readers and it gave them a power fantasy.
Right, except Miles in the comics isn't anything like that, or at least that was never the impression I got from him. Your comparison doesn't make sense to me because Miles has seemingly never faced the same social stigmas as Peter during his every-day life. The reason black kids like myself related to Peter was because he was a nerdy dweeb who got picked on.

>the majority of white male heterosexual creative types just wanted to see themselves as heroes with no intention of perpetuating that status quo

fuck you. the saying "write what you know" exists for a reason. white guys don't know what it's like to be black or women and trying to leads to failure and ridicule. neither of which makes money. you want better representation in writing? teach your kids to fucking write. it's too late for the generations who came before you.

then maybe you're just old and square and can't jive with the cool cats and [insert generic whippersnapper slang].

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Yeah but Asians are ok. I just don't like brown people which is the real reason I made this thread.

Nu-ra is trash and so are your opinions

>I'm black
Leave this site immediately

They already did it. Velma is a spic in Scoob. Realistically the least bad racebending they could have done because she still looks the same, just tanned.

You need to browse Yas Forums more, being black and posting your hand with an image of a video game is a meme at this point.

Shut up, faggot. This is Yas Forums. An all white, all conservative website.

Fucking agreed.

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That's a whole lot of words to say "because I'm a racist who can't identify with characters who don't look like me." Get fucked and make your own characters, shitbag.

Go back to Yas Forums, Yas Forums, Yas Forums

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Yas Forums is the best sub on this site, shitskin

>writes like an edgy underaged dipshit
>can't understand why people don't agree with his ideals
tick tock Yas Forumstard,
tick tock

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Man, black women would be a lot more attractive if they weren't so fat.

so "things are bad" because black and female writers are influenced by decades of fiction and genre dominated by cis white males writers trying and failing to write black and female characters correctly?

the solution should be then MORE "write what you know" as in employing more black and female writers and let them produce honest writing that's informed by their experiences rather than what they learned reading comics.

sounds like what's happening today sooo what were we talking about?

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Because it's not. What's happening is they're taking white make characters, altering them and then insisting they're superior this way. Because white men aren't allowed to exist or have their own things.

Stop being deliberately obtuse. If the reverse process was happening, you'd be bitching about it.

>which one will get SCOOBED.COM first?

Michael Clarke Duncan could have played Kitty Pryde in the 2000 X-Men movie and no one would've had a problem with it.

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> fuck you. the saying "write what you know" exists for a reason. white guys don't know what it's like to be black or women and trying to leads to failure and ridicule.

This has always been a stupid argument. Just because you've experienced something doesn't mean you will be a good writer.

Ironically women can write decent male characters but tend to write terrible female characters. They tend to be too perfect.

>and then insisting they're superior this way
[citation needed]

>Because white men aren't allowed to exist or have their own things
that is such a fucking lie you disingenuous dickhead.

>Stop being deliberately obtuse
I'm not. I'm just dismissive of your ridiculous pearl-clutching.

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please no!

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