Bittersweet candy bowl

>when will they finally work this shit out
>at least then we'll have some kind of drama instead of dragging this out

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Is it possible for her to get any worse?

When will this white triangle mouth shit stop

Why do I still waste my time with this?

Oh cool, bitchy Daisy because we need to REALLY SUPER DUPER hammer in the point that Lucy is their god and the center of everything. How DARE Mike disrespect her (by wishing her a happy birthday and heavily handed reminding us he didnt the LAST 102182128124th birthday chapter)

Also cool, Lucy being a turbo cunt by throwing away a present David got her because it was Mike-esque. Does Taeshi and Suit think that this is anything remotely like what real people act like?

Well, that stupid fucking clip of this page is finally released.

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>the gift wasn’t even from mike
For what purpose?
Why is mike pissed on the next page over her trashing his NotGift, will this comic make sense sometime soon?

Blowing both hot and cold with Lucy both seeming to say that Daisy is going too far (but with no force like when she ordered her to stay away from Augustus) but also this yaaas kween bullshit where she proves dominance by being an asshole.

David got a substitute gift to attribute to Mike? What a bizarre idea. Not even comical. Why is it being given now? No one else has given her a gift.

Is that so Lucy can pitch it in the garbage (to totally gtfo that mean ol' mike lmao) and not be as huge of a bitch as to reject a tacit peace offering direct from his hands?

>Lucy's not giving an inch
God I fucking hope Mike doesn't continue to interact with her. Being mad about this page, sure, but what the fuck does he hope to accomplish at this point?

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Mike makes a goodwill gesture and Lucy seems to accept it....but never mind that, here's David to do something that gives Lucy an opportunity to insult Mike.

Mike should just rape every female that stands in his way


Finally, a good post around here.

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Everyone saw this situation coming a mile away and yet somehow the comic found a way to make it even dumber. Incredible.

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Even if you were to argue that Mike shouldn't have said what he did to Daisy, he shouldn't put up with this petty spite with just a "Guh".

It's like when Sue when 100% sour on him because he yelled at her once about the factual truth that she's never acted like a friend and only cares about Lucy.

There is no difference between Daisy and Sue when Mike is involved, now. Lucy's potent Mary Sue field has deleted their personalities.

You will find most characters in BCB simply exist to facilitate Mike x Lucy, sing their praises or simply drift the narrative forward.

The story is half-baked and the secondary/side characters (even Daisy and Paulo) solely have no other purpose than kissing Lucy's fat ass or dunking on Mike.

Its really horrendously cringey if you take note of *every* single instance where Lucy was praised/worshipped/mentioned where it wasn't needed or someone shat on Mike where it wasn't relevant at all. Or perhaps every moment the entire plot shifted to feed into the main characters drama. (I.E. Matt's moment of introspection is stolen by Paulo's cringe-tantrum in the car)

Or hows about everytime the plot never advances from will they/won't they Mike x Lucy while all other plot-threads are completely abandoned.

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I much prefer watching Grey Cat twist in the wind.
It pleases me greatly.

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Remember this page? Paulo should be furious at Mike and Lucy- generally in a horrendous mood all around. He spent the entire day being angry/embaressed/crying.

YET.. Taeshi can't help but make Paulo turn around whining about how he'll never get any of that sweet-sweet-Lucy pussy. Even his comedic levity is quickly shot down because NOBODY talks shit about Lucy.. even people who supposedly dislike her like Daisy.

We get an interlude of him uncharacteristically fogiving Mike out of the blue and wanting to be fwiends again because the status quo desperately has to be reset for the same re-treading of the same ol song and dance drama this comic has been gargling for the past 10+ years.

Because writing is hard!!!1

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>daisy spergs at mike over him talking shit about lucy
>mike bad
>mike spergs at daisy over her talking shit about his girlfriend
>mike still bad for chapters to come
Wow taeshi...good job

Those cats need to get fucked.

You love guzzling lazy pig shit writing apparently.

Could the commissioner get Mike to rape the Joker?

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>next page likely to have no dialogue and is another "mike is silently angry" episode
oh goody

So if this is the page of her punting the gift box in the trash, wouldn't that make the chapter thumbnail having her fish the box back out again?

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Yeah. I originally thought it would be Mike's present and that she would wait until nobody was looking to retrieve it, but if I had to guess she's just going to go get it next page. A gift from David doesn't have enough significance to justify putting it off any later.

Having David give it feels suspiciously like a swerve to make Lucy seem like less of a bitch for chucking it. Like someone told Taeshi how fucked up it was and she edited the page with a quick non-solution. That or it's just clumsy as fuck writing from the get go.

I can buy this, although doing something shitty to David just to spite Mike is arguably even worse. Could she not just let Lucy be a bitch? It's like her defining trait either way.

>having a personality worth deleting to begin with

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>remove any emotional weight from the scene to avoid casting Lucy in a bad light
Yeah, sounds like taeshi

if next comic doesnt have david slapping her im going to be so disappointed

Taeshi's fallen into this writing habit of making most of these pages have some stupid little drama thing EVERY
just to get the people talking on their stupid social media about this mediocre furfag comic and its gotten very apparent these last couple chapters. mike's suddenly in the wrong because lord forbid her self-insert Lucy ever admits that she's acting like a crazy retard. nothing deeper is ever touched on like how Lucy's obsession with mike could be coming from anywhere but "romance uwu". nope. mike rejected her not because she's an unstable bitch, but because he just doesnt truly ~see~ how ~awesome~ she is and look! every page has every character randomly shitting on mike just because lucy exists again.
friends dont act like this. the gang barely seems to exist as a cohesive circle anymore.
and this "will they, won't they" schtick got fucking old by december.
tae we know theyre gonna get together, and youre just padding the comic out since its your only paycheck since your cuck baggage boy cant even support you in any way but kissing your ass for feeding him with your garbage comic and boosting your ego in that stupid fucking mourning month since just like lucy, youre a psychotic bitch.

