Was she right?
Was she right?
I used to like her before I found out she killed her baby to make a documentary
I remember her original Pocahontas review as the Nostalgia Chick. I wonder how much her views have changed.
She's an e-celeb so, by definition, no
>Lindsey Ellis
>ever right
About Moana being a stealth remake with significantly less real world applicability, yes.
is that hotdogs in the face chick? dam she look 50
>32 fucking minutes to explain why Pocahontas was a mistake
White women, man.
She successfully escaped the rapey shadow of Channel Awesome and rebranded her identity as herself. It's actually worked out for her in the long run; people take her seriously.
And yet Bennet is the only one who is actually in a good place, personally speaking.
She's generally always right, just with a slightly obnoxious layer of modern feminism. Her video on Hunchback of Notre Dame is fantastic, way fucking better than her videos on The Hobbit
>people take her seriously.
no,no they dont
>Calls "The Emperor's new groove" "cultural appropriation".
Linkara seems to be doing well.
Not YOUR people, mind you. The people who make the rules take her seriously.
Nobody takes youtubers with pathetic amounts of views and subs seriously.
Not even the mysterious rule-making people.
It is, that's just not a bad thing.
Cringe,If it isn't bad why does she spends 20 minutes crying about it?
Her numbers are anything but. Not that you truly care. You didn't even watch her videos.
Please tell me she didn’t say that. Cause that sounds retarded.
Yes, she spend 20 minutes complaining about every Disney movie she considers "cultural appropiation".
>assuming a few articles matter
Anita and Zoe made it to the UN and Anita is a nobody, currently, while the latest craze with Zoe was her driving a man to suicide.
Who gives a fuck about whether or not someone gets an abortion. Fuck off faggot.
It was definitely the film that turned the Disney formula into something stale in the eyes of the public. I consider it the beginning of the end for theatrical 2D animation in america. Toy Story coming out the same year didn't help
The child, God, and the people who know you.
If you care about what God thinks you shouldn't be on this pornography site in the first place
Looking at porn vs. slaughtering kids.
better than two hours. fuck hbomberguy and joseph anderson
You realize she goes out of her way to explain it's a neutral term that got politically charged down the line in the video, right?
And abortion is infanticide,Yet she doesn't spend 20 minutes talking about the time she had one.
>today I remind them
Sex bad, murder good.
The Lord doesn't recognize a lesser of two evils.
No because she views everything through feminism which is just as bad for being unbiased as if you viewed everything through christianity.
How come any discussion of Linsey has to get bogged down into christian white mums screeching about abortion.
>It's actually worked out for her in the long run; people take her seriously.
You joking?
Profiting off of another person's death is usually considered a dick move.
is not rocket science to assume an aborter woman must be a cunt bitch
Because abortion is an unforgivable trait in a woman. More so if she did it because she wanted to focus on her work. It's a symbol of natural good losing to artificial evil.
>christian white mums
Good choice, user, don't think about it too much, just call people names and keep yourself from hurtful truths.
>thread on a 2 year old e-celeb youtube video
From a Historical point of view. Defiantly. Disney should have done an adaptation of Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea instead, less baggage and rewriting actual people.
From a story point of view, it's alright.
So hilarious how Yas Forums dweebs have to pretend to care about abortion so they can keep their imagined "counter culture" status
I just like her tits, man.
Based James making Leftoids and Yas Forumsmblr seethe
As far as Bible is concerned, there's really no huge difference. In fact, slaughtering kids is better because that's something God did.
Some autists here still make jokes about Bat Credit Card, something Doug Walker hasn't joked about in 12 years.
Get fucked
>women that abort are cunts
Kill yourself
God did slaughter kids for sacrifice, and he didn’t look at porn
It's the foundation of economics.
>t. cunt
>madame woke
The only people who managed to escape that ideological cesspool were Phelous and maaaaaaaaaaaybe Brad.
Please tell me that Frozen was part of that.
Yeah, and she's right that Moana did basically everything Pocahontas tried to do but better.
Actually no. An infant is someone who has been born. Foeticide is the word you're looking for.
What do you understand you satanist
Pocahontas is about two different groups coaming together and looking past their differences.
Where the fuck is that in Moana?
Shit, I meant coming.
>person's death
This was your mistake. Calling an organism without sentience or thought a “person” makes a mockery of the idea of personhood.
>Seven billion people on this planet
Fuck off, we're full