I'm angry. Angry about cats!

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>some stupid little drama thing EVERY PAGE
This wouldn't even necessarily be bad, but the punches are always pulled. It's like when Paulo called Sandy, it was a big deal but the payoff was just the vague implication that Mike was getting tired of Sandy. They didn't break up or even have a really interesting conversation. And the same thing is going to happen here. Lucy's demonstrated that, in spite of everything, she's still willing to do shitty things to her friends in the name of spiting Mike. And we're not going to get any real payoff for that except that Mike is apparently going to seethe for a while. How he goes from ashamed and submissive to fucking livid in the span of a page, I dare not guess.

Probably a complex situation of (rightfully) being pissed at her yet still holding on to that feeling of guilt that the crazy broad tried to off herself because of him on top of him being wrong that the gang would stick with him. As we have seen when it comes down to the two, the goons will support her.

Obviously he should fuck off away from them but then we wouldn't have drama to get angry about.

I mean if I passed along a gift for someone and the recipient trashed it right in my face, because I was the one handing it over, I'd be pretty pissed too even if I wasn't the one who got it for them.

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Mike didn't pass the gift along. It was a made up gift like "this would be a gift from Mike had he gotten you one" sort of thing as weird as it is. Still a pretty cunt move to trash it right in front of you as it is saying that is how little she thinks of you and if you HAD done it that would have been the response.

So fuck her.

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Somebody post the greentext of Mike unknowingly helping Alejandro.

Don't read this comic

It's really HARD to root for Lucy and her sheep.

Could the previous page have originally meant for Mike to be carrying the blue gift?

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Maybe it was supposed to be something like this?

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Followed by this.

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Hopefully, her learns to let go and move on from them all. Mike starts bettering himself, have a talk with Sandy and the two decided to break up with neither one having no hard feelings, Focus on college or whatever he wants to do in life and just go from there.

The notion that this page has been changed from an earlier version may be strengthened by that David jumps from next to Lucy, handing her a gift, to the middle of the room in the next panel, further from Lucy than Daisy is.

Or it could just be a mistake. But while Taeshi makes mistakes often, is this the kind of mistake she makes?

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I didn't know until I saw this close-up, but Lucy looks like she's about to have a panic attack with the sweat bead there.
Not sure if that's just a normal reaction to David suddenly approaching or her reaction to the "surrogate Mike present".

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>throwing away the gift from the mentally disabled autist with the mind of a 5 year old just to make a "fuck you mike" joke even though Mike is being nice to her

There's a more consistent through-line if Mike originally was supposed to give her the gift; she'd apparently accept it but then chuck it away, proving she was being sarcastic.

Instead we have a third part butting in.

Because Taeshi is putting her bullet list of plotpoints above character consistency. Literal years of non-moving plot to move the pieces into position and she blew all of it.

David's just weird, not retarded.
He's in abbey and daisy's AP english for god's sake.

Absolutely wouldn't doubt it, makes a lot more sense for her to throw it away than if David just hands her some 'weird mike subsistute present' she trashes without a second thought.

BUT user, isn't Lucy SUCH a compelling,relatable and totally sympathetic character? Doesn't she just OOZE charisma? So much so that every single character - even the minor ones have to sing her praises??

It's funny how hard Taeshi wants you to LOVE Lucy and be in her corner but she is such an amazingly horrendous cunt it's near impossible to. There is literally zero good attributes about her. Nothing even remotely interesting or likable.

The harder Taeshi and Suit twist the knife of LUCY GOOD the worse it is.

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It would be kino if she threw the present away simply because making herself the bad guy takes heat off of mike

But I've read enough of BCB shit to know that's probably not the case

Because 3.5 years ago lucy came back and you thought it would lead to BIG STUFF and now here we are years later with barely any changes to the story

You could summarize it to /effort

What could Lucy do that would ever make her the bad guy in the eyes of the other characters (except Mike)? She lied to Paulo about wanting him which ruined his lovelife almost a year and he doesn't even mention it. She lied about not being able to go to Daisy's party but I guess that will never come out.

>3.5 years ago

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Yas Forums is the only interaction I have with anyone who still bothers with this comic. Is the actual fanbase sucking Lucy's metaphorical dick, too?

Is Taeshi actually reading any feedback at all or has she holed herself in a cave and only reads what Suitcase has curated for her?

One of the "big" names in the "official fandom" was mentioning recently how quiet it's been.

I've seen one post on tumblr and one person on facebook who seem to think Lucy's being a bitch. Reddit is just completely dead, I feel bad for the poor sucker who has to update it every time there's a page. Everyone else seems to just conveniently ignore that the gift is from David.

>But I've read enough of BCB shit to know that's probably not the case
Lucy's apparent motivation is all over the map. There's no consistency to it. Sometimes it sounds like she's trying to play martyr after internalizing Mike Was Right. Other times she's sitting by while Mike gets dunked on or fanning the flames herself. The truth is that every character in this comic is fucking bipolar because Taeshi is. She is functionally incapable of writing a consistent personality anymore.

It's not logical, if Taeshi wants Lucy to become the bad guy again she'll just write it so daisy is mad so paulo is mad so david is mad and somehow abbey hears about it and he's mad too

Do not read this comic.

Lucy throwing away a gift from Mike would give him a reason to get angry as he apparently does in the next panel. As is it he's just witnessed a strange spectacle that really has nothing to do with him.

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